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Instruction Plan for a Single Lesson

Name: Ben Sneeringer

Time: 12:45 to 1:15
Group Size:

Date: May 27, 2015

Grade Level: 3

Subject/Topic: Science/Cumulative Review for Exam

Whole Class (19)

3rd Grade: Science
Standard - 3.2.3.A1: Differentiate between properties of objects such as size, shape, and weight
and properties of materials that make up the objects such as color, texture, and hardness.
Differentiate between the three states of matter, classifying a substance as a solid, liquid, or gas.
Anchor Descriptor - S3.C.1.1: Describe the observable physical properties of matter.
Eligible Content: S3.C.1.1.1: Describe matter in terms of its observable properties (e.g., weight,
mass, shape, size, color, texture, state).
S3.C.1.1.2: Classify matter using observable physical properties (e.g., weight, mass, shape, size,
color, texture, state)
S3.C.1.1.3: Classify a substance as a solid, liquid, or gas.
S3.C.1.1.4: Recognize and identify how water goes through phase changes (i.e., evaporation,
condensation, freezing, and melting).
S3.C.1.1.5: Describe how the properties of matter can be changed (e.g., heating, cooling, physical
Standard - 3.2.3.A2: Recognize that all objects and materials in the world are made of matter.
Objectives/Learning Targets:
The students will:
(TSW) review multiple topics in preparation for a cumulative exam.
TSW compare and contrast the three states of matter.
TSW classify substances as solids, liquids, or gases.

Instructional Materials:
Smart Board
Smart Notebook 14
(Macmillan/McGraw-Hill textbook website)
Science in Motion: Particles of a Solid, Liquid, and Gas video

Exam review worksheet

Science textbook
Index cards

To motivate students and focus their attention on the science review, view the Science in
Motion: Particles of a Solid, Liquid, and Gas video. This engaging short video can help
students recognize the key concepts of the Observing Matter chapter and review key
concepts to prepare for the lesson and the upcoming exam. This video will help reinforce
the key attributes of solids, liquids, and gases for students. Remind students they will
need to recall information to complete the next activity, previewing what is to come
within the lesson.
Continue working with matter concepts using the Smart Board Activity Builder.
Students will be called to the Smart Board to complete activities that involve
classifying and differentiating among the three forms of matter. Use the popsicle
system for student participation.
Using the program, students will sort the pictures into their appropriate matter
categories. For example, students must place the picture of a book into the solid
box or the picture of water into the liquid box.
Hand students the created exam review sheet. The review sheet consists of 15
comprehension questions to answer in preparation for the exam.
Read each question aloud. Answer any questions regarding strategies or
Remind students to use their textbooks to help them answer the questions.
Students will work independently with the worksheet. Assist students one-on-one
or in small groups if necessary.
When students are finished working, have them share their answers with the
student sitting next to them. Inform students that if they do not agree on an
answer, they should work together to check for the solution and discuss the
potential answers.
After allowing students time to work with one another, review the worksheet as a
whole group. Address questions, concerns, or differing student answers as needs
Remind students to use this worksheet as a study guide.
If more time remains in class period, use the MacMillan/McGraw-Hill website
and continue with online review activities on topics of matter.
Assessment/Check for Understanding/Formative & Summative:
Student responses during whole group activities and discussion can guide progress.
Students will have the opportunity to ask questions and practice before independently working.
Independent student work can also serve as an observable assessment to monitor student

progress with the material. Worksheets can serve as further instructional and review tool.
Closure activity will also serve as a check for understanding at the end of the lesson.
Students, using an index card, will close the lesson by listing a solid, liquid, and a gas that wasnt
discussed during the class period. This will draw on student understanding of the overall topic as
well as review key concepts of class discussion, videos, and activities for exam preparation.
Content will be delivered in a variety of formats for students. The lesson will be taught with
multiple instructional methods and materials. Students will work with their own individual
worksheets and textbooks but will also have the opportunity to collaborate with one another as
well as the teacher both in a whole group setting and individual setting. One-on-one guided
instruction will be available during independent work. Technology will assist in varying content
delivery. In addition to technology activities, the Smart Board will serve as a larger display for
the student worksheet activity. Students will be connecting with the lesson through multiple
visual aids. For students with reading difficulties, problems can be read and vocabulary questions
will be immediately answered. Key aspects of text will be read aloud during the lesson while
students read corresponding sections on their papers.

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