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The costs of dropping out of college students in the course of ABPS in BUCSSP
can have a substantial effect not only in the population of the course discussed; but
also on the possibility that the course itself would be removed due to the lack of
students which in turn affects students confidence about the integrity and credibility
of their course.The relative earnings of ABPS student dropouts are lower than those
for students who complete ABPS course or any other course. Similarly, ABPS student
dropouts experience more unemployment during their work careers.
ABPS dropouts have their different reasons why the point of dropping out has
been an option to what maybe the answer to their reasons. These students maybe
also shifting to another course that cause them to dropout in ABPS. This study is
conducted to find ascertain the variables and reasons as to why students are
dropping out and to curb the rate of drops outs by acknowledging the problem.The
study aims to identify the variable that has the biggest impact on ABPS student
In cooperation with the BUCSSP registrar, researchers conducted a direct
survey on the reasons why students are dropping out in the course of BAPS. Also
differentiating the population of ABPS students in year 2010 to the present year
2015. 5 years is used to range up how many students are adding in its population
and also the population being replace annually. In the programs in the ABPS and its
mandatory subjects given are also being surveyed; that it maybe a factor why
dropout rates are high in BAPS.
The study is needed for the course to locate where the problem is, that
intrigues researchers why such a high rate resulted on survey of dropout students. It
can also help the department, for the research can find way/suggest on the
implementation of activities that can minimize or avoid the circumstances of
dropping out by students of the Bachelor of Arts in Peace Studies as it is discussed.
Purpose of this conducted research is for the dropout students in the focused
course; gaining answers to reason that lead them in dropping out from the course of
BAPS is the main focus of this study, that both the department of Bachelor of Arts in
Peace Studies and the students involved. It will also gain the attention of its
department to their given activities etc... that maybe the cause of the dropping rate
increase annually.

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