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The Brown Swiss cows compensate higher milk yields per lactation
with a higher number of lactations in their lifetime.
With over half lactation more than other breeds, the Brown
Swiss cows have a lifetime milk production which is equal or
even higher than other dairy breeds. Approximately, the lifetime
milk yield of a Brown Swiss cow is about 20,000/25,000
kg milk, according to the type of herd management.
The Brown breed is the best dairy breed for the excellent combination
of quality and quantity of the produced milk.
Besides the competitive volumes, the milk produced by the
Brown Swiss cows has an added value because of its considerable
fat content (about 4%) and protein content (3.5% - 3.8%).
These quality standards, which will be dealt in the paragraph
about Quality Milk and Cheese Yield, together with the milk
volumes make the breed productive performance remarkable
and truly unrivalled.
A combination which cannot be found in any other dairy breed
in the world.
The Brown Swiss cow is known for her excellent ability to adapt
her production to the available feed supply. Since her metabolism
is not extremely hyperthyroid, the Brown Swiss cow can
adjust and optimize the synthesis and the mobilization of fat
reserves according to the feed supply available. The body condition
of the Brown Swiss cows is usually good in intensive herds
requiring high milk production over 10,000 kg milk and in
extensive herds where grazing is practised and milk production
is consequently lower.
The persistency of the milk production throughout the whole
lactation is enviable. Milk production peaks are not extreme,
making herd management easier. Milk production is steady
and quite uniform throughout the lactation and this simplifi es
also the feeding management.

The Brown Swiss cows have

a lifetime milk production
as high as other specialised
dairy cows. The Brown Swiss
breed is the best breed
because its milk production
perfectly balances quality
and quantity. The breed is

versatile and able to adapt

its production needs to the
feed supply available.
Its milk production is
persistent throughout the
whole lactation.

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