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Wedding Marriage & Its Rules and Issues By Shaykh Muhammad al-Uthaymeen

Wedding Marriage & Its Rules and Issues

Shaykh Muhammad bin Salih al-Uthaymeen
A Lecture given in a cultural program arranged by the Department of Islamic Law And the Department of the Arabic
Language of Qaseem
Attacks of Enemies & Protection from Them
Shaykh Uthaymeen rahimahu Allah started with Khutbatul Hajjah that is to Praise Allah and sending Salah on
the Prophet sallallahu alayhe wa sallam and seeking refuge with Allah from the evil of our Deeds and souls and
uttering shahadatyn. Then Shaykh Uthaymeen started with an advice to the Muslims about their current
situations, the intellectual attacks, moral attacks and attacks of belief before he goes into the main topic of the
lecture which is Marriage its rulings and issues. Shaykh Uthaymeen encouraged the leaders and scholars to
stand up united to secure the Muslims from the attacks of the enemies that are getting more and more severe.
Shaykh said, that we need:
1. United calling and delivery of the Deen
2. United effort and struggle
3. Not giving the enemy any opportunity to involve themselves in our affairs.
So we Muslims can prevent the spreading of the attacks of the enemies of Islam. Shaykh emphasized the
importance of unity and working together very much because the case amongst the Muslim is such that two
people work toward the same goal yet not united in their work. Shaykh said that it is vital for the scholars to
unite on one platform and seriously examine these (3 attacks above) problems and issues and research them
well. This is because these issues and problems are extremely dangerous especially fundamental issues such as
media sources, general culture, and source of gaining knowledge, methodology of gaining knowledge, due to
which the general populations are turned away and distanced from the fundamentals of their Deen.
People of Knowledge Running After Dunya
Shaykh mentioned that one of the tragic realities that we are facing these days is that our students and people
of knowledge are turning away from their obligations and running after dunya and keeping themselves
occupied with the pursuit of the dunya. This problem in particular has on one hand removed the effect of their
Dawah, and on the other hand has erased their acceptance and effect amongst the people.
Shaykh then mentioned that there is no doubt that the role-played by an Alim and his etiquettes have a great
effect on society. When the people see that there ulema are also running after the dunya like the common
people then most certainly their hearts will lose the respect for the ulema and their advice and exhortations
will have no effect on the people.
Support People of Solutions & Commitments
Shaykh states that it is important for us to lend support to the people of solutions and commitments. This is
because the Prophet sallallahu alayhe wa sallam has said, The Deen is Naseeah, and he said it three times
showing importance of it, so his companions asked, for whom O Messenger of Allah? So he replied saying,
For Allah, for His Books, for His Messengers, and for all of the Muslims. Shaykh mentioned that if people
from all over encourage, support, and advise them, then they will tread the correct path with the Tawfiq of


Ignorant & Uneducated Imams

Shaykh went on to state the problem people have stated that the Imams of the Masajid are ignorant and
uneducated, that they are not concerned with admonishing and advising the people neither meeting with
them. However, in the days of past before dunya was opened up for Muslims the Imams of the masajid used
to read certain books of the deen to the worshippers and would benefit them. However, today there is nothing
read in most masajid and the imams do not offer guidance to the people either. This is the reason for which
the general people are ignorant of the laws and issues related to their deen, this is due to the failures of the
responsible people of knowledge.
Barrier between Youth and Elders
Shaykh rahimahu Allah then talks about the long lasting barrier between the Youth and Elders, where elders
pays no attention to the youth no matter how corrector their speech may be. Shaykh mentions that it is vital
that we come together with the young men and we try and find out the reasons for their disinterest in the
Shaykh states that the elders when they hear of some unpleasant characteristic or attribute about some young
men then we begin to suspect all young men and pay no attention to them but rather deviate from them and
bad mouth them in every place, and we do not take any interest in their affairs but rather look upon them with
contempt. Therefore, the youth become distant from the elders and the people of deen and knowledge so the
shaytan leads them astray in any direction he chooses. Shaykh further states that it has become vital that we
seriously consider this problem and give it satisfactory attention and not permit any more failures in this
matter to occur.
Responsibility of Teachers teaching Islam
Shaykh then went on saying that today there is a responsibility specifically on the teachers to try their utmost
to adorn their students with the Islamic culture and to induce within them the yearning for the teachings of
our Prophet sallallahu alayhe wa sallam and to familiarize them with the truth of the Deen along with the rules
and regulations of Shariah also inform them about the secrets and wisdoms of the Shariah. This is because
the modern education is incomplete and the teachers presents the teachings in a dry manner and do not teach
rules and regulations with their evidences and wisdoms.
Shaykh states that although the state of the believer is such that they are constant to the laws of Allah and His
Messengers whether they know benefits and wisdoms behind them or not, yet knowing benefits and wisdoms
will increase their contentment and attention towards the Shariah. So the Shaykh encouraged the teachers to
present knowledge to students in a form which is fresh and lively, so then it stirs the heart, hastens the soul,
and expands the heart and the mind automatically incline towards it and the heart receives contentment and
The Linguistic Meaning of Nikah
Nikah sometimes refers to marriage and sometimes to cohabitation. For Example, when it is said, The
Nikah of so and so and the daughters of so and so, this refers to marriage but when it is said, The nikah of
the wife and husband, this refers to cohabitation.
The Sharii Meaning of Nikah
In the Sharia, nikah means an agreement and bond between a man and a woman with the goal that the both
of them will find pleasure in each other and will establish a pious and righteous family, which will lead to a
chaste society. From this, it is clear that nikah is not just to find pleasure but also to build a righteous family
and chaste society. However, depending upon the individuals involved and the circumstances one of the two
goals overcomes the other.


The Wisdom of Marriage

The marriage in itself is an action of Shariah and it is vital for all those who have sexual desire and means. It
is also one of the sunnah of the Messengers of Allah as Allah mentioned in Surah Ar-Rad: 38, And Indeed we
sent Messengers before you (O Muhammad) and made for them wives and offspring. Also our Prophet sallallahu alayhe
wa sallam said about himself, I also get married to women, therefore whoever turns away from my sunnah, then he is not
of us.
In view of some of the scholars, marriage is better than nawafil prayers for one who has desire because of the
great benefits it has. Marriage becomes wajib for one who is overcome by sexual desire and then there is fear
that if he/she doesnt get married will do that, which is haram. Our Prophet sallallahu alayhe wa sallam said,
Oh! Young men! Those of you who are able to marry should marry. And for him who does not have the
means to get married then let him fast. This is because marriage is that, which lowers the gaze and protects
the private parts and fasting is a shield against sexual desire.
The Conditions of Marriage
Islam has certain conditions for all contracts and these contracts cannot be completed without these
conditions. This is a clear proof of the strength and stability of the Islamic system, and it is also a proof that
this shariaah is from a Wise and Knowing Being who is well aware of what is beneficial to the creation, so
that affairs are properly controlled and to prevent chaos. Marriage is also a part of these Islamic Contracts,
which has certain conditions.
First Condition of Marriage: The Willingness of the Husband and Wife
It is not correct to force a man to marry a woman whom he doesnt like, in the same manner it is not correct
to force any women to marry a man whom she doesnt like. Because Allah said, O you who believe! You are
forbidden to inherit women against their will. [Surah An-Nisa: 19] The Prophet sallallahu alayhe wa sallam said,
The widow will not be married without her permission, and the previously unmarried woman will also not be married
without her permission. The Companion of the Prophet asked him, O Messenger of Allah, how will she give her
permission? He said, Her silence will be her permission. [Sahih Muslim]
Once a woman has refused to marry then it is not permissible for anyone to force her, even her father. Under
this circumstance if her father does not marry her off then there is no sin on him, because the woman has
herself refused but it is vital for the father to protect his daughter and keep her safely. If two men propose to
her and she says that she likes one of them but her wali says she should marry the other, then she will be
married to the man whom she likes. At this point, it will be seen if the one she likes is compatible1, and if he is
not then the wali has the authority to stop her and the wali will not be sinning in this case.
Second Condition of Marriage: Wali Guardian
Without a wali the marriage is not correct because the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhe wa sallam said, There
is no nikah without a wali. If a woman married herself off on her own then the marriage is void whether she
made the agreement by herself or through trustee wakeel. The wali is an intelligent, adult, righteous,
kinsman of the woman such as:
1. Her father
2. Her grandfather
3. Her son





Her grandson (son of her son)

Any male adult under her (i.e. her brother, step Brother from her mothers previous marriage)
Her uncle (fathers real brother)
Fathers step brother and his sons

The closest relations come first in order, then her further ones. A stepbrother from her fathers previous
marriage cannot be her wali, nor his sons, neither can the womans maternal grandfather, nor her mothers
brother, as they are not her close relations.
It is mandatory on the wali to be present in marriage and also to marry the women to the best of suitor who
proposed for the womans hand. It is a trust on the wali and it is obligatory on him to do proper execution of
this trust with great care. He should not marry the woman with unsuitable suitor due to some greed. This is
deception. If he reject proposal due to baseless reasons, his guardianship will be removed and it will be given
to the next wali in line.
Qualities to Look for in a Woman for Marriage
As mentioned before, marriage is entered into to find pleasure and also to bring about a righteous family and
chaste society. This is why it is important to marry who possesses the virtues to fulfill both objectives (i.e. she
possesses both outward and real beauty).
Outward Beauty
She should be physically healthy this is because the more appealing a woman is to look at and the more
sweet her speech is, the more coolness the eyes will feel. The ears will automatically listen to her voice, due to
which the heart will feel happiness for her, and the soul will develop contentment, and the saying of Allah
will be affirmed: And among His Signs is this, that He created for you wives from among yourselves, that you may find
repose in them, and He has put between you affection and mercy. [Surah Rum: 21]
Real Beauty
There should be no lacking in her (woman to be married) Deen and manners. This is because the more
religious and moral a woman will be the more beloved she will be with her heart and soul and she will also be
safe in terms of her end. The religious woman will be one who follows the command of Allah, will be a
protector of her husband, children and wealth and in obedience to Allah will be a helper of her husband. A
respectful woman will try and be as close to her husband as possible, if the husband forgets then she will
remind him.
The Messenger of Allah said in regard to which woman is best to marry: The one, who pleases him when he
looks at her, obeys him when he orders her and does not oppose him regarding herself or his wealth (and property) with
what he dislikes. And also said in another place, Marry those who are loving and fertile in having children for indeed
I will be multiplied (with followers) and be able to boast among the prophets (or he said nations) When such a woman
is found having these outer and inner beauty, then with the tawfiq of Allah this is true completion and
The Women who become forbidden upon Marriage
From amongst the limit of Shariah, which Allah has appointed is marriage, from a halal and haram point of
view. Due to nearness, fostering, or genealogy, certain women are considered haram for the man. There are
two categories of forbidden women. The first category is of those women who are forbidden unconditionally
or for all times, and the other category is of those women who are forbidden for an appointed time.


Unconditionally Forbidden Women

These women are of 3 types:
a. Women of blood relations: these are those women who the Quran mentions in Surah an-Nisa: 23
1) Mothers: included amongst them are grandmothers whether they are paternal or maternal
2) Daughters: included amongst them are daughters from the mans loins, daughters of the sons,
daughters of the daughters in a descending order
3) Maternal Sisters: included amongst them are maternal full sisters, maternal and paternal half-sisters.
4) Paternal Aunts: included amongst them are the paternal aunts of the man and his father and his
grandfather, the paternal aunts of his mother and his grandfather.
5) Maternal Aunts: included amongst them re maternal aunts of the man and his father, his grandfather,
the maternal aunts of his mother and his grandmother.
6) Daughters of the Brother: included amongst them are daughters of the full brother, half brother
from the father or mother and the daughters of their sons and their daughters in a descending order.
b. Women forbidden due to a foster relationship: these are exactly like the women of blood relations
because of the hadith of our Prophet sallallahu alayhe wa sallam, where he said, The women who are
forbidden due to blood relations are also forbidden due to foster relations. There are certain conditions to foster
relationship which must exist and they are as follow:

There should be five sips or more because of the verse in Quran and ruling of which was narrated
to us by Aisha radi allahu anha.
The fostering must take place before the child stopped drinking milk. The child must take all five
sips before this period. Once the conditions for fostering are complete then this child is the
womans son and the womans sons are his brothers, whether these sons are prior to this childs
fostering or they came after his fostering. Also the children of the husband of this woman will all
become this childs brothers, whether they are from the womb of this woman or other women.
Also important to note is that other than the children of this foster child, his other close relations
have nothing to do with the fostering relationship. So it is permissible for this childs blood
brothers to marry his foster mother or his foster sisters, however the children of the foster child are
like the children of the foster mother and her husband as if they are his own foster parents.

c. Women forbidden due to in-law relationship:

a) The wives of fathers and grandfathers no matter how high up in lineage they go, and the same rule
applies to foster relationships and relations on the mothers side. So when a man marries a women
this women becomes haram for all of his sons, grandsons, and those below them, whether
marriage is consummated or not.
b) The wives of ones sons, no matter how far down one goes in lineage. So when a man marries a
woman then she becomes haram for his father, grandfather, great grandfather, whether on the
mother or father side. Prohibition applies whether marriage is consummated or not, it is effective
from the signing of marriage contract.
c) The wifes mother, grandmothers, great grandmothers (both parents side) etc. So when a man
marries a woman then the womans mother, grandmothers of both parents side all become haram
on the man from the time of signing of the marriage contract whether marriage is consummated or
d) The daughters of the wife, the daughters of the son of the wife, the daughters of the daughter of
the wife, no matter how low one goes in lineage whether they are from the previous husband or
later husband are all haram with the condition that marriage has been consummated.


Forbidden for an Appointed Time


Women forbidden for a specific period of time

1) The wifes sister and aunt from both parents side, these women are haram for the man so long the
man is married to the woman and no separation took place (i.e. divorced and iddah period over)
2) The women is completing her iddah period from her last marriage, no one is allowed to marry her
during this period nor send proposal for marriage until the iddah period is over.


Women forbidden due to Hajj and Umrah

a. A woman cannot be married in this state of Hajj and Umrah until she is no longer in the state
of Ihram.

Menstruation is not barrier to marriage, so wedding contract may proceed while women in her menses but
consummation of the marriage may not occur until menses of the woman is over and she took ghusl.
Permissible Number of Times One Can Marry
The Islamic Shariah has permitted polygyny for man, however has limited this to a maximum of four wives.
This is because by staying within this limit a man can maintain justice and equality; he can fulfill the rights of
the wife. Proof for this is the saying of Allah, in Surah Nisa: 3, Marry other women of your choice, two or three,
or four, but if you feel that you shall not be able to deal justly with them, then only one.
The Benefits and Virtues of Limiting the Number of Wives to Four
1. Sometimes polygyny becomes a necessity, i.e. when the wife becomes old or always sick. If a man
tries to keep content with an old or sick wife then he will face many challenges in suppressing his
desire, and there is serious danger of falling into adultery. And if he divorces her then he separates the
poor women from her children.
2. Marriage is an excellent way of establishing relationships and connections. Polygyny creates
relationships between many families and makes pairs from amongst them.
3. A large number of women are protected by polygyny and their needs of alimony and shelter are
fulfilled. In the same way, an abundance of children and lineage is also something desired and
beloved in shariah.
4. Some men have an extremely strong sexual desire and one woman does not fulfill it, while the man
is really Allah fearing as well and does not want to fall into adultery but wish to attain pleasure
through halal means. Thus Allah in His Mercy has opened the door of polygyny for these people.
The Wisdom and Prudence behind Marriage
All Sharia of Islam are based on wisdom and none of them are just in vain or in namesake because they are
all from the All Wise and All Knowing. However, we are not aware of all wisdoms as our knowledge,
thought, intelligence is limited. Allah has mentioned that, And of knowledge, you mankind have been given
only a little. [Surah Al-Isra: 85]
Some of the Wisdoms behind Marriage
1. Defense and protection for both the husband and wife.
2. Saving society from wickedness and the morals from deteriorating. If the marriage did not exist then
wickedness and vanity would become the norm between men and women.


3. The finding of benefits and pleasure for both husband and wife from each other. Thus, the man
provides security to the woman and also provides alimony such as food, drink, shelter, and clothing.
At the same time, the woman, by preparing and maintaining the necessities of the household,
provides security to the man.
4. The strengthening of ties between families and tribes.
5. The correct and safe method for the continuation of the human species.
If marriage is not present then the appearance of two illnesses is certain:
1. The end of mankind
2. Or the corruption of the lineage of man, in which there is confusion as to a mans ancestry due to an
immoral means of reproduction
Birth Control
Birth control via specifying the number of children goes completely in the face of the demands of the Sharah,
because our Prophet sallallahu alayhe wa sallam commanded us to marry those woman who would produce
more children. The reason for this was that the Ummah of our Prophet would be greater in number than other
Prophets. Also the scholars of fiqh have said to marry women who are known for giving birth to the most
The Necessity for Birth Control
a) Question: Is it due to fear of shortage of good?
Answer: If birth control is done out of fear of shortage of food then this constitutes harboring
incorrect thoughts about Allah, this is because when Allah creates any being then He also always
provides it with its sustenance as came in [Soorah al-'Ankaboot 029:060] And so many a moving (living)
creature carries not its own provision! Allh provides for it and for you. And He is the All-Hearer, the AllKnower.
b) Question: Is it due to difficulty in raising the children?
Answer: If it is for this reason then, this is an obvious mistake. Many parents have few children,
and they have hard time to take care of them. However, there are many other parents who have many
children and they are able to fulfill their parental duties very easily. Thus, the upbringing of children is
dependent upon ease being bestowed from Allah. Therefore, the more an individual fears Allah in his
duties and ensures that all his actions are in accordance with shariah, the more easy Allah will make
all his affairs. Allah says in [Soorah at-Talaaq 065:004] and whosoever fears Allh and keeps his duty to
Him, He will make his matter easy for him.
Birth control is completely haram in the Shariah of Islam. Now if there raises the question about womans
health issue, then practicing some reasonable form of family planning does not fall within the category of
birth control. What is meant by family planning is that both husband and wife or one of the two takes a
certain action by which pregnancy is delayed for some time and this is permitted. Such as if the wife is ill or
fears illness and weakness then using birth control pill with the permission of her husband to prevent
conceiving for some time is permissible. Also, the Sahabah used to use the coitus interrupts method and they
were not prevented of this, which took place during the time of Prophet sallallahu alayhe wa sallam. So coitus
interrupts is one method of preventing pregnancy.


Some of the Wisdoms and Issues in Connection with Marriage

There are some wisdoms and issues related to marriage, these are as follow:

The Obligation of Mahr (Dowry): Giving dowry to the wife becomes an obligation upon marriage,
whether it was placed as a condition or not. Dowry is the wealth given to the wife due to marriage
contract. If dowry is agreed upon, then she will receive what is agreed upon. If it was not settled, and
nikah took place, then husband must give wife a mahr nithl which is the amount customarily given
to such a woman among his paternal family.

Any wealth that has monetary value can become a dowry. Prophet sallallahu alayhe wa sallam married a
woman to a man with the condition that he teaches her some of the Quran, which was her dowry. As far as
the shariah is concerned, then dowry should be modest. The most blessed marriage is that which is least
expensive or extravagant. Also, it is in obedience to the Messenger of Allah, and a source of blessings. In
these days, due to high amount of dowry, many men and women are prevented from marriage, which lead to
many tribulations. Some of these are as follow:

Many men and woman avoid getting married

The girls families are only looking at the smallness or largeness of the dowry. If they see large dowry,
they marry the girl and do not look at the results of their action. And they refuge to marry the girl with
small dowry even if the man is upright and religious.
When the relationship between husband and wife sours, the husband cannot divorce the wife because
of high dowry so he treats her harshly, thus she is willingly to give back some of what he gave her.

If people were moderate in setting dowry, these problems would not take place and the society will receive
much benefit, and the modesty of man and women will be protected. However, it is sad people dont do it
rather they compete with each other in increasing the dowry each year. People of past used to be easy on
setting dowry and they would perform marriage by agreeing that the dowry would be of such and such
amount, half of which will be paid at this time and the other half will be paid in one year or before that.

Maintenance of wife: It is mandatory on the husband that he heartily spends on his wife and provides
for her food, drink, and shelter. And if he is miserly in providing her necessities then he will be sinful.
And it is mandatory on the wife that she spends her husbands wealth carefully, to the extent of
thriftily, and if she takes a loan from her husband then returning that is mandatory.

Amongst the expanse of marriage is also the Walima, it is that feast that the husband prepares and feeds the
people during the days of the marriage. The Messenger of Allah has done this and also commanded it.
However, some men spend lavishly and this is not correct, this is wastage of wealth.
Rather spending should be in accordance with ones capability and should not go to the extent of something

The relationship between the relatives of the husband and wife: Allah has caused affection, love,
friendship and a part of mercy to grow between the husband and wife, and at the same time this
inclination of love and affection often demands certain rights to be fulfilled. Thus, whenever some
relationship comes into being then in accordance with that relationship certain rights become
Chastity: The man becomes mahram for the mothers and grandmothers of his wife, and in the same
way he becomes mahram for the daughters and grand daughters of his wife under the condition that
he has gone into their mother. In the same way, the wife has become mahram for the fathers,
grandfathers, sons and grandsons of the husband.
Inheritance: Whenever a man legally marries a woman then inheritance becomes stipulated between
them, because of the saying of Allah in [Soorah an-Nisaa 004:012] In that which your wives leave, your


share is half if they have no child; but if they leave a child, you get a fourth of that which they leave after payment
of legacies that they may have bequeathed or debts. Whether sexual relationship took place or not with
wife, this does not make any difference.
The Sharii Ruling Regarding Divorce and Its Rights, which must be fulfilled
Talaq divorce is leaving off wife, and also the word implies freeing. In the Shariah of Islam, divorce is
something hated because due to it benefits of marriage comes to an end, and also the bond of marriage breaks.
In a hadith reported by Sunah Abu Dawud, it says, The most hated thing amongst those things which is halal is
divorce. However, sometimes divorce becomes unavoidable then there is no sin on the wife or husband.
However, while giving divorce the man must abide by the following commands:
1. The impermissibility of divorcing during the menstrual cycle: If a man divorces his wife during menses,
then he has sinned. It is obligatory upon him to take his wife back and keep her with him, and when she
becomes pure then he may divorce her. What is even better is that he keeps her with him until the 2nd
cycle of menses and then when she becomes pure from menses then he may keep her or divorce her.
2. Restraint from giving divorce during her clean phase: If the man had sexual relationship with his wife,
then he should restrain from divorcing her until it becomes clear she is pregnant or not. He should wait for
two menstrual cycles to be over and at this point he can divorce her before having sexual relationship with
her if he wants. If it becomes clear that she is pregnant, then there is no harm if he divorces her. Allah
said, O Prophet! When you divorce women, divorce them at their iddah, and count their iddah periods [Surah
Al-Talaq: 1]
3. The impermissibility of issuing more than one divorce at one time: It is not permissible to say, You are
divorce either two or three times. It is forbidden to issue more than one divorce at a time. This is because
it is related from our Prophet sallallahu alayhe wa sallam that he said in regards to a man who had divorced
his wife three times in a single occasion and the Prophet sallallahu alayhe wa sallam said, is it that I am still
present and the Book of Allah is being played with? Many people are not aware of the rules of divorce so they
issue divorce when they feel the need of it without giving consideration for the time or number. It is
obligatory on the people that they devoutly observe the boundaries of Allah and do not transgress them.
Allah said, And whosoever transgresses the set limit of Allah, then indeed he has wronged himself. [Surah AlTalaq: 1]
Some Regulations and Issues Related to Divorce
Because the wife is separated due to divorce then due to this separation many rules become incumbent. Some
of these are as follow:
1. If there was no sexual relationship between husband and wife, then there is no iddah period. Due to
the saying of Allah in surah Al-Ahzab, aya 49, When you marry believing women, and then divorce them
before you have sexual intercourse with them, no iddah have you to count in respect of them.
The duration of iddah period is three menstrual cycles if the women is of those who has menstrual cycles,
and if she has no menstrual cycles then three months, and if she is pregnant then until she becomes clear of
her pregnancy.
2. If the husband divorce his wife for the 1st time and then returns to her during iddah period or after it,
and then divorce his wife again for 2nd time and then returns to her and then again divorce her for the
3rd time, after this the woman is forbidden for the man until the woman marries another man and
consummates the marriage with him. Now if this new husband of the woman divorce her or dies, then
she will be halal for her previous husband who issued divorce on her on three occasions.
This is because in the beginning of Islam men would divorce and return to women as many times as they
wished. On one occasion a man became angry with his wife and he said to her, By Allah, I will never give
you refuge nor release you. And she asked how he could do this, so he said he will divorce her and when


waiting period was about to be over he will take her back and do this over and again, so she complained to
the Prophet sallallahu alayhe wa sallam about it and Allah revealed in this occasion the ayah that says, The
divorce is on two occasions meaning the divorce with the permissibility to return is only twice. Thus to save
women from oppressive husband three divorce were appointed.
Ending Words of our Noble Imam Muhammad ibn Saleh al-Uthaymeen
Now Shaykh is concluding his speech stating that enough issues and commandments in relation to Nikah
have been brought to our attention, especially those that are necessary and pertinent. And his closing
supplication was, We pray to Allah that the benefit of this talk reaches all. May Allah Accept this work in a
special way and make it in accordance with His pleasure. And May He bring about in this Ummah a
generation that is knowledgeable of His commands, protects the boundaries which Allah has laid down,
establishes what is good and forbids what is wrong, and are guided of how to worship Allah.
Our Lord! Let not our hearts deviate (from the truth) after You have guided us, and grant us mercy from You. Truly, You
are the Bestower. [Surah Al-Imran: 3:8] O Lord! Give us good in this world and good in the Hereafter and save
us from the torment of the fire.

~:~ End ~:~


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