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Katie Geesey

October 1, 2015
Mr. Hjersjo
BFSS 200
History Lesson
A. I am addressing the story of Holocaust survivor, Ivor Perl. Since World War II and the
Holocaust have always interested me, I decided to choose this topic for my activity. This article
illustrates the challenges Jews faced during the Holocaust from a survivor's perspective.
B. Significant Terms
Holocaust: systematic slaughter of European Jews during World War II by the Nazis
Nazi Party: military in control of Germany from 1933-1945 under Adolf Hitler's rule
Concentration Camp: a compound used to confine and persecute Jewish prisoners
Auschwitz: most infamous concentration camp, located in Poland
Allach: concentration camp, located near Munich, Germany
Dachau: concentration camp, located near Munich, Germany
Typhus Fever: a disease caused by the transmission of lice and fleas, victims become covered in
red spots and suffer from headaches
Liberation: gaining equal rights in comparison to another group of people

C. How much food were the Jewish prisoners allowed to eat?, Why did Ivor lie about his age to
the Nazis?, What happened when the Nazis realized there were Jewish prisoners hiding in the
caves?, Why did the Nazis react this way?, Why did Ivor refer to the camp's hospital as
"laughable"?, Why didn't the Nazi soldier punish Ivor and his brother for fighting?
D. As a form of assessment, I would have each of my students create a fictional person from the
Holocaust. Using the information from the current textbook and this article, each student would
write "their diary entry" as a Jewish prisoner during the Holocaust. They would be required to
include what happened to their family, their self, and the challenges they faced as a child, mother,
father, etc. Each student would then read their story to the class. In doing so, the student's
understanding of the content, writing skills and speaking skills could be assessed.
E. I could use photographs of Jewish prisoners, concentration camps and Nazis.
F. Social Studies, Standard B: History Performance Standards - Grade 12
B.12.1 Explain different points of view on the same historical event, using data gathered from
various sources, such as letters, journals, diaries, newspapers, government documents, and
speeches --(refers to the "diary entry" activity, using Ivor's story as a guide)
B.12.2 Analyze primary and secondary sources related to a historical question to evaluate their
relevance, make comparisons, integrate new information with prior knowledge, and come to a
reasoned conclusion --(refers to Ivor's story, giving students a different perspective)
B.12.18 Explain the history of slavery, racial and ethnic discrimination, and efforts to eliminate
discrimination in the United States and elsewhere in the world --(refers to the discrimination
Jews faced)
G. Source: Daily Mail, United Kingdom

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