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NAME: DATE: GRAMMAR WORKSHEET -EVER Whatever, Whenever, Wherever and Whoever are used to show that something does not matter. For example: “You should do whatever you can to fix the problem.” “1 will clean my room whenever / have time.” “Wherever you decide to go, call me and let me know.” You can bring whoever you like to the party.” © Answer the questions below. There are many possible answers. Use ‘whatever, ete. 1. (A) Do you think we should go to Paris on our holiday? (8) We'll go wherever you like. 2. (A) What's for dinner? (8) » . (A) ls Monday a good time for a meeting? (B) a . (A) | always go to a gym to exereise. How about you? (B) o . (A) Do you think we should ask Bill to fix the light? (8) 6. (A) Who can | invite to the birthday party? (B) 7. (A) What time can | arrive at your place? (B) 2 . (A) Should I buy bananas or oranges? (B) GRAMMAR WORKSHEET ALL Things Grammar Grammar Focus Whatever, Whenever, Wherever, Whoever Level Intermediate ANSWER KEY My Notes NAY, Answers will vary. Some possible answers: 1. Well go wherever you like 2, Whatever you decide is okay. 3. Let's have a meeting whenever we can. 4. | exercise wherever I can. 5, We should ask whoever can fix it, 6. You can invite whoever you like. 7. You can arrive whenever you want. 8, You can buy whatever you like. NOTE: ‘Also "However" and (less commonly) ‘Whyever® For example: “You can arrange the room however you like.” "Whyaver did you do that?” Grades as percentages

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