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Volunteers are one of the most important aspects of any classroom. I

need volunteers for all kinds of activities throughout the year! During
the month of August I will be establishing classroom routines. I would
like classroom volunteers to begin in the month of September. A
volunteer sign-up sheet will be sent home with your student at the end
of August.

Take a minute to look over the volunteer opportunities

available this year and think about ways you could donate
your time!
Portfolio Volunteer- These volunteers will commit to coming
once a month to help organize student work and help with any
projects related to student portfolios.
Activity Volunteer- These volunteers will commit to a job
that will always be changing. Throughout the year, our class
will need assistance with many different projects and
classroom activities.
At Home Volunteer- Although not much time will be spent at
school, these volunteers are equally as important. I will send
an envelope home with instructions for a simple project that
you can complete in the comfort of your home and then return
to school with your child.
Volunteers for special events (such as field trips or class
celebrations) will be scheduled closer to the date of the
event. Be looking for a volunteer sign-up sheet to come
home at the end of August!
I appreciate you donating your time!

Special Events
Classroom celebrations and field trips are an important part of our classroom!
These special events are privileges that your student will earn throughout
the year. Below is a brief overview of how these events will be handled!

Classroom Celebrations

Throughout the year your student will have the opportunity to

participate in various holiday celebrations. Selected room
parents will work closely with the classroom teacher
approximately two weeks in advance to plan, prepare and
produce the most successful celebrations. Room parents will
assign other parent volunteers to related tasks and relay any
information provided by the teacher. Approximately a week
before our celebration, a head count will be taken of parents
who wish to be in attendance. We hope to see many helping
hands at our classroom celebrations!

Field Trips

As we speak, special field trips are being planned for your 3rd
graders! As a 3rd grade team, we aim for field trips to be
educational, yet enjoyable. Permission slips will go home 3-4
weeks in advance. Students are required to bring permission
slips (and money) back to school at least 1 week before the day
of the trip. Chaperones are welcomed on any trip throughout the
semester, but must pay an additional guest fee. When your child
returns his or her permission slip, please indicate at that time if
a parent/guardian plans to attend with your student. More
detailed, field trip information will be provided as the dates
become closer!

Classroom Rules
Classroom rules and procedures are one of the most
important and critical aspects of our classroom! My goal as
the classroom teacher is to remain fair and consistent
throughout the entire year. On the first day of school,
students will brainstorm appropriate rules the class will
abide by. These rules will be laminated, signed and posted in
the classroom for students to refer back to when they
forget. The following rules will be centered on a STAR basis:

Stay focused.
Try your best.
Act safely.
Respect others.
What happens if my student breaks a rule?

A behavior chart with numbered clothespins will be displayed

visibly in the classroom. Each clothespin will begin on green. If a rule is
broken, students will be asked to move his or her clip down to blue. If
a second rule is broken, students should expect to move to purple.
Later, during afternoon reflections, the teacher will individually meet
with the student to reiterate why the clip was moved and what the
student can work on to ensure the behavior choice is not repeated.
While clips can move down, please note that clothespins can also climb
up the behavior chart. Yellow and red will be a sign your student has
followed ALL expectations and rules for that given day. During the
afternoon, students will color a ticket that corresponds to their place
on the behavior chart. Please continually check your students Box
Office Report as it will be signed weekly!

Classroom Rules continued

Group Work

To keep a positive classroom community students will be

encouraged to use teamwork throughout the school day. Group work
will be integrated into learning every day. Groups will vary in size from
3 students to 6 students. No matter the size, students are expected
to demonstrate kindness and respect toward one another. Students
will be placed in various groups including, mixed ability groups, similar
ability groups and randomly chosen groups. Students will have the
opportunity to work with all classmates throughout the year. I look
forward to many group projects along the way!

Seat Work

Seatwork will also be integrated into our daily schedule. At this

time, students will be expected to complete a given task at their
desks. Although not much physical movement will occur around the
room, this time allows for individual thinking to take place. In order for
students to complete their best work, the noise level should remain
low. When seatwork is finished, students will be instructed to grab
their Im finished! folder. This folder will contain specialized items
tailored to each students individual needs.

Learning Centers/Small Group

Learning centers and stations will be found primarily throughout

our reading and math blocks. These centers will promote independence
in our rock stars. Students will travel around the room and work at
planned stations to review/practice a specific topic or skill. One of the
most important aspects of learning centers is the intervention time
given for the teacher to meet with small groups. Small groups (mixed
ability or similar ability) are essential in mastering skills for students.
At this time, the teacher will tailor specific, instructional methods to
selected students. Each student will have a learning center folder to
log completed assignments that will be checked weekly for daily or
completion grades.

Classroom Materials

Each grade level will have a specific school supply list given
out at the beginning of the year. These materials are to be
provided by the families of the students at this time.
Materials will be placed in supply box labeled with each
students first and last name. Supply boxes will be kept in
student cubbies at all times, unless further instructions
have been given. The teacher will gladly provide other
supplies that students may need to complete any
assignments. All materials borrowed (from the teacher OR a
fellow rock star) should be handled with care and respect.
We will practice this rule throughout our daily classroom
procedures. Along with school supplies, the teacher will also
have a classroom library. A classroom checkout system will
be used to ensure all books are accounted for. This system
will be explained more in-depth during the first week of
If you have any further questions in regards to student
supplies, please contact the classroom teacher ASAP.

Bathroom/Water Policy
Student requests for both individual bathroom and
water fountain use should be kept to a minimum to
avoid learning interruptions. To ensure each student
has at least one opportunity throughout the morning,
the class will make a trip to the closest restroom
immediately following snack time. After lunch, the
class will also stop by the restroom. We will wash
hands as a class before both snack and lunch, as well.
Please remind your student how important keeping
our hands clean is! J
If your student has any special bathroom concerns
that you feel the teacher should know about, please
do not hesitate to contact me at any time.

Classroom Jobs
Classroom jobs will be assigned at the start of the
school year. Each job is extremely important to
ensure our classroom runs as smoothly as possible.
Please note the Classroom Job Application located at
the bottom of the page. Your student will complete
this application when an interest in a job arises. Jobs
will change each week to guarantee each student has
an opportunity to serve in a new role throughout the
entire school year. My goal for classroom jobs is to
promote responsibility throughout our classroom.

Communication Policy

My goal as your students classroom teacher is to keep lines of

communication open at ALL times. I hope to make myself as
accessible as possible throughout the school year. Although
parent conferences will be scheduled once every 9 weeks, I am
ALWAYS available to meet and discuss the needs of your
student. If we work together as a team, I can assure that your
student will have a tremendously successful year!
Please make note of my contact information provided on the
front of the handbook. Along with my phone number and e-mail,
I encourage parents/guardians to regularly visit our class blog
(Coming soon: Miss Raselys Rockin 3rd Grade Blog). In addition
to our weekly classroom newsletter, a 3rd grade newsletter will
be given our monthly.
By these means of communication, I hope you will take
advantage of your opportunities to stay updated with our class
I look forward to working with each family very soon!

Thats a rap!
In closing, I would like to take the time to
remind you of the memorable year ahead. I look
forward to many great times together as a
classroom family. If there is anything I can do
throughout the year to assist in the success of
your student, please contact me at any time. I
look forward to personally meeting each of you
at open house next Thursday.
Please fill out the survey attached at the end of
the handbook. This survey can be brought back
with your student or to open house night next

Lets make it a great year!

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