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Introduction:The reading can be considered as one of the major function in the society.

also considered as one of the most important habits which are needed to any
learning person. Reading reduces the mental pressure. Reading makes a person to
learn and think. This development in science and technology opened new ways of
reading, which can be termed e reading. The importance of print media is getting
down slowly. The people are interested to read books and articles through their
mobile and e tabs.
The introduction social websites and its increase in the usage, delayed the reading
habit among younger generation. They are interested to watch videos. The younger
generation comments that they dont have time and patience to read anything, they
just want to see everything in real. This attitude resulted many problems among
younger generation. The first one, this younger generation forgets the feel of
imagination. The reading makes a person to imagine the situation which mentioned
in the book. We can see that there is a huge decrease in the list young poets. The
decrease in the reading habits is one of the reasons of this decrease.
Statement of the Problem:Most of the academic institution in the world facing issues related to the decrease in
the reading habits especially the students lives in the developed country.

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