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Hola Mi Familia y Mis Amigos!

I hope this e-mail finds you all well! I cannot believe how fast this
transfer has gone by! Next week is the last P-Day of the transfer!
What da heck?! I can hardly believe it! I am praying for one more
transfer with my Hermana Rapoza! I love this Hermana with all my
heart! She is the BOMB DOT COM!
Ever and Mari:
They are getting baptized this Saturday! So EXCITING! I wish I could
have been here long enough to see the growth and the changes that they
have made! However, I have been here to see the other little changes
and it has been AMAZING to see! Please pray for them as we know Satan
is going to work so hard on them this week because it always happens
like that! Thank you!
Eddie and Sonia:
We are still working with them to start reading the Book of Mormon
more consistently individually and together. We know reading the
scriptures will really help their relationship grow and their family
have a stronger spirit as well.
Bernie and Vero:
Vero is really struggling to come to church. Every Sunday it just
seems like the world comes crashing down and we know she needs to come
to church to strengthen herself and her family. We are praying for
guidance and direction in getting her to church. Bernie, it is little
by little.
He is a new less active that we are teaching. We received him through
the area book. Hermana Rapoza and I have fallen in love with his
family! Seriously! They are just so much fun! They have a son on a
mission now in Portugal and they are faithful in attending church.
Victor has been through a lot and we are so unsure of what is going to
help him come back.
So far those are the consistent people that we are teaching. Could
everyone pray that we receive a Ward Mission Leader soon? It is so
hard not having one to help us with the work! Our bishop has a full
plate and is doing the best he can.
This week I really learned how wonderful it is to serve a mission
because you make life-long and eternal friends with companions as well
as the other Elders and Sisters you have the pleasure of interacting
with during your time of service. I truly have a deep love for each of
my companions and for their great patience and love for me as I am
striving to improve.
"Everyone needs good and true friends. They will be a great strength
and blessing to you. They will influence how you think and act, and
even help determine the person you will become. They will help you be

a better person and will make it easier for you to live the gospel of
Jesus Christ. Choose friends who share your values so you can
strengthen and encourage each other in living high standards." (For
the Strength of Youth)
I am so blessed with my new and dear friends because I know they will
always be there for me throughout my life. There is no greater joy
than to know you have friends with high standards, who encourage you
to be your best, counsel with you, have patience for you because of
your short comings, and who love you no matter what. I am indeed
blessed beyond measure. So choose good friends because they have the
greatest influence, next to your family, on your life and who you
ultimately become. Choose to come closer to your Father in Heaven and
His Son, Jesus Christ because they should be the closest friends you
I love you all! Remember I will forever be your friend and will always
be here if you ever need me. I testify that choosing good friends will
bring so much more sunshine to your life and will help you to endure
the trials that may come your way. Stay strong and keep the faith. The
Lord thy God is with thee whithersoever thou goest. Have a wonderful
Con Amor,
Hermana Rackley

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