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Michael Elementary Data Evaluation and Goal Setting

Describe the trends and finding from your CNA for reading.
(7-10-15) In 2014-2015, 78.6% of our students at STME in grades 2-4 reached
their targeted growth based on NWEA MAP data. In 2013-2014, 78.6% met
their targeted growth and the in 2012-13, 74% met their targeted growth.
According to our DIBELS data, the number of students in grades one, two, and
three at grade level benchmark went from an average 76% in 2013 to 78% in
2014 to 77% in 2015. According to our MCA III data, the percent of students
in grades three and four at proficient or above increased from 63.7% in 2013
to 68.9% in 2014.

Using the trends and findings of your CNA, list your priorities
for reading.
(7-10-15) St. Michael Elementary
1. Improve use of diagnostic tools to identify students needs.
2. Increase 1st grade decoding skills and fluency.
3. Increase 2nd - 4th grade comprehension.

Using the data collected from your CNA, write a student

achievement SMART goal for reading.
(7-10-15) 80% of students at St. Michael Elementary in grades 2-4 will meet
their Targeted Growth on Reading NWEA assessment by spring 2016 in the
area of Reading.

Describe the trends and finding from your CNA for math.
(7-10-15) St. Michael Elementary: In 2013-14, 91.6% of our students in
grades 2-4 reached their targeted growth based on NWEA MAP data. The prior
year, 2012-13, 89.5% met their targeted growth. In 2014-2015, 89.3% met
their targeted growth. According to our MCA III data, the percent of students
in grades three and four at proficient or above increased from 82.6% in 2013
to 89.7% in 2014.

Using the trends and findings of your CNA, list your priorities
for math.
(7-10-15) St. Michael Elementary:
1. Increase grade level proficiency of Data Analysis strands as measured by
NWEA MAP assessment.

Using the data collected from your CNA, write a student

achievement SMART goal for math.
(7-10-15) 91% of students at St. Michael Elementary in grades 2-4 will meet
their Targeted Growth on the Math NWEA assessment by spring 2016.

2. Title I Identification Requirements

What are the student selection criteria used for identifying
Title I students?
(7-10-15) St. Michael Elementary: Students scoring at or below the 25%-tile
in at least 2 of 3 assessments including DIBELS, NWEA, and grade level
benchmarking data.

3. 2015-2016 Title Services

Describe the reading services to students, including the
service model to be used.
(7-10-15) St. Michael Elementary: Students meet with the Reading
Specialist, TITLE I teacher or paras for 20-30 minutes 3-5 times a week
in a pull out model.
Describe the math services to students, including the service
model to be used.
(7-10-15) St. Michael Elementary: Students meet with the Reading
Specialist, TITLE I teacher or paras for 20-30 minutes 3-5 times a week
in a pull out model.
4. 2015-2016 Family Engagement Plan (See SEs Plan)
5. 2015-2016 Family Engagement Activities
Describe the family engagement activities that support the
academic growth of students.
(7-10-15) Parent input regarding family engagement activities and/or
training opportunities is gathered at the spring Title I Parent Meeting.
This information is also gathered through a survey sent to all Title I
parents towards the end of the school year. This information is used to
plan activities and/or trainings in each of the buildings.
St. Michael Elementary: A team of teachers meets monthly to
organize the logistics of each parent involvement activity night. There
are four Family Nights planned for the 2015-16 school year designed
to support the academic growth of students. These included:
Reading Night -focused on encouraging families to read together
on a regular basis, share resources and how to help their
children become life-long readers
Math Night - focused on how to help children at home with math
English Learner Family Night - focused on making connections
with other EL families and having their questions answered in a
setting more conducive to their personal needs.
Health and Wellness Activities - focused on activities families
can do together to promote healthful habits

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