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Im in the Bronte collage

and I want to go to the
university of Toronto.
We study at class,so the marks for my this subject and
my teacher are all able to be the tools to check my selfassignment.And when I go outside and need to deal
with things.The rate of the things successful is the
tools. Then,if I get a homework need make a little
movie need reflect the knowledge. And I need get the
best effect. If it successful is the tool. This all as
training to practice me. It can assess my ability, induce
me follow my dream and get the job which is I want.
I want to work on the business, thats because I think its a
easy way to get money. Money is very important.Cause I
dreamed I can get enough money for travelling,for a
higher level for my life. Even give a good education to
my child so that he/she can be a good man.But I want to
chose two kinds of business:small business owner and
international business.Small business owner,if I do it
successful. I can get enough money to have a good
life.And small business owner dont have too much
stress of compete with other companies. And we dont
have too much different kinds of problem about business
such as community with other companys people.Think
about the salary for the workers, the company
management.Its more easier.And neednt too much
money for investment.

International business is more harder than the small business

owner. But if I can get good result for it. It will be good. It can
help me to complete many goals I want to achieve. Like my
hobby is play soccer, it can makes me be more health and
stronger. Its very important for me because no matter what you
do. At least,you should have a health body to keep working. And
playing soccer is my hobby and I chose to be businessman as
my goal that's because I can get money to support my hobby,
like buy soccer, watch live matches It can urge me to working
hard and lets me know : when I should do what things.So I will
make a plan for my work. Its more easier for me to deal with
the relationship between study and hobby,even have a good life
styles and more organized. Its good habit can help me in the

About achieve my goals. I need have many learning skills to help

me.Like community skills can let me have a good eloquence for
negotiation about sales.Learn by myself, if I work on the social,
nobody will teach me the new knowledge,so I should improve my
skills about learn by myself.For a businessman,although youre not
the boss of your company.But youre must a manager of your
company. So I must have manage and lead ability.Strain ability is
also a necessary skills for business.
Then,may be we should find some place to work to
learn enough experience and normal knowledge for
your work.
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