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10:52 to 11:15 20 mins
"A lazy cowardly person cannot overcome them.but I will destroy them with wisdom
" -Sid
"But who will bear witness to your efforts?". Buddha reached down and touched th
e earth.
Truth of impermanance an essential factor of existence.
The cause of dukka-ignorance of the true nature f reality and insatiable desire.
the cure: freedom from craving and self grasping
The middle way-the path of moderation between self indulgance and self mortifica
compassion for the world.
"Be islands unto yourselves, refuges unto yourselves seeking no external refuge,
with the Dharma as your island"
"He who sees me sees the Dharma and whoever sees the Dharma sees me"
"Think of Dharma as a raft"
"I teach only suffering and the cessation of suffering"
"Metaphysical views cannot put an end to suffering"
context: practical solutions(Pg 28)
Th parable -Man tells his kids a lie.
a)Can I use it to address my illusions?
b)Can means(with dharma as the point of direction) be compromoised for ends
Outward living
-spread happiness
-spread compassion
My way of interpreitng
-Suffering is the natural state which is a consequenc if impermanance
-happness results when suffering reduces at some point
-This reduction can be because "people live in the moment", they accept it natur
ally with the cultural philosophy to accep things as they are and be happy with
the good things,dont think about consequences hence anticipations are reduced, h
ave alternate paradigm to address their spiritual or existential reality(which I
don't think is intellectually superior to Buddhism because it relies on belief
in a deity the immediate necessity to alivieate suffering and does not go deep i
nto its certain conntradictions and cultural contexts)

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