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Culvers Root (seed)

Veronicastrum virginicum
Family: Scrophulariaceae
Herbaceous perennial. Native to eastern and central North America. Produces
beautiful spikes of showy white flowers in the second year. Definitely one of the
most remarked-upon plants in medicinal gardens, it is also a valuable plant drug of
long-standing reputation. The roots must be dried and aged for at least a year before
use, or they will create unpleasant intestinal griping. The aged root is gently laxative
and tonifying to the liver, used mainly in cases of dyspepsia, indigestion, chronic
diarrhea, jaundice and inflammation of the liver. Cultivation: Extra care. Press seed
into surface of flat in very early spring and water carefully. Needs a period of at least
2 weeks of cold conditioning before it will germinate, but does so quite completely
and vigorously once correct conditions are met. Space transplants 2 feet apart.
Grows 4 to 6 feet tall.

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