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Reflection 3

Working in the education system, you learn a lot about what works and
what doesnt work to help your students learn. When student success is the
goal of your classroom, it is important to consider all possible tactics that
may be helpful in furthering your students success. There are four elements
that can be particularly effective in aiding students learning, such as
incorporating technology in lessons, using graphic organizers, using thinkalouds while teaching, and including critical components in lesson cycles.
Technology is ever-present, reaching just about every part of our lives,
communities, and homes. However, most schools are far behind when it
comes to integrating technology into the classroom. When used correctly,
technology can help students attain the skills they need to survive in a
compound, highly technological knowledge-based world. Technology can be
used to enhance and extend students understanding of various subjects,
such as math skills, reading comprehension, and writing techniques. Some
students learn better when the information isnt simply provided through
books. In a kindergarten classroom at Creek View Elementary, a teacher uses
Ipad games, in the subjects of math and writing, to engage students by
giving them something fun to participate in that builds their knowledge of
the subjects at the same time. Therefore, using technology in the classroom
is a great way to gain diversity in learning styles. Not only does technology
enhance their understanding of the information they are learning in the

classroom, but it also helps to prepare them for their future careers that will
require the use of technology.
Another way to practice diversity in learning styles is to use graphic
organizers. Graphic organizers are used for organizing content and ideas,
and facilitating learners comprehension of new information. These tools help
students visualize the information in a way they cannot quite grasp from just
reading the content. Some students find it significantly easier to comprehend
information when they can visualize it, making graphic organizers a great
source to help students like this. When integrated into the classroom, graphic
organizers help students to better understand new material, creating a
strong visual image to support students by enabling them to literally see
connections that they built within the information provided.
One teaching strategy that is particularly helpful in modeling a
teachers understanding of information for students is think-alouds. With the
think-aloud strategy, teachers verbalize their thoughts out loud while reading
a text to students. Their verbalizations may include a memory or some other
form of connection that they made with the text that helped them to better
understand the information in a more personal way. This works to show
students the importance of using their background knowledge to connect
with the story in a way that helps them to comprehend the material. Think
alouds show students how effective readers create meaning from a text.
Another benefit of think-alouds is that they teach students to monitor their
own thinking as they read and extend their comprehension. This technique

also shows students the importance of taking it slow while reading, and rereading, reading ahead, and looking for context clues to make sense of what
they read on their own.
A final effective element that teachers should use in the classroom is
to include critical components in their lesson cycles. The lesson cycle
components include TEKS, objective, student objective, purpose of the
lesson, background knowledge, engagement, procedures, closure, and
assessment. Using the lesson cycle brings structure to the classroom,
providing students with consistency in knowing what to expect from each
lesson. Working in a kindergarten inclusive classroom models the importance
in providing students with structure, and this can be achieved through using
the lesson cycle. the lesson, informs the learners of what is to come and
what is expected in the lesson, and checks for understanding from the
learners at the end. Without each component of the lesson cycle present, the
lesson would not be complete or provide the proper information needed for
students to make sense of the lecture.
In conclusion, there are several techniques that can be used by
teachers in order to further students full comprehension and understanding.
Incorporating technology into the classroom provides students with
alternative methods of learning. Graphic organizers allow students to build
relationships and connections in the content of the material. Using thinkalouds while reading models for students how to effectively reading for
comprehension and how to build connections between heir self and the

material. By teaching using the lesson cycle, teachers can effectively provide
students with all aspects of the information that they need to be successful.
Each of these elements are student centered techniques that contribute to
the success of both teachers and students.

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