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Alkanet, True

(Dyer's Bugloss)

Alkanna tinctoria
Family: Boraginaceae
Perennial. Native to Southern Europe. This true Alkanet is defferentiated from related
plants (see Anchusa and Viper's Bugloss) by the presence of a bright red, oil and
alchohol soluble pigment in the root. Before the synthesis of unnatural dyeing agents,
the root of this plant was harvested by the ton and used in pharmacies for the coloring
of oils, salves and ointments, and in cosmetics for making rouge. Since the advent of
substitutes, the plant has been forgotten, and wild populations lost to development and
neglect. The presence of Alkanna tinctoria in this catalog is the culmination of a
worldwide search which lasted over a decade. Cultivation: Easy. After my first
experience with the seeds overwintering and germinating in the spring, I tried planting
on May 31st and they germinated on June 10th. So, seeds sown in the fall as well as
seeds sown in the spring will germinate in the spring. Full sun to partial shade.
Groundcover to 6 inches tall. Flowers purplish-blue.

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