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(of an area of land or a building) Be next to or have a

common boundary with: "gardens abutting Great Prescott
Touch or lean upon: "masonry may crumble where a
roof abuts it".

Synonyms border - adjoin

Lands that abut a river or lake are considered highly desirable
The new wall was built to abut the older structure and provide
some additional support.

(of land or a climate) Having little or no rain; too dry or

barren to support vegetation: "hot and arid conditions".
Lacking in interest, excitement, or meaning: "his arid
years in suburbia".

Synonyms dry - barren - droughty - jejune

The air was so arid that it took me just 5 minutes to blow dry my hair.
The desert climate is so dry and arid that not many plants can grow.

AURA 1. a distinctive air or quality considered to be characteristic of a person or thing

2. any invisible emanation, such as a scent or odour
3. (Medicine / Pathology) Pathol strange sensations, such as noises in the ears or flashes of light,
that immediately precede an attack, esp of epilepsy
4. (Spirituality, New Age, Astrology & Self-help / Alternative Belief Systems) (in parapsychology) an
invisible emanation produced by and surrounding a person or object: alleged to be discernible by
individuals of supernormal sensibility

An aura of optimism filled the locker room as the team prepared for this season's
first football match.

Ms. Sommers, our teacher, exuded an aura of friendliness and kindness.

She usually writes romance novels, but her latest book has an aura of Gothic

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