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Daily Instructional Plan- Monday

9:00- 9:15 AM

Word Study

Students will be doing

Students receive their
words of the weekengage in Pyramid
Spelling (spelling lists
are differentiated to
meet all student needs).

9:15- 9:30 AM

Read- Aloud

Making predictions,
answering questions,
forming connects
between the text to
other text, to their
lives, and to the world.

9:30- 10:15 AM

Independent Reading/
Guided Reading

Students will be
silently reading chosen
text that is at their
independent level. At
times, students will be
called to the back table
to engage in guided

10:15- 11:00 AM

Independent Writing/
Guided Writing

Students will be
silently writing in
regards to a topic of
their choice. At times,
students will be called
to the back table to
engage in guided

Teacher will be doing

Teacher will be
circulating around the
room making sure that
the students are on task
and that the words are
appropriate for the
Read the book
Babushkas Doll by
Patricia Polacco.
Throughout the book,
the teacher will model
her thinking, ask the
class questions, and
prompt the students to
make connections and
While the students are
reading independently,
the teacher will
conduct a few
individual reading
conferences. After, the
teacher will take a
small group of students
to the back table to
engage in guided
While the students are
writing independently,
the teacher will check
in to see where in the
writing process the
students are. The
teacher will keep track
of this over time. The
teacher will also check
in with the students to
see how they feel about
their writing pieces.
After, the teacher will
take a small group of
students to the back
table to engage in
guided writing.

Daily Instructional Plan- Tuesday

9:00-9:10 AM

Word Study

9:10- 9:20 AM

Mini- Lesson

9:20-10:10 AM

Literature study

10:10-11:00 AM

Independent/ guided

Students will be doing

Students will be doing
their Tuesday Word
Study assignmentRainbow Spelling
based off of the words
they received the
previous morning.
Students will be
answering questions
and making
connections between
the read aloud text,
Babushkas Doll and
what they are learning
about in terms of
Students will engage in
kid-lead discussions
(Literature Circles)
with other members of
their group. These
groups will be created
randomly. The students
will be able to choose
the book that they read.
Students will be
silently writing in
regards to a topic of
their choice. At times,
students will be called
to the back table to
engage in guided

Teacher will be doing

Teacher will be
circulating around the
room making sure that
the students are on task
and that the words are
appropriate for the
Teacher will connect
the read-aloud book to
the topic of the minilesson: inferencing.
The teacher will begin
by explaining what
inferencing is and then
refer to the text for
Teacher will circulate
the room while the
students are engaged in
their discussions. The
teacher will not
interfere unless the
group is off- task or
needs something to be
cleared up.
While the students are
writing independently,
the teacher will check
in to see where in the
writing process the
students are. The
teacher will keep track
of this over time. The
teacher will also check
in with the students to
see how they feel about
their writing pieces.
After, the teacher will
take a small group of
students to the back
table to engage in
guided writing.

Literacy Terms
Pyramid Spelling- Every Monday, the students will receive a list of words (15-20) that
matches with their ability level. Each day of the week the students will work with these
words through various activities and assessments to ensure that the lists they are
receiving are appropriate. Once the students have received their lists they will begin
Mondays activity, Pyramid Spelling. This activity uses the practice principle to ensure
that the students remember how to spell the word in the future. The students begin by
writing the first letter of their first word, then the second letter, the third, etc. This
continues until the students finish all of their words. If this does not get completed within
the Word Study block the students will have to complete it for homework. There is a
sample of what Pyramid Spelling looks like below.

Independent Reading Level- To determine a students independent reading level, they

will be given various reading assessments in the beginning of the school year and
periodically throughout the rest of the year. These will check students word recognition
and comprehension skills to guide the students towards books at their perfect level.
Books that are at a students independent reading level should be easily comprehended
and read without outside help. When students are engaging in the independent reading
block at school they will be reading text that is at their independent reading level.
Individual Reading Conferences- As the students are reading at their desks, the teacher
will sit next to a student and conduct a brief conference. During this time the teacher will
ask questions such as: Do you enjoy this book? Can you tell me what has happened so
far in the book? What do you predict will happen in the story? By asking the students
these questions the teacher will get a sense of whether or not the student is actually
reading the book, and if the book seems to be on their reading level. Once the teacher has
written down the answers, she will ask the student to read a page of the book that they
have already read. This will lower the anxiety level and the pressure because the student
should be familiar with the page. The teacher may use this information as well to
determine if the book is appropriate for the student. Several reading conferences will take
place each day to ensure that the whole class is accounted for each week.

Guided Reading- While the students are reading and conferences are taking place, the
teacher will take note of the areas that the students may be struggling with. The teacher
will then make small groups according to the skills that need to be improved. As the
students are reading independently, the teacher will take the small groups to the back
table to quickly work on their area of weakness. The students and teacher will work with
teacher- chosen text to improve reading components. Examples of Guided Reading topics
are: foreshadowing, using pictures to figure out word meanings, and inferencing.
Guided Writing- While the students are writing and handing in their finalized pieces, the
teacher will take note of the areas that the students may be struggling with. The teacher
will then make small groups according to the skills that need to be improved As the
students are writing independently, the teacher will take the small groups to the back
table to quickly work on their area of weakness. Examples of Guided Writing topics are:
implementing quotation marks into writing, implementing strong introductions, and parts
of speech.
Rainbow Spelling- On Tuesdays, the students will use the words they received the
previous day and complete the Rainbow Spelling activity. For this, the students write all
of their words in 5 different colors of their choice. The consistent re-writing of the words
will become drilled in the students minds and they will be better able to recall the
spelling of the word in the future. If the students do not finish this in time they will have
to take it home.
Mini-Lesson- The teacher picks a topic to discuss with the students for 7-11 minutes.
Many times this can be related back to a read aloud that the class had recently worked on.
The goal is for the students to take the information that they learned from this mini-lesson
and apply it to their own reading/ writing.
Literature Circles- Students are grouped by the choice in books that they choose, not by
ability level. The students determine themselves how much they will read at home and in
school, and they have kid- lead discussions in response to the things that are happening in
the text.

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