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December 1990 1006) ‘SECOND M.B.B.S. DEGREE EXAMINATION Part! Paper = PHARMACOLOGY “Tine : Tree hours Maximum : 90 marks ‘Answer ALL the questions Sections A and 8 shouldbe anowered ‘in soparate answer books ‘Section C must be answered sopaatly onthe answer sheet ‘acod inside the question paper Dookie as per the Insuctons given onthe rst page, SECTION A 1.Ciasi the crugsusedn pate ler Explain the mechanism of action of ‘e8ch one of them ingeating thew therapeute uy, smarts) 2. Discuss the aiferent mechanisms invohed in the action of various ‘anthypertensve agents giving sutable examples. (5 marks) SECTION 8 _3.Wite short nota on: (6x8=20) (@) Cytophosphamido (©) Peniiiamine (©) Ketamine (8) Timotet (@) Catimazole (0) Cophatsporins DECEMBER 1951 (008) SECOND M.S. DEGREE EXAMINATION, [DECEMBER 1991 Pant Paper 1— PHARMACOLOGY se: The hours. Mesintam : 90. marks newer ALL questions. ‘Answer Section A and B in seperate Answer Books SECTION A ‘What is 2 caditonic agent? Deterbe the mickenn f seton and therapeutic uses of Digan 03) Clasify puryavs. Explain the mechenism of ston of sach one of them vig shee therapetic uss, 05) SECTION B ‘Weite short nates on G@) Rifampicin, ©) Metbouesse. (© Nitrous exe (©) Oral contaetives (©) Nilosamide @) Metyapone. ©xs= 30 ‘APRIL 1992 1006) SECOND M.B.BS, DEGREE EXAMINATION. Part Paper - PHARMACOLOGY “Tene: Three hours Maximum : 00 marks Sections A and B should be answered in separate ancwer books ‘Answer ALL the questions SECTION A 1. Classy anaigesies. Deserbe bietly the mechaniam of action and therapeu uses a sass. (15mans) 2. Cs antparnsonan drugs Explain the machanismt ston indicating thew cnal use. (smacks) ‘SECTIONS ‘3. Wite short notes on x5=30) (@) Soxine ©) Etter 4) Spectnonyein (8) Rantisne (@) tone () Oxyocin Ja rary 1993 ‘SECOND MBBS. DEGREE EXAMINATION Maximum :90 marks SECTION A 1. Classy drugs used in Malaria and bray oun he mechanism of action, incl used and tony of chorea, “3 2, Mention the drugs used in Diabetes mellitus. Briel describe the ean lat an wna ct oH gs SECTION B ‘3. Wite shor nots on: (@) Fist Pass Metabolism (0) Histamine (4) blockers (©) Hopatn vs. Wartarn (@) Potassium sparing duatics (©) Flurazena () Therapeutic uses o -adronergc blockers 20) [PR 106) November 1993 SECOND ME. 88. DEGREE EXAMINATION, Part | Peper i — PHARMACOLOGY Time: Theos hours Maximum: 90 mare. (1) Sepurat answer book must be used for Sections A and B. (2) Section © must be anawered separately on the lnewor shoot placed inside the question paper booklet ae por the bnructon on the fst poge, (@) Arawor ALL the question. ‘SECTION A — (2x 15 = 90 marks) 4. Glosafy antthypertensives. Discuss the mechanism ot actin, therapoutle uses and. adveree effects with the ‘une of proprenlo. 2. Discuss I detlt the chematharepy of amoeba SECTION 8 — (6 x 5=30 marta} 3. Wilt short notes on: (e) Blotraneforration. ©) Suceing choline. {6) Pontazectne ( Cotrimoxte (6) Amphotercio B, (8 Onl tron therapy IND 511) » a a ‘Second M.B. Degree Exeminatios Pan 1 Papgr | - FHARMACOLOGY Thee hours Maximum 99 aks Separate answer books must be use fr Section A and 8. ‘Section © must be anewored separately on the answer shost placed inside the question pape Dooket at pet the instuctons on the Fst poe. Answer ALL tho question. SECTIONA — (@x18=30) Enumerate the drugs used in loproey, describe the dosage schedule and adverse effects of the ‘rugs used in mulibscitay and pavey becilny leprosy, Discuss the weetment ofthe lpr rection ‘ccuring uring the course of leprosy. Closity nonstoldal an inflameetory drug ‘sctbe the pharmacological ection, therapeutic ‘ms and. sdvrse affects of spin, Mention the newer clinical uses of spin. Novernber 1994 8 Wilt shor notes on ” » ° o a 9 SECTION B (oxs-30) Newer rug dalvery systems, Calcium channel blockers, Metronidazole 4 uinolonee ‘yctosporine le organ anepantation 4- Pensilanine ts 814) Second M.6.8.3, Degree Examination att (ow equations) Paper | - PHARMACG:OGY Time: Tees hous ‘Two and a hal an hout forsee Asnd @ Maximur 100 mathe See. A and 8: 70 mike 1. Separate answer books must > used fo Section And’ 8. 2 Secon © must bo answered sepsately on the enswor sheet prov 8. Anewer All the questions ‘4 Drow sgiame wherever osceser, ‘SECTION—A, 1. Chasity atioagatone, pharmacology of hepuin ‘dosage tested? Discuss ia aes! the How ie heparin vet 2 chastity non-nareole analgesics. Discuss th ‘hamacoloicl stone, indication and adverse ‘tects of enleyiates November 1995 SECTION-8 23, Wite short note on: ” » ° 4 o 0 o » ‘Agranulocyoais cispiin Potasslum sparing drt Beta simatants Mannito! ‘Symthate cstico steroids Biological batt tte Post maeting survallance during now rug developmonts, ax sta) ae ‘Sub. Code: 4021 ‘SECOND M.B.8S, DEGREE EXAMINATION Patt Paper- PHARMACOLOGY (ew Reguations) Tine Three hours ‘Maximum 100 marks ‘wo anda altho Secton A and 6 70 marks for Section A and ‘Separate answer books must be used for Sactons A and B Section C must be answered separately onthe ‘answer shea proved ‘Answer ALL the questions raw diagrams whereever necessary SECTION A @x15=30) 1. Discuss the dugtrestment of Hypertension. Morton the pharmachotilea! ‘actions indeations and ede eects of any thre groups of anbrypertensve agents. 2. Classy the various anticonvulsant drugs. Deserbe the mechanism, of ‘action, pharmacclogcl actos, adverse elles and hereapeute uses of phenytoin, SECTIONS (6x5 40) ‘2,.Wete short notes on (@)roversibe choline estorase inhtors (©) Loop detis (©) TWoatmen of Barburete poisoning (2) How do you prolong he action of rugs (@) Compare and const Exgomentin & Oxtocin (Vise Ataoids {@) Proknetic agent (0) Intensive short term therapy of Tareas October 1996 Px519] ‘SECOND MB, 8S DEGREE EXAMNATION ‘(Comeron to O1dNew Regations) Paper — PHARMACOLOGY se Thee hous Mawr 100 ats > and al an hors Section and 8:70 mans Section Aand | ‘Separate answer books rust be used fr Secon A and B ‘Seaton € must be answered separately on he snswer sheet provided ‘Answer ALL the questions. raw cagrans wherever necessary SECTION A~ (95 maka) What re Catacholines? Classy th sympathomiess agents depending on therapeutic use. Discus bit the use, tide eects and dose of Daremine. 08) We short notes on (45220) (2) Mutirug therapy for Mycobactria iectons. (©) Cunolone atbltos. (@) Thrapoute (dv) Indox (Hy receptor blockers 1 9) SECTION — (95 mars) Enuerate the varous groups of ups used in Diabetes us wih suitable exampes, DescrBe the mechanism of [fo tses and adres eles of clorpreramice. co ite shat not 00: x8=29 (@ veo. (©) Rantane (©) Orgs tor Glavcora (@) Metenidazole (MP 519] ‘Sub. Code : 4024 ‘SECOND MB. S DEGREE EXAMINATION, Patt Paper | PHARMACOLOGY (ew Reputors) Maina 00 nats Section A&B: 70 marks ‘ime: Tees hours ‘wo and shal hours tor Section Aad B ‘Separate answer books must be sed for Secon A and. Seaton € must be answered separately onthe answer sheet ‘vided, Answer ALL the questions ‘raw clare wherever necessary. SECTION A— (35 masts) Clas re drugs usd n Malaria. Outine the mecraiem ae sector nical uses and toes of cieroqune, Oscus the drug Derapy of malarial fover due lb plasmedum vivax an dere ar, 05) 2 Wie ert notes on (4x5=20) (@) Tolerance (©) Metacopramde April 1997 519] SECTION 8 — (35 mars) Classy Analysis. Discuss dtl he phamacalogl: so, Herapeutc uses and adverse eft of any tes « “serial and inlareraory ages ce ie short notes on (@) Varin (©) Anticancer antics (@ Prenyton (@) Zoran in ADS teatment October 1997 s.519) Sub. Code 4021 ‘SECOND M.B.8.S. DEGREE EXAMINATION ‘Comme toa Regulations Part Paper- PHARMACOLOGY Tine :Tivee hours ‘Maximum : 100 marks ‘wo anda hal rours Section A and 870 marks forSecton A and 8 ‘Secon C90 mas ‘Separate answer books must be used for Sections & and 8 Section © must be answered separately onthe answer sheet ‘provided a per the netractons ge onthe re page, ‘Answer ALL the questions SECTIONA |. numerate he verious groups of drugs used or ypertenson Discuss bry the pharmacologia! actions and sige effects of three groups of _antnypertensves. 05) ‘2. bi on: (4x5=20) (@) Levedopa (©) Sabutamot (©) Omerprazat (@)_Subingual admintration of rugs SECTION 8 ®8.Dlscusethe chemotherapy of uberis andinceate he comenon regimes 3) (4x8=20) (@) Frusemide (©) Clomiphene citrate (©) Oral yponiyeaemic agents (8) Mobendazsie April 1998 svete] ‘Sub. Code: 4021 ‘SECOND M.B.3.5. DEGREE EXAMINATION ‘Common oa Regulations HARMACOLOGY ‘Tine Three hous Maximum : 100 marks “Twoand anal hous. Secton A and B : 70 marks {or Section A and ‘Soction C30 marks Separate answor books mast be used fr Sections A and ‘Section C must be answered separately onthe answer sheet ‘Provided as perth ntuctons ge onthe rst page, ‘Answer ALL the quostons SECTION A 1. Discs the mutirugtnerapy of Leprosy. Menton the therapeute aspects 0d adverse elects of tee crags used ilo pry. a3) 2. Wee bret on: (6x5=20) (a) Prostaglanins or midterm abortion. (0) Rote of glucocorticoids in bronchial asthma (©) Motvanidazoein amowbinais (8) Lagots tang SECTION 8 9. Classy the drugs usod in the treatment of Epilepsy. Describe the mechanism of action and side efecto three main grou of atopic ss 05) 4. White bit on (4x5=20) (@) Therapeutic uss of Amaxyeitin ©) Vioka alos (6) Heparin (@) Destertixaine(Destera) October 1998 IsMai9} Sub. Code : 4021 SECOND MBBS. DEGREE EXAMINATION. ‘Common tal egutations Patt Paper — PHARMACOLOGY ‘imo Three hours Maxims :100 marks ‘wo and ahalfhoure Ses, A. See. B:70 marks for See. Aand Sac. B Section ©: 90 marks ‘Separate answer books must be wed or Sections A and B, Section C must be answered eoparataly on tho answer shost provided es per the instructions oa the Rt page Answer ALL questions SECTION A 1. Roumerate entichlinergie drugs, Mention four oa tnd four adverse ffects of any one of them, Outline the treatment af ergeno-phorhorss compound polning. eeer= is) 2 Waite briety on (ax5=20) («)Prouyatomi liminetion (Peat Pas metabaism) 0) Atonatal, ( Mannisa. @ Rifampin seCTIOND, 2. Clamity pani, Write the apecrum, een and iver effects of Benal Penillin ‘Wete briafy on @x5e20) ) Methotrexate, Newer inguin © Streptokinase, @ Dinzapem. 2 [sm 819] April 1999) [8G519] Sub, Code : 4021 SECOND M.B.BS. DEGREE EXAMINATION. (Common oll Regulations) Part Paper !— PHARMACOLOGY ‘hme: Taree hours ‘Masi 100 mass ‘Twoandabalfhous — Sec.A &See.B: 70 marke for See. A and See. B Section ©: $0 masks Separate answer books must be used for ‘Sections A and B. Section C must be answered separately on the answer sheet provided as per the instructions on the frst page. Anawer ALL queetions SECTION A — (85 marks) 1, _ Classify Non-Steroidal Anti-inflammatory Drugs. (SALDs) Describe in brief, the pharmacological actions, therapeutic usee and edverae effact of Acetyl salicylic acid. as) 2, Write beefy on (4x5=20) () Enalapril () Sera fate (© Soecingl choline (@) Biotranatormation. a SECTION B — (35 marks) Classify antipaychotie drugs. Discuss the ‘mechaniam, pharmacological ations, preparations with the doves, ‘adverse effects, therapeutic uses and interdtions with other drugs of chlorpromazine. (18) 4 Write briefly on x (a) Anabolic steroide (©) Non sedative Hj-Recoptor blockers (© Fibrinoiytics {(@) Third generation cephalosporins 0) 2 {scsi9] October. 2000 OKC 519} Sub. Code : 4021 ‘SECOND M.S, DEGREE EXAMINATION. ‘Common to all Regulations) Patt Paper I— PHARMACOLOGY ‘Time: Three hours ‘Two and a balfhoure {for See. A and See. B ‘Maximum : 100 marke Sec. Ade See. B: TO marks ‘Section C 80 marker Separate answer books must be used for Sections A and B, ‘Section C must be answered separately on the answer sheet provided as per the instructions an the frst page. Answer ALL questions ‘SECTION A— (85 mars) 1. Enumerate the different members of natural and synthetic Musearinie receptor backing drugs ‘Explain the actions of one drug in this group on the eye and smooth musclas with two. clinical indications. Mention the important aystomic adverse fects of one of them 2, Write briefly on xs Ge) Verapamil (©) Chlorpeamazine (@) Lavostatin @) Transdermal application of drugs, ‘SECTION B— (85 marks) 8, Classify antithyroid drugs. ‘Mention the mechanism of ation of thiowsnides, Mention the steps in the treatment of thyroid crisis explaining the reason forthe use of each drug, G+ 12-19) 4. Waite brialy on 4x5 =20) (a) Dopamine ©) Vinerstine (© Albendsaale (@) Ceftriaxone, 0) 2 KC 819)

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