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‘TOWSON UNIVERSITY MIDDLE SCHOOL EDUCATION: EVALUATION OF INTERNSHIP ‘Te Googe cf Easton use he 201 ers Tester Asesent nd Suppo Corer (TASC) Sandee 5 fe sabsanan fr thie Lore Stvaton (ML) pom sansa gue on snes hase Sco washer vas Namen vena Inti ubecteontent aes, Senge Irs romancing ‘twat campus dite tem comple Her ptesonaecsson cnuseveek? Seen vent Name ot pron align Steven ath Posten ef penoneatpetngtame: ———WanrTegae hal her ran led ole STEM Pra Which otto are youeveisng? —_—_ lan a Name of Mentor TescheUnverty Supervisor, Pau Shoulce Part. InTASC STANDARDS Please assess your intom's performance level an indicate you ratiigon cath ofthe InTASC Standards using the rating scala ound below. '5 Distinguished (Consistemly demonstrated) 4--Profcient Frequently demonstrated) 3 Satisfactory (Generally demonstrated) 2 BasicINoeds improvement (Seldom demonstrated) 41- Unsatisfactory (Files to demonstrat) ‘The Learner and Learning InTABG 1: Learner Development “he intern demonstrates understanding of how larnors grow and develop, recognizing that pftems ot earning and development vary ndvcualy win and across tho cognitive, | Saiisfatory(Generaly) linguist, socal emotlonal and physical areas, and designed ard implemented ‘developmentally appropriate and challonging lesring experiences TnTASC 2 Learning Diflerencos ‘The inter demonsreted undorstanding of individual ferences and diverse cultures {and communtes fo ensure inclusive lemring environments tat enabled each eamer to ‘eet hig standarcs TATASC 3: Learning Environmonts ‘Theintem workes wh others fo create environments that supported individual ane ing, and that encouraged postive socal nieracton, ecive engagement inveeming, 2nd get. motvaton, Saltacory (Generally) Proficient Frequenty) Content TnTASC & Content Knowiedge ‘The intern Gemensratea understanding of the central concepts, tools of Inuiry, and structures of tho dsciplin(s) he or she taught and ereated learning experiences that | Proient (Frequent) ‘made the cacipine accessible and meaningful or ALL learner aasure masta ofthe | InTASC5: Application of Content ‘The intern demonsttated understanding of how to connect concepts and use difering perspectives to engage leamors nerteal thinking eroatvy, and collaborative problem solving fetes anand local and glob esues. roi (Frequent) Instructional Practice TATASC 6: Assosament to Prove-and improve Student Learing ‘Theintem demonstated understanding and used mullple methods of asset i nana ears ner own growth, mentor ier progres, ato quid tne | Sasso sGentaak her's snd learner's decision making. TnTASC 7: Pinning for etcton ‘The intern planned instuetion thet supported every student in meeting rigorous leaning {goa by aawing upon knowadge of content areae, curriculum, cross-dscipinary Skis, and pedagogy, a8 well knowledge of learners and te community context InTASC 8: Instructional Statogios ‘The rien demorstiated understanding and used a Variety of instructional strategs to {ncourageleamers to develop deop Understanding f content areas and thelr ‘connections, anf buld sks aplyknowodgo in meaning ways rofessional Responsibility TATASC 8: Professional Learning and Ethical Practice ‘Te rien engaged n ongoing professional learing end used evidence to continually evaluate hither practice, paula the eects of hisher choices snd acons on hers. | Proflent (Frequent). | (comers, tambas, cher profeesonal. ans the communly), as adapted practice fo most {he needs ofeach learner. TnTASC 10: Leadership and Collaboration ‘Theintam sought appropriate leadership roles and opportunites to take responsibilty for stent teaming to calaborate am nana, fails, colleagues, othe schoo) Satstatiory (Generally) professions an vonmuniy members to ensure learer grow, and to advance the profession Saltactory (General) Satisfactory (Goneray) Technology The ier used av ‘communication. integrating ts use inal facets of professional practice, andfor Pronident Frequenty) [apting instruction to mest the needs ofeach lamer, rar, Other Performance Factors Please assess your Item's demonstrated ability, using the rating scale found bolow: ‘5 Distinguished (Consistenty) 4 Proficient Frequently) 13 Satistectory (Generally) 2 BasicINeeds improvement (Seldom) 1 = Unsatisactory (Falled to) [NA Not Applicable if placement didnot provide opportunity) (7 The ier afaransted insracion and worked tfecivaly wih learners om averse backgrounds (ex, socto-economic, racial, ethnic) Semen CEN 2 The nom diferente intrusion and worked effectively wih learners with spacial needs Proficient (Frequent) 5. The iiem dfeceniatad nstucton and worked fecively wih English Language ica Sa Leamers (EUL) 4 The ine devenaied pevucton and ware efecvely wih gtd and talented learners. Proficient (Frequent) 2th hi sataborarey poned ado aighvhepaclalaed resource parson jen, guidance counsuorYeeouee wacher special edacator, reading spe, | Sitar (Genera). Snes specialist, speech pales ! Parti, AMLE Standards Please assess your inten's performance level snd inleate yourFating on each ofthe AMLE Standards ‘Missle Schoo canaistes must demonstrate ne knowlege, skis, nd dispositions to organize that provide ineuton a the appropiate schoo! level ortho stud of Selance and provide experiences 5 Distinguished (Consistently) 4 Proficient (Frequent) = Satisfactory (Generally) 2 Basic!Noeds Improvemont (Seldom) 1 Unsatisfactory (File to) ‘Standerd 1. Young Adolescént Development: Mise evel leazhor tandidatos Undertand Use andrei onthe ‘apr concepts, piepes thaores ana feseareh ‘esl to young adalescert development and use tna. knowedge {hee practee. They demansrate th aby to aly ths knowledge when making curculas dedisons, planning ane Implmeriing insuction.parbipating in mile level prosfams and practices, and pravaing eal anc effective learning ‘environments fora young adolescents, quired performances include "TA Dem oraTTes MnGoge nd undereanding ofthe wletedual, physical $623) ‘motonal and mora characteris of fer young edclescent students To create appropriate | Profeent (Frequent) Iearing envonments for al students “LB, Implements curicuum and insrulon tate responsive fo young sdlescert Saistarony Giteronces (9 race, ethnaty, cule, age appearance, ably, sexual ointtion, (Goneraiy)Saistactory Sodioeconami slau, family composition (General, “LG, Uses knowledge of young adolescent Gaveiopmert when planning and mplementng mide evel cures and when selecting and using Insuctioe| strategies, ereeony come "TD, Deronsvates abut opartipato successfulyn efecive mide level schoo! | crganizatonal practoes suchas inlerdscpinery team organization and advisory programs, | _Peflent(Freaventy) ‘Standard 2. midele Level Philosophy and Schoo! Organization: Midde ove teacher cacidates understand and use the central concep, standards, esearch, and sructres of confer plan an plement eurcuusm tat develops al young adolescents competence in subject matter They use thirknowledge and avaiable resourees 0 design. ‘holament and evaluote challenging, cavelopmentalyreeponive curculam Yat fesuts in meaning earning ‘uleomes, Migs lve eschorcandiates demonstrate tel ably to asi al young acoiscontsn understanding the ‘ierisiplnary nature of ended, They design and each coum that responsive to st young adolescents local ‘atonal, and iematena stores languapelialets, nd indidual denies (2. race, eth, culture, age, ‘Sppesrance, ai. sexual venation sodeeconomi status, fry composton). Required performances Include A. Dervanaates& deph ad bread of subject malar carintKrowedge hte wba ‘hay tooo og. Englehianguage arts, mathemati, soil stuces, science) and Incorporates Information racy sks snd state-of e-at echrolgis notching thelr subjects, Profisent Frequent) 2B, Uses knowledge oT local sate, raonal and common core tandards to fare ter teaching and desig, plement and evaluate developmentally responsive, meaning and | Proficient (requert) chalengingeurteuum feral young adolescents. 72. Derronstraes fe nerciscpinary nature of Kroweda by developing and mpimrentng relevant, chalonging,tepaive, and exporion curiuum. eseeeey (ooreet ‘Standard 3. Midale Level Philosophy and School Organization, Mid evel teacher candidates understand the ‘major concepts, principles, theories, and research underlying the philosophical foundations of developmentally ‘eeponsive middle level programs and schools, and thoy work successfully within middle level organizational ‘components. Required pertormances Include: {EA Dernoraates a understanding ofthe phiosephicaloundains of developmental, Tesponsive middle level programs and schoo. "2B. Apple ngnfedge ot efecive mide eos progr Yunton sUCEBESTuly wahina varity af soo] organizational stings Satsaciry (Generally Setsacion (Generaty) Standard 4, tidole Level instruction and Assessment Wide level teacher candiates understand, use, and reflec on the major concepts, pene dle, theories and researt felted Satanfomes nstucion and assessment. They employ 2 varely of Covlopmertaly appropriate nstucona!svateie, information Heracy ck and technologies to meet he leaming neecs ofa young adoiesoent (e 9, face, efvacty culture. age, appearance, ably, sexval entation, Soclooconomie status, fay composton). Required performances includ A are Ta a aS SAT TMISURGS | ey Gon ‘18. Soy awe vay of ace aching ing and aaeEaMa TaLE Sater ener) “EC. Develops and acslersasessrers nd se he 8 lomalve an sumeabve es {pcceatemeanogh leaning experences Satstctory Caner) “ED, Demonavaes aiiy@ molvets al young adolosceis and facliae her learning thvough wide verity of developmentaly responsive meters and resources nd Profisent Frequent) testabshes an equtabl,carg,arogucve earing ensronment Standard 5, Midst Love! Professional Roles Nile eve teacher canldats understan thelr complex roles as teachers of young adotescenta They engage n ratices and behaviors that devel ter competence as middle level professional. They are informed advocates fer young scolescents ana mile lave education, ana work succesful with Eoleagues, families, communty agencies, and carmmunty members. Middle level eather candidates demonstrate postive dlspostons and engage m ethcal professional beavers Required performances include: ‘EA Undersiands. reece on, and are successful he unique rte of idae evel rfessionals (6g), members of teaching trams and advisors to young adolescents) Proficient (Frequent) ‘5, Serves as sdvocate fra young acolesceris anc for developmentally responsive schoolng racices, ‘5. Understands and values the ways verse arly Sucures and cara backgrounds Proficient (Frequent) ‘Stenee and onic eaming, nd communicate and calaborate with famies fom verse | Sabsfactory (Generally) ules and backgrounds. 1/80. Models righ standard of tial behavior and profesional competence. ‘ainguanes l an (Consiteny ‘Summarizing statements reqarding the intern’s classroom experiences during this placemen and ability to-3 rolo of classy rc IMs. Wong demonstrated an aptitude for developing positive rapport and relationships with her students. She ullized pedagogically-appropriate lesson activities that attempted to meet the needs of all learners, She created a postive and supportive learning environment. She was a model of professionalism. | would encourage her to utlize teaching practices that expand even further upon. ‘existing curriculum and to further develop her classroom management skils. Final Rating ome 2/2 NG SIONATURE:

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