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Transparency in Government Act

A bill designed to eliminate the CIA, improve
nation security and increase funding in Space.

1. Stopping the CIA drone program, and getting all Drones and Aircrafts
in possession of the CIA delivered to the United States Air Force.
2. Ending the Central Intelligence Agency and all tasks of national
security to be handled by the NSA and FBI.
3. Reallocating the Annual budget of the CIA $10 Billion Dollars to the
National Aeronautics and Space Administration and $5 Billion Dollars
to go and repair America's Roads, highways, install new pipelines for
delivering clean water to people, transportation of natural gas and oil
safely to avoid spillage, leaks which cause climate change.
4. All Classified files of the CIA are to be released to the public if there
do not harm the national security of the United States.
5. Opening up Area 51 to the public and indepedent press under the
freedom of information act.
6. Employees of the CIA who are afluent and hold degrees in Science,
Engineering, Mathematics and Technology can be intergrated into
silicon Valley, private sector or Civilian Military leadership.

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