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Whats the status of your ethno? Whats the next step?

What do you need help

My ethnography is going smoothly and Im very confident in what the finished
product will look like. My next step is pooling together all the research and prior
knowledge I have to create a document so great that an A will not suffice as
adequate and or an appropriate grade for my work. As arrogant as that sounds I
believe confidence in such a project is necessary.
Exercise 52-1
1. Quotation marks crediting author are missing
2. OK
3. Qtd. In in the citation is unnecessary, not exact quote, inaccurate
4. Qtd. In in the citation is unnecessary
5. 2nd sentence is a dropped quotation
Confirmation bias
The concept simply implies it is much easier to remain the same instead of
expanding to an outward way of thinking perhaps from another perspective.
Assuming what is already common to you is more settling and less scary than
changing to a new unfamiliar way of things. In other words, people find more
comfort in conforming than they do going outside the box.
Does the author fix the problem for which she searches?
I dont believe that the article addresses a legitimate solution to the problem in
todays world. As sad as it sounds civilization is at a very sensitive state right now
and people are jumping at the first opportunity to post blame on a group of people
for their crimes and further deepening the lines separating us as opposed to coming
together and uniting for a better purpose.
3 qs
What is so easy about conforming?
Why is change so scary?
Why, in a time of tragedy, is division easier than unity?

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