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Sociobiology Reflection

MDS 4983

Roy Dixon


Using the book, Men Don't Listen & Women Can't Read Maps you are required to write,
individually, a one page, double spaced paper on what you believe is the most evident
reality in our society and provide at least 2 qualitative examples from your experiences.

I believe the most evident reality in our society is simply the fact that women are wired
differently than men. Women are wired with their emotions on high alert, nurturing, and usually
look for points of similarity and agreements and value cooperation; while men are wired to be
competitive and hierarchical, territorial, establishing rank and status, assertive, and independent.
For example, the apparent confusion whenever men and women communicate with each
other. That being, men think in straight lines while women think in circles. The female forte is
that when she is communicating with her male counterpart, be it a friend, boyfriend, husband or
some family member etc. her communication is like a plane getting ready to land at an airport,
she has the natural uncanny ability to circle like a plane (dropping hints) before she decides to
land on the straight runway (saying exactly what her point is). On the other hand, the human
male naturally think in straight lines; and while this quality makes him adept at being practical
and logical such as problem solving and fixing stuff around his home, because his inner wiring is
on a different frequency his ability to converse seamlessly with a female requires a great deal of
effort on his part and vice versa.
A few years ago, I dated Denise, a Southern belle from Georgia who I met at a local
church in Houston, Texas. One of the most memorable events that kept recurring during that
period is that while she was talking with me, she would immediately notice that I would get lost
at some point during the conversation and she would tease me by saying: Wow that flew over
your head; I would smile, pleasantly surprised and reply: Yes it did (of course, she expected

me to figure it out). It was not until some time later I started reading John Grays book, Men are
from Mars, Women are from Venus, and Deborah Tannens You Just Don't Understand: Women
and Men in Conversation when I finally began to understand the dynamics between the sexes
during conversation and essentially why it has been so throughout the ages. As the years rolled
by, I immersed and committed myself on learning how females communicate. I now consider
myself bilingual, that is, possessing the skill to communicate effectively with females young, old
or in between.
My second qualitative example is the fact that men are visual whenever I would go out
with Denise or just about any other female friend, they would always chide me whenever they
saw me glancing or just admiring other female creatures. Interestingly, they took offense to it,
although in my mind there was nothing to it. Women are not visual like men, they internalize
naturally giving them an extra dose of inner reasoning over her male counterpart which is great.
It seems that a woman can tell if something is wrong with her child, a parent or a spouse as soon
they are in her presence, whereas men are clueless to this type of Sixth senseintuition.

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