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Cecile Kyona

Professor: Debra Jizi

UWRT 1102-029
22 March 2016
Double Entry Journal source #1
Citation: Patrick J. Skerrett, Walter C. Willett, Essentials of Healthy Eating: A Guide,
Journal of Midwifery & Women's Health, Volume 55, Issue 6, November
December 2010, Pages 492-501, ISSN 1526-9523.

Diet, of course, is just one approach to

preventing illness. Limiting caloric intake to
maintain a healthy weight, exercising
regularly, and not smoking are three other
essential strategies. Compelling data from
the Nurses' Health Study show that women
who followed a healthy lifestyle pattern that
includes these four strategies were 80%
less likely to develop cardiovascular
disease over a 14-year period compared to
all other women in the study. Introduction
The message fat is bad is problematic
because there are four main types of
dietary fat with dramatically different effects
on health. Dietary fat
Trans fats from partially hydrogenated oils
are undeniably bad for the cardiovascular
system and the rest of the body. These
largely manmade fats elevate harmful lowdensity lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol,
reduce protective high-density lipoprotein
(HDL) cholesterol, stimulate inflammation,
and cause a variety of other changes that
damage arteries and impair cardiovascular
health.5 A higher intake of trans fat has
been associated with an increased risk for
developing cardiovascular disease, type 2
diabetes, gallstones, dementia, and weight
gain. Dietary Fat
A moderate intake of saturated fat (under
8% of daily calories) is compatible with a
healthy diet, whereas consumption of
greater amounts has been associated with
cardiovascular disease
Monounsaturated and polyunsaturated

It is really interesting to find out that

although healthy eating helps prevent a lot
of diseases, it is just one aspect of what
we can do to truly attain a healthier
lifestyle over all. Developing healthy habits
can apparently keep us from developing
cardio vascular diseases. I think this is
really interesting. If we have a way to
avoid/prevent diseases as dangerous as
heart diseases then why not do it? I am
glad that I am given the option to avoid
being sick.
I have actually always believed this without
even thinking twice. I always assumed fat
was bad.
It is the artificial fat (made by humans) or
trans fat that are bad for our bodies. They
multiply our chances of getting different
illnesses. I think I am starting to have a
broader understanding of healthy eating
(although I am not really getting it yet). It is
not fat that is bad for the body, but it is the
oils that contain hydrogen that are
dangerously bad for the human body.

This makes me want to find out what my

exact saturated fat is on a daily basis. I
need to find out how to calculate and
control our fats intake in order to attain the
healthy intake recommendation.
I am learning so much through just one

fats from vegetable oils, seeds, nuts, whole

grains, and fishespecially
polyunsaturated omega-3 fatty acidsare
important components of a healthy diet
and are also essential for cardiac health.
Eating polyunsaturated fats in place of
saturated and trans fats lowers harmful
LDL, elevates protective HDL, (improves
sensitivity to insulin), and stabilizes heart
rhythms. Dietary Fat
In fact, diets that include up to 40% of
calories from fat can be quite healthy if
they are low in trans and saturated fat and
emphasize polyunsaturated and
monounsaturated fat.
a low intake of trans and saturated fat and
a higher intake of unsaturated fats reduce
the risk of cardiovascular disease and
diabetes. Dietary fat
Consumption of a diet rich in highly
processed grains is associated with an
increase in triglycerides and a reduction in
protective HDL. Carbs
Greater glycemic responses are
accompanied by increased plasma insulin
levels, which are thought to be at the root
of metabolic syndrome11 and have also
been implicated in ovulatory infertility.12
Diets with a high glycemic index or
glycemic load (the product of dietary
glycemic index and total carbohydrate
intake) appear to increase the risks of type
2 diabetes and coronary artery disease,
particularly among women who have some
insulin resistance.13 The dramatic loss of
fiber and micronutrients during the milling
process may also contribute to these
adverse effects of highly processed
grains. In contrast, whole grains and foods
made from whole grains, along with fruits,
vegetables, and beans, provide slowly
digested carbohydrates that are rich in
fiber, vitamins, minerals, and
phytonutrients. A substantial body of
evidence indicates that eating whole grains
or cereals high in fiber, rather than highly
refined grains, reduces the risk of
cardiovascular disease14 and type 2
diabetes. Glycemic Index

article only so far. New terms are coming

up and I want to learn and know them all,
since I am truly trying to discover how to
eat better and adopt a more profitable
lifestyle. In order to use my body at its full
potential. This search truly excites me.

It seems like the belief of fat generally

being bad for your body this article proves
that in reality a diet can contains as much
as 40% of calories from fat, yet be healthy.
The problem is not just fat, but trans and
saturated fat. Natural fats such as fish,
avocado, olive oil are not bad for our
body system.
I have also heard that carbohydrates were
bad for the body without really knowing
why, but it is starting to make sense
although I have more arising questions.
Like fro example what are triglycerides and
how to lower/prevent it.
I just learned that glycemic index is a
food ranking system according to their
effect on blood sugar. I didnt know any of
this information at all. It is crazy to think
that what we eat affect our ovulatory
fertility as well as our overall health
condition. This goes to say that what we
eat definitely has an impact on our wellbeing whether we know/accept it or not. If
you want to be in good shape, eating right
can probably d=be one of the best decision
you will ever make. I always knew there
was something about healthy eating, but
after reading this article I feel like thats be
best thing anyone can do for himself or
herself. It is very dangerous in todays
society to eat without questioning the food
we have or searching to at least
understand the benefits and nutrients of
the foods we put in our body systems.

For example, results from the Nurses'

Health Study suggest that eating more
protein from beans, nuts, seeds, and the
likewhile cutting back on easily digested
carbohydratesreduces the risk of heart
disease.16 In that study, eating more animal
protein while cutting back on
carbohydrates did not reduce heart
disease risk, possibly because of the fats
and other nutrients that come along (or do
not come along) with protein from
animals. Protein
Vegetables and fruits provide fiber, slowly
digested carbohydrates, vitamins and
minerals, and numerous phytonutrients
that have been associated with protection
against cardiovascular disease, agingrelated vision loss related to cataracts and
macular degeneration, and the
maintenance of bowel function. The
connection between vegetables and fruits
and cancer is less well established.
Although they do not have a blanket
anticancer effect, fruits and vegetables
may work against specific cancers,
including esophageal, stomach, lung, and
colorectal cancers.
Fruits and vegetables should be consumed
in abundance, which means a minimum of
five servings a dayand more is better. As
few as one in four persons in the United
States meet this guideline.
After water, the two most commonly
consumed beverages are tea and coffee.
Both are remarkably safe beverages, and
have been associated with reduced risks of
type 2 diabetes,20 kidney stones and
gallstones, and possibly heart disease and
some types of cancer. Beverages
The most firmly established benefit of
vitamin supplements is that additional folic
acid can reduce the risk of neural tube
defects by approximately 70%.
Current guidelines call for all women of
childbearing age to take a daily
supplement containing 400 to 800 mcg of
folic acid, or 4 mg for women with a child
with a neural tube defect. Vitamins
In the United States, dietary guidelines
recommend that adult women receive

Does this mean that animal food is not

good for the body? What is the true
difference between animal proteins and
proteins from beans, nuts, seeds protein?
Does animal meat increase heart disease
risk? What are the benefits from animal
protein? What are the benefits from
veggies proteins?

I did not know that we were to consume a

minimum of five servings a day of fruits
and vegetables. I barely can do one. It is
just awesome to come across such
valuable knowledge and hopefully I get to
apply it in my daily life and experience all
the benefits I am reading about.

Does this piece f information include

sweetened tea or is it just regular tea with
not much sugar added?

Should I be taking vitamin supplements?

What do I need to know about this?

It is nice that it gives the opportunity to get

those vitamins from other on-fat sources.

1500 mg of calcium daily,28 in large part by

consuming three servings of low-fat or fatfree dairy products a day.29 A lower-calorie,
no-fat option is to get calcium from
supplements. Vitamins

Excess intake of preformed vitamin A

(retinol) has been associated with an
increased risk of hip fracture, possibly by
competing with vitamin D.31 However,
elevated risk is seen at intakes slightly
higher than the current Dietary Reference
Intake of 700 mcg per day. Given this
concern, a multivitamin that delivers much
of its vitamin A as beta carotene is
preferred. Vitamins
One dietary pattern that may harm longterm health is the typical Western diet
rich in red meat, highly processed grains,
and sugar, and lacking in fruits,
vegetables, whole grains, and fiber. A host
of studies have emphasized that this type
of dietary pattern promotes atherosclerosis
and a variety of cardiovascular conditions,
including heart attack and stroke,
peripheral vascular disease, and heart
failure. Dietary Patterns

Im thinking if I should consider these

options, because I am really trying to get
healthy and fit. Maybe I will add some
vitamins supplements to my diet. I will
probably start by seeing a doctor or
dietician to learn more about this options,
its benefits and most importantly learn
about side effects too.
I think this is both a scary and valuable
information. I had no idea that vitamins
compete together in the body system. It is
so crazy to find out that a high intake of
vitamin increased hip fracture.

What we eat prevents a lot of illnesses.

Choosing what to eat really makes it better
for our overall health and well-being.

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