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BOOK ONE The Wonderful Adornments of the Leaders : of the Worlds TUS HAVE 1 HEARD. At one ime the Buddha wat in the land of Magadha, in » sate of purity, atthe site of enlightenment, Raving jor, fealzed true awareness. The ground wat sold and. Grm, made of tiamond, adored with exqutste jewel dics and: myriad precious ower, with pore dest crytals The ocean of characteristic of the ‘rou eSlors Appeared over an infinite extent There were banners of Drecous stones, constantly emitting shining light and producing beau Exf'Sounds. Nets of myriad gems and gorlands of exquisitely scented flowers hong ail around. The finest jewels appeared spontancocsy, ‘ining inexhaustible quanties of gems and beautiful Hower all over the earch, There were rows of Jewel tees, their branches and flag lestrows and luxuriant. By the Buddha’ spiral power, be cxsed al the adornments of thin enlightenment site toe refeced thercin. “The tre of ealightenmene was tll and oucstanding. Kr erunk was diamond, its man boughs were lps lus branches and twigs were of varius precour lements The lenves, spring in ll dvections, Provided shade, lke clouds. ‘The precious blossoms were of various Eslors, the branching twigs spread ove their shadows. Aso the fut were jewels containing 1 basing radiance. They were together with the Rowers in great arayt. The eoire circumference ofthe tree emanated lighe within ee ihe there rained precious one, and within cach gem ‘were enlightening beings, im grese hosts Hike clouds, simuleaneously Ippeating "Rto, By virtue of the awesome spiritual power of the Buddha, the luce of enlightenment constantly gave forth sublime sounds speaking “ious tuthe witout eed “The palace chamber im which the Buddha was sated was spacious and benuiflly adorned. Ie extended throughout the ten directions. Ie was made of jewels of various colors and was decorated with all kinds 55 The Wondefl Adoroments of the Leader ofthe Worlds 57 (Samantabhad), Light ofthe Supreme Lamp of Universal Viwe, Lion Banner of Universal Ligh, Subd Light of Flames of Univeral Jewels, Banner of Oceans of Qualies of Univers Sounds, Reskm of Engen ment of Radiance of Univewal Knowledge, Banner of Flowers of a ‘Topknot of Univeral Jewels, Plesting Vonce of Univeral Awarenes, Light of inexhaustible Viree of Univers Purigy, Mark of Universi Light, ‘Great Brillance of the Light of the Moon Reflected in the ‘Gceas, Undetled Treasury of Light of Oceans of Cloudite Sounds, Bom of Wisdom and Adorned wth Vireo, Great Light of Sovereiga Virtue, Brave Loss Topknot, Sun Banner of Clouds of Univeral Knowledge, Greatly Perevering with Indestructible Courage, Light Banner of Fragrant Flames, Deep Besutfel Sound of Gres Enlightened Virtue, Born of Wisdom with the Light of Great Vieue. These and coders were the leadere—there were as many there are atoms fem braddha-worlds "These enlightening beings had all in the past accumulated roots of oodness along with Vairocana Buddha, and were all hor from the Scean of roots of goodness of the Buddha, They had aleady flied the various means of wanscendence, and thelr wisdom eye was thor Sughly clear They observed all mes with impartairy. They were thoroughly purified in all wats of concentration, Thee eloquence wae becani, extensive and inexhauatble. They posse the quale of breddhshoog, were dignified and honorable ‘They knew the faculties of ‘catent being and caught them according co potential and neceshy They entered into the matrix of the cosmos, their knowledge wis nondiscriminatory. they experienced. dhe iberion of the Buddhas, ‘eedingly deep and immensely vast. They were able C0 enter into ge ‘sage, according to technical expediency, yer maintain the virtues ofall Stages supported by the ocean ofall vows, always accompanied by ‘wisdom, dhroughout the ture They had thoroughly comprehended the rrely-aeained, vat secret realm ofall Boddhar. They were fair ‘with de squalteachinge ofall Buddhas, They were already weading the Buddhas’ ground of universal igh. They entered the doors of bound less oceans of concentrations. They manfsted odes inal places and parpated in worldly actives. Theie memory power was enormous, nd they assembled the ocran ofall the teachings. With ineligence, ‘oguence, and shill they ured the wheel which never turns back. The ‘ras ocean of virtuous qualities ofall Buddhas entered ently into thet bodies. They sent wilingly eo all the lands in Which there were Duaddhas. They had alvady made oferings o all Buddha, over bound Tess cons, joyfully and elesly. In ll places when the Buddhas at. tained enlightenment, they were always there, spprosching them and !Ssociating with them, never giving up. Always, by means of the vows ffuniveral goodnes and wiadom, they caused the wisdom=body ofall Sendint beings to be fallled They had perfected innumersble such $6 The Flower Omament Scripture of precious lowers. The vation adornments emanated lights ike clouds, {the masses ofthe rections from within the palace formed banners, "A boundless how of enlightening beings the congregation a the site of eightenmene, were al gathered shee: by meats Of the ality to tmanfe the light and inconceivable sounds of the Buddhas, they Ehioned nets ofthe inet jewel rom which came fc the rele ‘of action ofthe spa powers ofthe Bada, apd tm which were Feletd images ofthe abodes of all begs ‘Abo by vitae ofthe aid ofthe spinal power ofthe Budd, they cmbraced th ene conor in single though "Phe ion sexs were high, wide and beat, The bases were made of jewel, ther nets of lots Boss, thei tableas of pre, exquisite icmatoncs, They were adorned with various Howers of al sims. Thee foots, chamber, steps; and doors were adored by the images of ll things. The branches and frie of jewel wees surrounded thems arrayed sierbs Clouds of radiance of jewels refed ech other: the Buds ofthe ten directions conjured regal peti, and the cxgunie jewels in the topkaot of al the enightenng beng ll emanate ight, which came Sneillminated them Furthermore, sustained by the spiritual power of all Buddhas, they cxpounded the vast perspective of the Esightened Ones, thelr subtle tones extending afar. thet being o pace they did no reach "At that time: dhe Buddha, the World Honored One, in hissing anained to supreme, correct awarnes ofall things Hs knowledge fered into all umes. with complete equanimity, his body filled all stords; Ks voice universally accorded with ll lands inthe ten rections Exe space, which conains all forms, he made no discrimination among all objets: And, space extends everywhere, he entered lands wih “quaninity His ody revert omnipresent al Ses of elighenment. ‘Among the host of enlightening Beings, is awesome light shone ‘lary ike thes emerging, Matting he word Te ocean of eyed ‘etued which he praciced in all met mar thoroughly pure, and he ‘constantly demonsested the production ofall the bighedands ther Sounds forms and sphere of light extending throughout the entre ‘oamos, equally and impartially. He expounded all truths, lke spreading great clouds. Each of his ‘sip was ble fo contain all worlds whhout Sntererence in each manfexing immeasurable spinal power, teaching and civiing all Sentient betgs, His body extended throughout the ten dtetons, Yet, ‘wthout coming or going. His Knowledge entered sno al forme and Teale the emptiness of things All the miraculous dipays of the Badihss of pase preset. and fate, ere all cen in his ght, and a ‘he adornments of inconcelvable cons were reveled, “Tere were greteightening bangs numerous as che atoms i ten ‘buddbs-woréstrrounding bis. Tht ames were: Universally Good * ‘The Flower Omsament Scripture ‘There were aio present thunderbolt-bearing sir, 28 mamerous 28 stom in's bodahacworld, known as Demigod of Wonder Form, Banner of Swiftness of the Su Light of the Flowers of the Polar Mountain, Pare Sound of Cloue, Sublime Faculties, Delight fl Light, Sound of Thunder in Great Tres, Lion King Light, Auspicius Eye of Intense Flies, Jewel Topknot of Lotes Light these were the leader Sind there sere t many of them as there ate seme in + Baddha- word All of them had constantly invoked great vows over countess past ‘ons, vowing to always draw near t0 and verve dhe Baddas Thee practices in accord with their vows had altexdy reached fallen, and they had reached the other shore. They had accumulated boundless pure good works. They ha clearly arived a all ee realms of medita- five absorption, and fa atsined spiral powers. They dwelled whet- ‘vera Buddha was, and ered st the realm of nconceeable Heron taking ther place inthe assembly, thee dignied ight stood out They Tmaniésted thelr bodies according tothe need of sentient beings tod thereby paid them. Wherever there were manifesations of Buddhas, they all went there eapially. Wherever the Buddhas dwelt, they sways diligendly guarded and protected the place "There were abo malple-body spits, numerous 2 atoms ina buddha- world, known 3s Flower Topknot Adorament, Light Mumining. All Directions, Oceanic Sound Conquering, Pure lower Adored Topknet, Infinite Dignifed Poxtures, Ary of Supreme Light, Fragrant Clouds of Pure Light, Guardian Sustainer. Ubiquitous Shepherd, Immutable Tighe These were the leaders: there were st many a there are stm i 2 budaha-world, They had alin che past fulllled great vows and had provided for and served all dhe Beds ‘Aso there were foocsep-following sprit, numerous as atoms in buddha-world This leaders were known a1 Precious Symbol, Lott Tight, Topknot of Pure Fosters Embodying All Beautfel Visions, Exquisite Gem Star Banner, Joyfuly Usering Sublime Sounds, Sandat- ‘wood Tree Light, Lotus Luminosity, Soble Light, Collecion of Fine Flowers, and 0 on. Over innumersbie past ager they had al sociated ‘with Boddhas, always following them ‘There were als sanctuary spits, as numerous a toms in 3 buddha- world Thei laders were known as Banner of Pure Adoraments Polar Mouneain Jewel Light, Sign ofthe ‘under Banner, Wonderal Byes ining Flowers, Gand Light Topknot, Raining Jewel Arays, Couta- seous Fragrant Eye, Dismond-Colored Cloud, Lotus Light Radiance Df lnetshe Light, nd ro on. Allo hem had nthe pat mee innamers- be Buddhas, perfected her wil power, and brought forth extensive tering There were also city spirits, s¢ numerous af atoms in 2 buddha- world. Their laders were Known a5 Jewel Peak Radiance, Beauly ‘Adored Palace, Jews of Pure Joy, Sortowless Punty. Flower Lamp Fame Eyer, Fame Banner Clete Showing, Light of Vite, Pure i The Wonder Adoraments ofthe Leaders ofthe Worlds 59 Ligh, Fragrant Topknot Adornment, Besutifl Jews Light, and 20 on ‘Al of chem had, over innumerable iconesvable cons, adorned the ‘Bacslons in which the Buddhas syed There were also earch spits, s+ numerous as acomic parties in 4 buldbacworl. Ther ladcs were known st Pre lower of Univeral ‘ire, Adomment of Stable Besings, Besutifl lower Adored Tree, Univeral Dieibucor of Treasures, Pure Eye Observing the Season, Beau Supreme Eye, Fragrant Fair Emit Light, Plessing Sound, Cired Topknot of Beauafal Flowers, Dismond-Adomed Body, and Soran. They had all in che past made profound. grave vows, vowing (© STwayssstocate withthe Boddhas and eslivate he same vinous 4 “There were alo innumerable mountain spin, led by such a5 Jewel Paik Blooming Flower, lower Forest Beastial Topkeot, Lofty Ban- ‘er Shining Everywhere, Undefied Jewel Topknot Light tumining ‘il Drees, Light of Great Power, Awesome Light Conquering Al tightOrb of Stele Intensiy, Univeral Eye Cley Seeing, Adama. tine Eye of Mystery. They had all atained pre eyes in regarding all Sng “There were alto an inconcsvable number of forest spins, led by such apts 3s Spreading Flowers Like Clouds, Outstanding Trunk Untoidng Lighe, Bearing Brandes Emiting Radiance, Awpicous Pre Leaves, Draped Flame Treaury. Pore Light, Pleasant Thunder, Light and Fragrance All-Pervading, Sibu Light Skinng Far, lowers snd Fruits Savoring of Light, and s0\0n. They all had inne plessing slows, “There were abo innumerable heb spirits, led by such as Auspicious, Sandalwood Fores; Pure Light, Univers! Renown, Radiant Pores Univeral Purfice, Roster, Banner of Light Oushining the Sun, Seeing {n'All Directions’ Energy-Augmenting Clear Eyey, and 30 on. Thet future were all fee fom deflement snd they helped beings ‘ith indnee nd compassion "There were slo imimerble crop spc, lod by such spire at {Gente Superb Favor, Pure Light of Seasonal Flowers, Physical Strength Courage sod Heath creasing Vitaliy, Everywhere Producing Roots and Frois, Wonderfully Adomed Circular Topknet, Mossening Pure Fowers, Developing Wonderfal Fragrance, Liked by All Who See, Undefiea Pure Light All of them bad attained perfection of rest jopioen "There were ako innumersblesver spits, led by such sprite as Everywhere Producing Swift Coren Unwerlly Buying’ Springs and Steams, Dontres Pare Eye, Rosting Everywhere, Rescing Sem ene Beings, Heates Pure Light, Universally Causing Joy. Supreme Banner of Estenive Virwc, Light Shining on All Worlds Light of Qetnic Virsa of thom Signy concentrated on beneing ing beings. “There were also innumerable ocean spires, led by such spirits as The Wonder Adaroment ofthe Lead of the Words 61 alee, Bringing Forth the ragrane of Wisdom, Deighing n Soper ‘Adornments, Exquite Light of Fragranc Flowers, Collecting. All ‘Wonderful Fierbs, Liking to Make Joyful Eyes, Appeating In All Places, Light of Grest Compassion, Radner of Goodnes, Garlands of Beat: fal Flowers. They all had certain fsith sn de sublime tats and always strived diligently im concert to adorn the palace “There were aso innumerable Ulan kings, led by such as Rabula, DBhimaceta, Sill Magical Ars, Great Pellowing, Grew Strength, Univeral Shining, Wonderfal Adorament of Firm Acson, Vast Causal ‘Wisdom, Manifesting Superior Qualites, Sublime Voice."They had all worked energealy to conquer pride and other aicons “There wett sso in incontelvable umber of tinnars Kings, led by such ar Heaven of Light of Refined Inelet, Exquisite Fower Banner, Various Adomment, Pleasing Sound, Jewel Trot Ligh, Delight to the Beholder, Adoenmen’ of Supreme Light, Decate Flower Banner, Farth= Shaking Bower, Congueting Evil Beings. They al made diligent efforts, contemplating al things, thei minds always Blissful, roaming ely ‘Thete were also innuterable garuda king, led by such 2» Power of. (Geese Swifiness, Unbreakable Jewel Toplnot: Pure Speed, Noneegressing ‘Mind, Sustaining Power in the Ocean, Steady Pure Lighe, Aresticlly Decofated Crown Topknot, Immediate Manifestation Everywhere, Sur- eying the Ocean, Universal Sound and Broad Byes. They had already Perfeced the power of rest auil in expedient sacthods of iberaton nd were able fo rescue all beings "There were also innumerable mahoraga kings, led by such a Beneficent ‘Wisdom, Pure Dignified Sound, Adormment of Supreme Wisdom, Lord of Sublime Eyes, Lamplixe Banner, Refuge of the Masses, Sa: preme Light Banner, Lion Guts, Sound Adorned by Myriad Sublets, Stable as: 2 Polar Mountain, Delighefal Light. They all diligentiy ‘ulivated grent and extensive skile im method to cause sentient Beings to forever fe apart the net of ignorance “There were aso innumerable yaksha kings, ed by suchas Vaishravana, Independent Sound, Solemn Weapon Wearer, Great Wisdom, Lord of Flaming Eyes, Adamantine Eye, Arm of Courage and Strength, Bravely Resisting General, Rich sn Material Goods, Power to Smash, High Mountains. They all stived to guard and protect al living beings, There wete aso innumersble great naga ings, led BY such 3s Viupakeha, Shakes, Subtle Banner of Cloud Sounds, Flaming Mouth ‘Ocean Light, Ubiquitous High Cloud Banner, Unbounded Steps, Pure Form, Great Sound Traveling Everywhete, No Heat or Torment they all worked hard making clouds and spreading enn o cause the Beat and fictions ofall beings to vanich “There were alo innumerable kambanda kings, led by such a Increase, ragon Lord, Benner of Adornments of Gooaness, Univeraly Benet inl Action, Most Fearsome, Handsome with Besuuifl Eyes, High Peak Intellect, Brave and Strong Arms, Boundless Pure Flower Eyes, o ‘The Fower Omament Serpe Producing Jewel Light, Diamond Banner, Undefiled, Palaces i ll ‘Warers Admpous Jewel Moon, Beautfel Rower Dragon Tepknst, Everywhere Holding the Favor of Light, Jewel Fame Flower Light, [etl Diamond Topknot, Tuner of die Ocan Tide They al Sled thr bodies withthe pret ocean of rts of he Buds, “There were alo innumerable water spire, lol by such spre 8 Ubigitous Clood Banner, Cloalike Sound of the Ocean Tide, Dest- {G1 Round Toptnot, Whrpoo! of Sls, Sere of Undetled Fragrance, Vie Bridge Light Sound, Freedom of Contentment, Good Sound of Pare Joy, Everywhere Manifering Asresome Light) Roaring Sound Filing the Seu They always digeny suved to fescue and protect ll tangs There were aio countless Gre spits, led by such spits a8 Repsi- tory of Fimes of Univeral Light Baer of Univeral Assembly of Light, Great Light Shining Everywhere. Pee of Wondes, Iexhast- ‘Ble Light Tophace, Eyes of Vanous Flames, Places in All Dtecions Like Polar Mounting, Sovereign of Awesome Ligh, Ligh Destroying the Darkness, Thunder and Lighting” Allo them mamesed.vanous lins of fight, causing the seaon of eaient beings vanish "There were also senumerble wind opin, ll by such spits a8 UUnimpeded Light, Everywhere Manifesting Courageous Action, Wind Serking loud Banner, Areas of Light, Power Able to Dry Up Water, Great Voice Howling Everywhere, Tice Branch Hanging, Topkoot UUninpeded Wherever I Goes, Various Mansons, Great Light Shining Everybere They all worked 9 dpel the meneaity of cone “There were also innumerable space spits, Ted by such spats 8 Pure Light Shining All Around, Traveling Everywhere Deeply and Fxtensivey, Producing Auspicows Wind. Absing Secrly Beyond Obstruction Broad Steps and Bensifel Topknot, Unhndered Light Flames, Unob- structed Conquering Power, Sptiss Light, Deep and Far-Reaching Sublime Sound, AlFPeevading Light Their minds were al fee fom 10 The Hower Omen Spare Hi mystical power simp ‘Appesting inal andes ‘While siting a etn the sublime enlightenment sie He appears before ll senicat bings. Baring clouds itlamining ll Wath various spheres of light Extending throughout the universe, Showing where the Buds se Furthermore, the enlightening being Universally Good entered into the ocean of technique of nconceetble doors of hiberaton, and en tered ino the ocean of virtues ofthe Buddha, Tht i to sy there was door of lbertion called pursfyng all buddhalnds, pasfying the feosent beings and causing them all to be slamately emancpated ‘There was a door of iberaion called going roll realms of complete ‘etus calevated by all dhe Buddhas. There was 4 dour of berauon filled the great occtn of vows defining the stages of all eigen, brings There war a door ofiberaon cll everywhere mansfrting infinite bodies, numerous 4 afore inthe conmos, Tete was» door liberation called explaining an snconceteable number of elfrene names ‘hroughose al lane. ‘There was 3 door of iertion called showing ll the boundies rellms of eaightonng beings’ psychic powers all Som There war + door of Hberston mamed showing the events OF he formation and decay of the age of past, present. and fare, nthe fyace ofan instant. There wart door of iberation named showing the ‘czas of fea of all enlightening binge, ech entering thie Wm Spheres. There wats door of ibertion named ability to make various Bodies appear by mystic poses all throughout the boundless connor: ‘Thete wit 2 door of hferation elled showing the proceser of ll Calightning beingy’ practices, entering soto tre great tecngues of Shiver knowledge 'Acthit tm, the enlightening being Universally Good, by virtue of his fwn accomplishment, and ako resivang the spntaal power of he ‘Badd, having looked over the ocean ofa the asembie spoke these “The immense, vast fields adorned by the Buddha Ate equal in number to all atoms: Dare chilten of Badd fil hem al Raining the inconceivable, most rabime teaching, Asin this assembly we sce ehe Buddha siting, Soin ao i every som The Wonderful Adore of the Lends ofthe Worlds 131 ‘The Baddhs-body has no coming ot going ‘And clay appeas mall the lands there ae Demonsteting the paces clivated by enlightening beings, ‘The various tenis of mamerable approathes 0 thet sages, Expounting ss wel the nconceesle eat, ‘Hechuns the Baddharsircn to enter etal of rey. Producing phantom buddha numerous a aoms, Corsesponding tothe inclinations ofall bing minds, ‘The expedient doors into the profound tela of tut, oundlssly vast all he expounds ‘The Buuha's names are equal o the world, Filing al lands nthe ten directions. [None of his methods are employed in vin: He ames sentient beings snd pure al “The Bula, in every atom, Displays infinite great mystic powers— ‘Sitng in each on the enlightchment st, Hlospeaks of pase Buddhas" enlightening decd {All immense cons of past, present, and fate, Buddha reveals in every sonant— All the events oftheir Formation and decay His inconceivable Enowlege comprehend “The congregation of Baddhs’s children is endlessly ass Bat though they ey together eo fathom Buddha's state ‘The teaching ofthe Budhae Rave no bounds ‘To thoroughly know them alli mos dificule Buddhas like space, without discrimination, Equal co the real cosmos, with no resting pace, Phantom maniferations relate cverywhere, [Al stung om eligheenment sts stsning ere swarencs, Buda caches widely. with wonder woiee— All stages of enlightenment are thoroughly Clear. “Appearing before eich sentient being. Helgies all the Buddhas egal cath Furthermore, the enlightening being Sublime Light of Pate Vire the great spinal hero, found the door of ibetaton going ¢0 al ‘The Wonder Adoramens ofthe Leas of the Works 138 Observe the seals of Buddha's mystic power— ‘Al nds all quarters are Besiully pre ie appears therein, in every one, Insantancously changing, sm inte Forms. I you observe the Buddha for countless ages ‘You won't apprchend evin the extent of ne h ‘The Baddhat boundless doors of techniques Mlamnine inconecteablytsany Bld Buddha, in past ages in the world, ‘Served sn inte Sccan of Budd ‘Therefor al eingn ate like river rapide Coming te make offerings t the World Honored One ‘The Buddha appears everywhere, In infinite land each ato ‘The teams therein being all infinite too In ll he abides for endless cons [adda of yore forthe sake ofall beings Cilcvsed 2n ocean of boundless companion, Enering birth and death along with af Benga, ‘Teaching the etstes, making them pute, uadahas abide i the mats ofthe cosmos of real thusncss— Signlss, formless. tre fom all is ‘When beings observe Budaha's various bodies, [All ther troubles and pain then dsolve Furchermore, the enlightening being Great Brilance of the Moon Reflected inthe Oceans the geet spsitl her, found the door of ibertion producing the meter af tamcendence pertsining fo cach stage of enlightenment, thereby edifying sent beings and punying all Guddhe-lnds. The enlightening being Undehied Treasury of Light 3t Oceans of Cloaks Sounde found the door of iberatom in very State ofwatensscocrng ito the vanous duincons of al objective Tealus The enlightening Being Topknoe Born of Wisdom found the oor of Ubettion revelling pre reat vires to all sentient beings ‘when they fe ase atthe te Of clightonment. The enightoni Teing Brave Loves Topknot found the dor of liberation revesing a the Buds teachings to seatent beings in second with thee indie Erenleis and understandings. The cnghtcning being Sum Banner of Coad of Univeral Rnowicdge found the dour of criti develop ing the knowledge of Baddbahood. abiding forever. The enlighten 1 “The Fower Omament Scpue tse of elightning brings inthe ten rections and adoring he Seo of elihtnmene The enighteng being Light ofthe Sapreme Timp of Univeral Virae found the door of lbastion in ange tnwane showing endless tances t atinment of trae swakering Tichng and developing mconceeable wordt of senten bongs THE fnlighteing fing Lion Banner of Univer Light found the door Iberaon calsvting the enlightening bags” sdorments of blsings| {nd vie, producing al budiblnds, The eligheing beng Subtle {ight of Flames of Univeral Jewel found te door af iberaton bse sng the reais ofthe Bad's mati peer, witht contin. The “nlightenng bong Banner of Oceans of Quabis of Univeral Sounds {andthe door of ibeaton showing the adormnts ofall buddha (sin one coogtegation at» ate of mignon. The elightening eng Light of Univeral Knowledge lining the Reno of Bad hood fend the door of Herron fllosring the Buddha investing the mow profound and enormously vast matre of the common The ‘tlighteing Beng Light of Ineabussble Varo of Univeral Puy Toand the door of lieraion entcing ito all mundane acti 3d producing the boundless puto of cnigetning being: The enter Ing being Univeral Supreme Ligh ound the door a iberation ble 0 ‘mses he sphere ofall Badhaswotin the forms el of th. "Ac that en he enghtening bing Salim Ligh of Pure Vite, he spinal hero, empowered by the Bua, looked over the xan of $berton doors of al the enlightening beings andi n Seng, All Inds there be nthe en directions Are beatified and puri all an stant By the sublime voice taming the wheel of ath Throughout the wood, thou an egal “The real ofthe Buh hs no board Ian insta the coumoe ile In every stom he sup a enlightenment it, Proving elightnment al retin enti plays ada catvatd paces in he past “Extending through coun cone Adoring al badass Appening unhindered ke space “The Badal’ sisal powers ae unlimited, Filing the Boundless rics ofall ine Even one spent cous cons conte (Observing, one Woald ever be Weare o edd os The Hower Onament Saptre bing Gres Pereverng with Indeble Courage found the door SF beraon of power to caer to alte boundics symbole ofthe {caching ‘The etiightning being Banner of Ligh of Fragrane ames {andthe door of Hberaton showing howl he preset Badan Sse ‘gan enlightening practee. and on hough tdi nal consumna: fon ofthe body ef nowicdge and wisdom. The enlightening being Deep Beastial Sound of Grest Enlightened Virwe found the door of Tibchion peacflly abiding in the ocan of all the gest vows of YVairocana ihe laminator ‘The enightening being Born of Windom wih the Light of Crest Vrue found the dor of Herston revealing the most profound realm ofthe Buddha which pervade the conmos “at that ane te cnighning emg Gree Bibnce of the Moon Reflected in the Occan, empowered bythe Buddha, observed the Ocean ‘of arys ofa che hots elghening begs nd ed vere, “The transcendent means and the sages of enlightenment, Vase inconceivable, ae al filed Infinie sentient beings sbded and harmonized, All baddha-ands are pu ‘As Bada teaches inthe words of beings, ‘Aland inthe ten dsctons ace led In an instant of thought he tars the whee of wath ‘Accommodating ito all tats of mind ‘daha, over counts vast coms, His appeared everywhere before sentient Beings According to hs past cleivain, He shows his pari ral of action, 1 see everywhere in all dzetions ‘And sce the Buddhas showing mystic powers, All sting in sanctuaries cling enlightenment, Surrounded by tstening crowds. “The immense radiance of Budd's realty body Gin appear in the svrld through expedient mean, ‘According wih the mlinations ofall beng minds, Reining the teaching 1 st hee fae ‘The pari, signless hody of tre suchnes, “The pare reaity-body of antainte hight ‘With knowledge and ean, with innumerable bodies, He preaches the rath ating v0 a | ‘The Wendel Aderaments ofthe Leer of he Worlls 138. “The powers ofthe King of Truth are all pure His Enowledge and wisdom lke spice, unbounded: He reveals all without any concealment (Causing all begs to be enlightened In accord with what Buddha eutvated {Up to his perfection of all knowledge, [Now be radiates light through the cosmos Showing all therein Buddha shows mystic powers through his original vow, Ilsminating lls he ten directions: ‘Whar the Buddha practiced of yor, Allis expounded in these networks of hight “There is no en of worlds in all directions— No equals, no bounds, each one distinct. Buddha's nhindered power emits 2 great Hight (Clearly revealing all of those land [Ac that time the Buddha's lon sex, ies round platform of exquisite Sowers of many jewels, ts base, steps, doors, and alts embellishment, fich produced 38 many grest enlightening beings ax there restos in thudaheland. Their names were Ocean Wisdom, Sovereign King of Occult Powers: Thunder Shaking. All; Topknot of Lights of Many Jewels Bold Intelligence ofthe Sun of Knowledge: Seal of Knowledge Made of Jewels of Inconcctvable Qualities Hundred Eye Lotus Tapknot, Light Spheres of Golden Flamer: Univeril Sound of the Cosmos) loud Sound Pure Moon; Banner of Light of Benevolent Course these were the leaders, and thee were a8 many of them as stoma stany badass. ‘AC the same time as they appeared, these enlightening tings eich produced clouds of warious ofterng: for example, clouds of lowers of Bil jewels, clouds ofall sbele agrances of Tos blossoms, clouds of forbs of jevtel ight, clouds of fragrant Names of boundless ress, oud of jewel light spheres from the trewury ofthe wun, cloud AD plessing masiat sounds, clouds of Maes of light rom all jewel lamps, with boundless colors and forms, clouds of branches, Hower, and! fits from trees of many jewels, clouds of regal Jewels with inexhaustible pore radiance, clouds ofall the Gest decorsuve gems, there wete 36 many Such cloud of varios offerings as there are stom ‘n'a buddhaeworld. Each of those enlightening beings produced soch Slo firings ences aining om the sea tees lh ‘Hing manifested these loads, they circled the Buddha tothe eight, The Wonderfl Adorments ofthe Leas ofthe Worls 137 “The banks of jewels eae light [Emitting boundless dowd of fageane amex (Countless ower garlands are draped around ‘On ach sexe does the Buds Various adomments decorate ts glorious facades: Constanly citing amp-ght ous of grant Manes, Inert oat sing lining ae ‘The Sage sit pon supreme embelishmens enuf windows of vaio jewels, Draped with lores of ce gens, [Alors producing soblime sounds delighting al hearers: ‘Thereon Buddha ss, most radiant of al A jel crescent supports the set, shaped ke hal: moon: Diamond i i pedestal, it color Hazing bight Enlightening beings constanely cre it ‘Budihe i moe radiant among thet His various mystic displays il the ten dictions, Expounding the Brzenchng vows ofthe Enlighened One: Allrefected images appear there Ieistom sachs vest the Bada cally sis [Ac that time the great enlightening being, Thunder Shaking All, ‘empowered by the Buddha, looked overall the ssembled hosts and id ‘Buddha sccamolated enlightenment practices Making offerings infinite Buddhas everyshere. Sustained by the power of the Enlightened One None do nots isn on hie seat. Jewels of agra ames, failing ll wishes, Encrst the Bud's flower on throne Various adornments ll appearing 3 reflections, Are erly soon by il the hon Bauiha's drone ieplays magnificent forms: Instant to instant th clos nd eypes each if, ‘According to the diferences in beings andertandings Esc ses the Buds thereupon 136 The Flower Omument Scrptne irling him countess hundreds and thousands of times. In whatever ‘Tescon they came fm, there, not far fom the Bad, they magi ‘lly prodacad innumerable lone hon seats of various jewel, snd exch 'croslgged thereon, “The sphetes of aetons of these enlightening beings were pure and vastus the sen They had stained the sate of university of lhnnation SF knowledge and wisdom. Following the Buas, they ere Unite ‘ezed in thei actions. They were set enter the ocean ofall princes fof dincersment and sieiaton, snd Rad mastered the teeing of feo “civibleliberton. They duc in the sate of alesdenes of dhe Buddhas “They had already mastered all tehigues of concentaion formic, and were able to contain the ecean ofall the teachings They det nthe ‘age of equinimoue knowledge of past, present ad fature. They had ftained the immense joy of profound filth, Their boundless stores of ‘sags were mos pare. ‘They observed everywhere nape hough fu the cosmos They diligently made offerings Co all Budalas ape Sng in any land in all works ‘At hat te, the clightening being Oceanic Wisdom, Sovereign king of Occult Powers, the gres spin hero, empowered by the Dusk, surveyed the oceis of mates atthe scene of enlightenment indi inverse. Dada knows what all Buddhas have resid — Uahindered as space, be llumines al His lighe pervading countess lands everywhere He sits amas the host all magnticenly pure ‘The Badal’ vetues cannot be messed: ‘They fllall the cosmos in every direction Siting snder every calightenment eee, All the gest powers asembl ike clots Buds has such spctal powers, “Maritesting inte forms ne once ‘The Budd's sphere i beyond bounds— Individual see according t det iberation Buda passed oceans of cons Working in ll elms of be ‘Teaching creates by various mea, Hiving them acepe and practic enlightening ways. Vsirocana replete with mageiicent refinement, St on on beni ow sl All ce assembled host are pur; Senay al gaze i espe. bes The Flower Omament Serpe Jewel branches hanging down, webs of lots flowers, ‘AS the lowers open, clightenins beings emerse. Esch producing fublime, pleasing voice: Prasing the Buddha on his throne ‘ladda’ virtues are extensive at space— {ll adornments are born fom them ‘The embelshingfesmures ofeach puiola state [No sentont beings can comprehen Diamond is the ground, indestuctible— Vase, pare level, snd even. [New of pearls hang in the sky, All around the enlightenment tee ‘The infinite colors of the ground are all distinc Gol dust x spread all around, Flowers and jewels seewn about, All beautifying Budd's throne Eareh spirits dance with joy, ‘With infinite manifestations in an instant, resting douds of adornments everywhere, ‘Whale rematnng reverntly garing at Bodahs, Jewel amps, immensely large, shining extremely bright, Fragrant fer and sling igh neverending, ‘These manifestations dfer according #0 the tn; nich apis make oferings ofthese All the adornments existing In every single hind Appear at ths enlightenment scene By the mystic power of Buddha ‘Then the great enlightening being Jewel Light Topknot, empowered by the Buddha, surveyed the oceanic masses atthe site of enlghten- rent and si, When the Buddhs was ealtvating practice in the past, He siw the varios baddhs-Lnde i fully complete The lands he su this way were endless Al of them appear 2 his enlightenment scene ‘The Wonder Adore of the Leader of the Won “The Buddha's enormous spiisal power Sheds light showering gems everywhere: ‘This ereasary of jel is seatred over the site, BBenaiying the grownd all sound Binds blessings and mystical powers ‘Adorn ceerywhere with presous gemones, “The ground and the eightenment tee Alterstly ert lght and sound expressing the cath, Precious lamps, infinite, ain fom the sy, Studded with tesa sapphires, Allemiting sile rounds speaking tat This the eh spits case fo appear “The jewel round manifets ubigicous douds of light, ewe! lamps blaze bright bghtnng. Jewel nes hung afar ever above, Jewel boughs variously draped make decorations Look over the entire ground — ‘Adorno with various bets jewels Teshows beings the ocean of actions. ‘Causing them to comprehend the real nature of things. ‘The enlightenment wees in ll the spheres Ofall the Buddhas everywhere All appear atthe enlightenment site Expourding the Bodh’ pare caching Jn accord with the inclinations of beings! minds “The ground produces wonderful sounds, Conforming to what the Buddha would preach at his sx Each ofthe teachings filly explained “The ground constantly produces subtle, grant Hat: In the light ate chanted pure cea sounds any beings are able o recive the caching Tecan them 9 hes, and thee 2ctons ais, Each adornment i lly compete And could not be descibd in 2 millon years ‘The Boddb's mystic power extends everywhere: “That's why the ground s beauty pure The Wondril Adonoment ofthe Leaders of the Words ln ie appear all palaces, (A Buddha seing in each “The Buddha's palace is boundless: The Nawualy Awakened One abies therein, ‘Al the masts from ll en dictions Come guter around the Budd “Then the great enlighten the oceans of beings gathered “The Buddha cukivated am ocean of blessings, Many asthe atome in all ind Produced by the powets oF his mind and will, ‘The enlightenment nite pure, thout any tine ‘Wish-ililing jewels ate the roots of the es, Diamond are ther wunks: Nets of jewel cover them And 3 sich fragrance srounds, “The tee branches are adorned by al kinds of gems, “The lime ate of precious stone, soaring high: “The branches and cigs hang thickly, Ike heavy clouds Unidetncath sits Baddha onthe enlightenment se, “The ste of enlightenment is wnthinkably vst: ‘The tres seround i covering all ‘The dense foliage and hixurtous Mowers muually cover and reflect, ‘While i the Rowers grow gemstone fits From among llth branches emanate beautiflighs Iuminating the whole enlightenment scene. Pare, bright inexhaustible “Ths appests by the power of Buddha’ vows Banks of precios stones are the ower, Reflections shining like patterned dowds ‘The encircling trees perme all round ‘The enlightenment ses adorned everywhers 19 10 “The Flower Omament Spare “Then the great ealightning ting Dold Intlgence of the Sun of Keowledge, empowered bythe Badaba, looked ove ll the mules, tscmbled nthe rene and akin verse, Buds sis he hl of tat wich sendy ga, Balan iting up the plc. Inaccordane rth the dsposions of al beings His Soy appenrsshrooghou ad “The Bud's palace is beyond conception, ‘Adored with stores of presous jewel, Eich decoration shining with hgh, Sing there the Bada i most conspicuous ofall. Wich plas of jewel of various hues, (Chimes ofr gold hanging ike loud, Jewel serps an rues om four ides, “The ete open in every deetion Arays of hanncs of flowery sil Jewel trees with decorated branches and boughs {Garands of peal draped om al idx ‘The Ocean of Wisdom sts cy therein, Net of jewel, exquisite fragrant banners, Brae amps hung tke cows, Covered with various decorauons, ‘The work-transcending tre knower sis within [Everywhere he manifeats lode of mystic displays, ‘Those clouds teaching throughout the world, Harmonizing and calming down al sentient beings: ‘All dh appess from the Bad's place “Tres of gems boom wih ine Nowers Fhving pee inal dhe world, ‘The etbellahannes of te nd of al times Reval thei eflctions ther Everyuhere there ate heaps of jewels ‘Their ight hezs im countess hs. Gates and doors open at ntervls al sround: ‘The beams snd cing are apecslly bes “The Bud's paces inconecvable: Ie pare radiance conan every for Mi 10 ‘The Flower Omument Serptre See in the site ofthe Buddha's enlightenment Totus apd jewel nes, al pure: Fame of ig whol pe om here Mari of belt and chimes come fom he oud. All ehe wonderflly adored tees Exisong inal ands “Appear inthe enlightenment tee: Bob, beneath ty sheds all dfement bing Seal of Knowledge Made ofJowels ‘of Inconecvable Quali, empowered by the Buddha, looked overall he scend of enlightenment sd sid is ‘The ste of enlightenment is made of vst Mesings ‘The re branches rain jevwelswithoot end In ehe jewels appear enlightening bens Going everythere to acrve the Buds “The realm ofthe Budthas i inconceivable: ‘They case al the wees there to produce musie— In accord withthe enlightened way developed by Buddha, ‘The hosts of beings hearing the music, cm se all. ‘Then the great enlightning being Hundred Eyes Lotus Topknoe, empowered by the Buddha, serveyed ll the sasembes a the seme of ‘lghtenment apd si, All the jewels emi wondrous sounds Eqoling the names of Buddhas ofl mes. ‘The deeds of thowe Buddhas’ mystic powers Gan all be viewed inthis enlightnment tne Flowers bloom in profsion, bike part-solored dled (Clouds of igh flow i all ection “The spintsofeligtenment treet bring these to the Buds, Wath Sngleminded devoron making Offerings of them Flames of etl light al form banners: From the banners burst forth sublime fragrances, “The fragrances perfming ll he congregations — Therlore the place is ll beautially pure Lotases hang down, with light of golden hue, “The light intoning clouds of Buddy's wondrous voice, Covering ll the lind nal dinexions, Extinguishing the Ges of sntent begs ormens The Wonder Adormonts ofthe Leaders ofthe Worlds 148 ‘The independent power of Enlightenment Tree King Constanly races light extrmely pte ‘The assembled masses inthe ten directions have no bounds, ‘Yee all of them appeattflected inthe enlightenment scene The High mes ofthe jewel branches are like bright lamps ‘Their ight cmanstes sound declaring the gest vow— What the Buddhs practiced of yore i all sats of being Is fully expounded therein, Under the ere ate spirits = many 24 atoms inthe Land, All staying together this enlightenment sc Esch before the Buddha's enlightenment tree Continuously expounding the iberaion doors Bauddha practiced many deeds of yore, Making offerings to al the enlightened His pracacer se well x his fre Al appear within the jewel. Everything inthe scene produces wonderfal youné— “The sound is vast, petvatng the ton directions Ifany beings ea hear the teaching, Te cviines them and makes them pate “The Buddha in the pas cultivated Infinice embellishments li: All the adornments numerable kinds, (Of every enlightenment ee, “Then the great htening being Light Spheres of Golden Flames, empowered by the Buddha, looked overall he assemblies 2 the seme ‘of enlightenment and sid ‘Buddha cultivated enlightening practices, CComprehending sll ines. Clantving the tue and the fe: “This i the Buddha's fase power of knowledge. ‘Asin the past he observed dhe nature ofall chings equally, He danse the ocean of ll doing “Thus now in the nets of light Hecan tll all, doughou all quarters. ‘The Wonderil Aderament of the Leaders of the Worlis 145 “The Buddha's awesome spiritual powers pervade the ten directions, Theie grandiose displays making no disrimination: ‘The teamscendent means, enlightening practices Falfled inthe past—al they show: (OF old he conceived compasion for beings ‘And practiced eanscendent generosity, ‘Wherefore his body is most sublime, Gladsening all who see In boundless cons past He culated transcendent self-control, So acquired a pure body alb-pervadin Extinguishing the varoia torments of the world He cultivated patience and tolerance, pute, Fahl to traf, without diserimination: So his physieal form is perfect, Shedding light in all drectons. He strove for boundless cans past, [Able to overthrow the barrier: oF sentient beings ‘Theretore he can emanate odie inal recuons, ‘All appesring under enlightenment ees Buddha practiced, for long, long cons. ‘Qceans of meditations, ll of them pure: ‘Thus he delighs his beholder, Removing all tint of slictions Daddhs mastered the ocean of practices Falling transcendene wisdom: “Therefore e sheds igh illamining all, Destroying the darkness of ignorance: [Eitying beings by various means, He causes thelr practice to succeed ‘Traveling everywhere in the ten directions For endless cons, he never fs Buddha practiced for boundless cons Purifying and mastering transcendent vows, ‘Therefore he appears throughout the world Suving beings forever and ever Buda cultivated extensively for countless eons ‘Transcendent power to deal with ll uth, M4 ‘The Fler Omament Script In pst cont he developed great techniques For guiding beings according to thelr calc, [Causing all heir minds to be pure: ‘Ths was Buddha able to pect the knowledge of potentials As the understanding of sentient beings is no he same, ‘And thei inliaton’ and actions ae erent, He teacher them according tothe neds! Buddha can do ts by hs powers of knowledge CComprchending the oceans of lands in al directions, All dhe works of beings they contain. ‘Buddha's knowledge equanimoss, ike space All he can show within 3 pore Buddha knows the outcome of ll zc, Comping pus rent a ti ity ‘The lands ages bing a times of eons Alle can sevell and ae der. Mesitaton ster, iberstions, and powers ate boundless, ‘And so ae trang’ and other echoed ‘sda shows them al to beings laddening them, (Causing all to wash away the darkness of afcons, Budhs's knowledge is unhindered, comprehending all ime; [Ale shows in a stant, in sb pote: ‘The Buddhas’ teachings, Lids, ad sentient beings All these appar from his ecolecve power. Buda’ eye i 8 vas 25 spaces He sees the etie coemon Tn the unimpeded ste, with unequalled fn AI Buda can tll of this eye All sentient beings are toally bound: All thei toxics and habits Bdha cause to be removed by his methods, [Appearing throughout the world ‘Thon the great enlightening being Univers Sound ofthe Cosmos, empowered by the Buddha, loked over the asembled beings at the Ste of elightenment snd ad 8 ‘The Flower OmamentSaptare hase ha perfected natural power, Appesting throughout ll Inde ‘dha cultivate allied knowledge: “The nature of his omaicience ike pace: ‘Therefore he has unhindered power inating all ns in che em eins “Then the great enlightening being Cloud Sound Pare Moon, empow- cred by the Bud, looked overall the beings gathered at the elighecn- senate and si, “The realm of his spiral powers sequal 0 space— [No beings do nor perceive them “The stages he perfected ins pase practice ‘Ar fully explained the jewels Swing purely for coundes eons, He entered the fra stage, tat of extreme oy Producing the vate knowledge ofthe cosmos. He saw counts Buddhas ofthe ten dct In the stage of pity amis all things He observed standards of panty numerous as beings: Hieing practiced extensively for many eon, He served the boundlews ocean of Bagh Accumulating virtue inthe sage of radiance, is store of esl was Erm and enduring “The vast loud of teachings he had already lees Sole told the gemstone Fras ‘The incomparable sage of cat intellect ike an ocean of fames— Gorpechending station, be gave nie to compasticn, ‘With an egal physic presence in all ind ‘These aecomplshments ofthe Buddha ate all expounded Univeral store of equanimity—ehedifienl o comguer stage ‘According with acoon and snes, with eotraicson ‘The realm of the Buddhis teaching completely impartial How the Buddha purified jewels can tell Faeteching pracicethe sage of oceanic wisdom, “Toray comprehending sl aspect ofthe teachings, The Wondefil Adorrments ofthe Leaers ofthe Werlls 147 [Appearing inal ans ike space: ‘The voice of thes teachings comes fom the tees ‘The body of space, pervading the coumos, ‘The imp of wisdon, shining on all beings, All practesl methode completly purifies His pas Tong journey he causes 9 be fold. ‘Adorned by exceation ofall vows, Innit cecane of lands are al pu: Undistarbed by any dicriination, “This peerless stage fs flly explained Mystic powers of infinite soe Enter the lumiing power of the teachings: This pure stage of bencicone window ‘And fs one of practice ae fly revealed “The farseaching tench sage of clouds of tiching Engl everything. pervading al space, “The welm ofthe Bdahs i told inte voice ‘This voir the Buddhas spraal power ‘Then the great enlightning being Banner of Light of Benevolent Courage, empowered by the Buddha, sarveyed the tm directions and sid Innumerable sentient beings are in the congregation ‘Theis various minds offuth are all por Alcan ence inc understanding of Buddha's wisdom, ‘And understand ll ster which torn Ech initiates pure vows and pots them ito practice: A have made offerings co innumerable Beings ‘They ate tbe co se the seal ue body of Buiha AS lla all is mystical dspays Some can sce the Bud's esliey-body, Incomparable, unindered, pervading everywhere: ‘The mature of ll che sntincy of hinge Isin that body completely Some see the Buddha's sublime body of form, Its Boundless physical characteristics blazing eh light, ‘The Wonderful Adoromont of the Leader ofthe Worlds 149 ‘ames; louds of phetes of ight of jewels of houndless varieties; clouds of tessuries of peas ofall colors: duds of al precious sndalwood Scene clouds of umbrellas mae of ll kinds of precious rabxtances: {ous of diamonds with pure resonance clouds of necklaces of jewels fining like the sun, oud of banks of lights ofl gemstones; ouds ofall sorts of decorations. There dlouds of adomments ere infrte, ‘conceivably numero. These world leaders exch produced such clouds of offerings, showering upon the ocean of beings athe Buddha's ste of alightentacat all reaching everywhere. ‘AS in this world the world leaders joyfully produced such offerings, 0 did all the worl lenders inal worlds Of the ocean of worlds of eras of Dower banks make tach offerings. In each of ther worlds ‘here was a Busha siting on the sie of enlightenment. The individual ‘world leaders various resoitions of faith, for of concentation, mete Ode of meditztion, practice of methods ssstating enlightenment, Accomplishments, joys. approaches, understandings of the teachings, access to the realm of Buddha's spiritaal powers, aces to the reais of Buddha's abies, entryways into the Buddha's Mberstion, sere the ‘ame a inthe flower Bank decan of worlds in ll the oceans of worlds Inthe entize space of the whole common. we The Fr Omamon Scripture ‘According othe diferent understandings of various beings, Teeranstorms imo vicious appeeanes, everywhere Some sce dhe body of unobstructed knowledge, Euan all ies, like space: According othe changes in beings inclinations, ‘Wenuses them tose kinds of dirences, Some can understand the Budd's voice Pervading all ands in the ten dtetons ‘According 0 sentient beng’ sits to understand, Ie proces verbal rounds for them, without any hindrance Some see the Bubs’ various lights, Varouy shining throughout the worlds [Ans some se too, inthe Buddha's hight, Badahas displaying thee mystic power. ‘Some sce Buda’ oceans of clouds of light Ising trom his pores. of radiant huss, ‘Showing the pats he practiced of yore, Causing beings to deeply belove and ener Buddhs's knowledge Some se the Bud's adorning marks and blesings And see where the blesings come from=— ‘The oceans of twanscendent ean he practiced of okt ‘Are dla acon inthe Badass mark. Bauha’s ques cannot be measured, “They fill she cosmos, wihout any bounds ‘These andthe ranges of payee powers ‘These beings can expound Prough Buddha's power “Then the ocean of worl of ays of lover banks, by the power of the Baha, all took in six ways in eighteen mansts: tha they teembled, trembled allover, trembled sll over in all dzectons they ‘weed up, weled up allover, welled all overall directions they ‘rgd, marge all ovr, surged all ove in ll recon; they quake {ged allover, quake allover in all ieeons they rosea rated all ver, ronal allover small Sections: they cesed, ceshed all ver, ‘ane all over nal directions “These various world Tents cich caused cloads of inconesivable offerings to appear, raining om the ocean of beings atthe site of enment clos of omaments of ll fragrant owes; clouds of ‘Eeoratons of all prcir toner; clouds of ower ets of all jewel BOOK TWO, Appearance of the Buddha AT TUAP TIME the eplighening beings and dhe leaders of all he ‘ovis toxned these though Whar ae the stages of te Bada? ‘Whe are the wsan of the Buddha? Whe ate the cmpowermete of ‘he Bala What are ee acy of the Baa? Whe re the powers ‘fhe Dadaha? Whar ate eke aleeser of the Buddha? Whar se {he medations af the Buddha? Wher are the vince of che Ininde of the Buddha? Whot se the lights of he Badd ys ‘What ae the alow ofthe Budde? What are the voc af the Buda? What ae the knows of the Buddha? © plese: World Honored (One, pays and eps fo Alo all She Bude of ll oceans Seid She wh reson npn en the ginning ge (he neers of olde, the econe ef sentient bongs the rene of udder” iberaons, the acon of Badd’ moncal iplys the ‘cca of Baddhat"eachingr the oceans of Buds! sens, the ‘Sezans of Buddhas fe spans, av well the oceans uf vows f all Shlphtning beings. the Gocie of apps of all clghening Seis. the cecns of side to the Way of all ceria. tenes the oceans ofall vehicles of enlightening Bing the wees OF 3 thes all eightening beings. the veean of councpsions of al ahshcning beings. the ocene of pyc powers ut all elightening ‘eins the ocant of ways of ranscondence ofl enlightening beng the oceans of stages a al enghtening bogs, andthe oseant OF Inowiedge of al enghrning binge pes, © Bah, Enighensd ‘One, World Honored One, sepan the fr ro” “hen the enligheing ing, by. mystical poster, produced round ‘asing spontaneously fom the douse of ofexinge spesking ee Coupes cons of practi complete ‘You've boson tly awake unr the clightsoment we Arpanet Bis ss ike od ili al othe end of te When beings hve dubs, you pa co co them, Crong alto devdop gre and sation Everybere somoving sim seing. ‘You enparmne the pe of he Bad, ‘a inte numberof nlighcsing beings ‘Rhea come here w ete you Pes espiam the ehcmiate doube ‘coring wo or eps to ecve How com we know the sta ofthe Bade? ‘The cimpomerment ofthe Bodh has no bounds hae is he Bats el of ation That ca be need by wd? Plone show eto a eaghening bens How do you puny Fane? Pleseciplis in cerd wath bongs Sposa “The Buds, kings fee, ake the weld eden Feeney go. nan encase he Pac expound or the beck of How ae the Buh’ ee nner, ‘And how ate the minds le counts? ‘sare the ogens of wot nd ocean of beng [i ocean of sangement in the ono, $0 sete ceca of Bethe —onboumdcd Pt sl ito the chen of Bad, “The aco of ramcendent way, frver beyond coneption, ‘The coun of exh for univer ibaton, “The eco of sl theses fhe ech Pls epound thi ghee Arron of the Bud 133 He prstco erascenden ways and failed them, [Rs fany at hour ands Ait he powers he hus cody aid ‘You nou go snd pay him report, Buddha-hilden of al quarters, a many a stom of lands, All come together, wth oy ‘Having showered loads 9 offerings, Now they snd before Bodh wi singminde gaz, [Ableto expound the deep cccan of eur Heng se each cd th ll minds “The vous of Haddhs of al ies [Arc tld under the eighenment te All appeat ina icant ‘rete Beds poe irons’ grt ocean of knowledge Now, wating dhe gethcring ofthe masses, he's about to speak (Go's him ant heat what he sys [At ch time, all the masses in the oceans of words inthe tom cons, awakened by se Baha igh all wene to. Vatocint Bud's place and. made offerings. For example to the eat of wer ae Array gcein of words there ean cin of woe called ‘Anny of Loca ot Pare Ligh aimong ks worl systems find ‘cd Diamond Mine of Joos! Neca; the Bud there war ced intnee King, Awakening Space with the Water of Teh: mons that Bali's ea sng + se ching med owas Banner Contemplstang the Supreme Tething who eam 0 he Baddhs with» group ot elitening bongs a5 marrow som anton word cach pred, neo coud of forms of Teed tem kinds of dou of evel mountain, tan kinds of coals of phere snipe, tn lands of loud of jewel Hover erase, om Hinds of clouds of mie conning al tons en Kinds of clouds of powder incense ses toy kinds of clouds af myead forme of perfume ad incnae ad tem kinds of loads of tree ol ind of agers Clouds ot offerings sich a these, 18 many as atoms an een Sond, fed all of pace, noe dperang” Having sane tne ea 0 ppt the elightctng bigs Bowed fo the Basho ad eed them Ac hat poine te Haha, rowing what the engin beings sve hinkdg etc ltd af ight ay om i tot, Tose pity wer mimerourar somite for ‘Staple, ight yr of lowes of jel lrg eveywbereihe Sip pouting fi unr dong te ene gt yang ‘bul dowd ight aye showing the das of eh ton dictone Sing on hic of tighten: ang yelp bgt year umbylls af due mcs al chee ye ig he “ves toot pedis ihe ys ering al oes bat ‘vctung op bam af ar amon hg sang hee Celene where hosts engteing bongs were see. bt ‘ye wha watone semi the mes and cpt: he Buldan, There wees» many sock ight rye hoe te ot 8 ‘bial and ach ned a hd aye beams scams ‘Pooying Tome ge al conte a xgunte ewe foe, aed ‘Bey enth amped Seam of words 4 mamttous i ome 2 bon ‘lito The congreations of enlghtenng Kegs nal he ther ‘Stet of word cold Laat Bun Arey oa of wor wn ‘Sotclighe By the spite power fe Bhs, hose igh, a he presence fal thon Clghtesing begs intone tte verse Cleing crn of practices ons coun ons, ‘Making ogo otcne of Budde everywhere, [Now falling subi nightenment—The Univer Murineoe. om his pores come matic dus ‘Wak ek ning hough al gure ‘waning tho ble to ected teching (Cottey thom appos enigbenmene pare, anbindcred Bdiha eavened al pate of exten, Teaching and develops the vin bo ‘The mse power command ar tiie: Insta he ete be Bed “The enlighenmen te of pros gems {rebels wah te nr sores Badd ay awakes ones Emons ihe jee ining “The oa of gps oe ll al gate Preaching fori the way fo pet pace, ‘cord oc ced dentine of ing, ‘loud: or pec ite pejecing yt phantom buddha, fn inde expound the rea of the Buddhas. to kinds of jewel clouds of showing tases of the Buddhas of past preene and ure, Jews) cbs tel ic cate as mimed Anay of Quity Jewels of Fragrant Flowers. Aone the Univeral Arrays of Moonlghts Fogrant Flames: who, together with ‘loads ot manson stad! wi al ind of prosour ions and 8 Appar te Bua ss kinds of clouds of mansions with gates of flowers and neeworks of (wee Teete manson cooda x Somesus se mv ores of Sword, al lied pace without dnperang.Flving eased these clouds {appr he clighening Benge bowed the Badd and proceed ‘het as feng thn hey proce he western are ose ‘St gre erie of pol lenvn, and then st erosslegged om hee 5 the nomh of ths ower Bank ocean of wore here x an ean of words led Treuner of ght Sphere 9¢ Lapis Lara toc. [Among te word systems therein ia and called Ara of Be Loner ‘The Badass name ws King of Sound of the Banner of Universi lightening temp ined Lien Succ Light ko, wat «group of ‘tightening being ar numerous atone 39 ocean of wore cme tehe Buddha, each mantesng ents of dss of Beal wes Liven of agantjewee, whith fled space witout daperang. They ho 'produced cm nd of lous ef ees cepaying eye ofl et ‘tine colors and forms, ten kinds of clude f tres normed with Si lowers ten ind of clouds of es adorned wit spheres of igh the rane of all jee ten Kinds of clouds of wees sed ith Endalwood, tea hinds of lous of tics incon adored wih enc of pan its of clghenment ten hands of bude Of ect ‘Selig fom weaunes of dates made oa Kinde of jemand fen Kinds of ous of ees ental! Kinds of plessog sound. ‘ctnded tooghout spe wou dipeting. Having anid the "Souds eo appr te clghrning sigs bowed the Buddha a resem them sp oenngs then they ach maps Produced nthe order quarter on sca banks of lors wth el amps a | Croley on thse sae fests ‘Nordea ofthe Hor Bank ocean of worlds therein oan of swords called Rove Gall sod Laps Lara Banner, Among te wold stems here 1 land led Arty of Jewels The Bad there 38 Caled Fens Lamp of Al Tate, Ang shat Dad's vast cong iit, tise ching bang sed Ics Mie of aes of the Lamp of Supreme Ligh who cmc. with 2 Many tnlightcing beings i there re ioe t an even af wore oe ala each proacing ten Kinds of ude thon thrones a tres OF Jewel loses of bounds fom which filed space wens dpersing ‘They ale produced ten inde of lowe af hon throne of toes light of dismond. eo hinds clouds of loa drones sorned wih ll Kinds of decorations, ten hinds of clade of ho throne of bake ‘meso amps ringed with jewel, cb kids oud fom thrones Showering jewel ormamene i oer, fon nds of de thon hanes ‘tress of pesousomamests fal fragrant lowes em nde Appenic of he Bubs 197 ec ng et cent i ‘of clouds of parasols draped. with nets of chimes Embellished with banks of adornments of flames of sapphire light and sat crosslegged who! fogeier thas many enlightening ein there sre som Sais tre ee Kind of Sood hh pes 3 hom ‘thigh spheres of the vote of the Buddha's reat Yow, ad ter kinds of Singin tae eee agen ‘wor, all tied pace without pera Having produced des oud ‘Sis of aesome quale Finite ight and st cosh here Below this Hower Bank ocean of werk her an ean of ors loaf on ones of mie of es showing the adornments Fe a te i hn rs one lide of dvds of hon rnc of al aye of tamer eps std door, an cn kinds of hut of ba trey of bans inks Slovo wich gems and primes Sach cou =the or may ‘sons a a oven of worn al filed pce witout Sipe Heng cated tee dou pear. he ence ings bowed ere dt hy proce son se chen is ‘South of th Four Bunk oc of wos amon wrk call Cold Enelsed Lapa La Ugh Shing Ever: Asoo The was snl King 0 Pound Fh Unive Joy. Among {Er bouhes ve conpepaion was pat eight fing ced Usual pho he Limp of Wado who cameo the Dodds tong wah group entering Dome mano se soms 28 eee of more, tachproacng tn Ke foes of pero a ind of whiting, wth eda of pce who dpe They bo cae to sper ty Ln flute espe sored th ioe of pin endo a bans ae KinSoPouis ot rapes oral jones pein te Bud ‘pull powers expounding te estan. te ids of dow of (Eig gn he or of Sy afoot ide ‘Sous of Srper of bh af mance of al jews tin ‘ous of dap of sunt chines om jewel nt ten kindof cle “pe doting the forme oa onl dornmen, Clo “laps ote sch thon many som ean werk silage wie dupening Her ced ose seen Spe ‘he entghcnng tags Bowed ote Has and psc he ‘rng The he somes ecb gil rode = bo set tn tw or and scrosdegged hrc, Suwa of he Fawr Bonk ort of mel an ovn of words cae Sung String Every, mang word ystems ng ‘ld Cg SuapheMThe Badd threw Caled Sound of Cie ‘nner Keowee, Armong ths Budd's va congregation mo etching Being name Tops of Fame of asian Flower Eee ine Hck ou nee ‘ity ie anon f wo cloning ok titout dering! Thy ako produced ten Hinds of dou of parol, {ifaw ayy of gt beam, tn ane of Goud park of ‘Seana of pears of bun colo enka of code of parse a 58 The Flower Oma Sir roe to hin of cow of ight fea of al fagraces, a Rind SPSS Pik ec ere i an ane acaba, ten ian of lows of light Dems of pacer ot eam ower, ten Kinds of ooae of fight ame opying the tooth Bhar of al ages teaching ct beg en OF Iona igh beams of dower bc fi exhoable ent nd fektds of cio of gh Bee ofl Kin o Scorated hoy (Glonttotlighe beams sachor tee coum stm an cea worl, ial sue withour dnperng Having cured these how {ocippse. she enitning beng bowed othe Had pent ‘Shean itenge Th ech eed, the ait bo seat nes ‘Above thi Flower Bank ocan of works isan ocean of worlds called Jan aed Foreless Subse Light The Buddha there wos eed Uni {reat nghtening being called Vigorous Intllce wath, Unhindered ‘cca of worl, ame to the Bad, each producing tem Kinds of ‘Shade igheimes of joc of Boudiee phys em ing Space withovt sper. ‘They abo peace ten haps of So a ilgesames of webs of reco stncyton Kinde ot south Titer of the omar af al cheno baddetands ton Kinds ‘owde ot lgbe-llames of abl onguste fragrances fon hinds of oud of ihm tal afoomonts tke cou of igh lane the vocal dapiys of he Budde tr ane fl the are of A bol ceowers, ten Linde ot coo lghefaes ofl “mond om hinds ofc of igh smer of ewes bepesing the Practices of mfnte eligeing Henge. att hide of clouds of Heese of ps fal pees. Clos of ph res ke tee 5 Imeros is afomt in an econ of wo al ed space Wot Afspering. ving cus those loos to appear, the cbghtening Teings bowed to the Buda sd presented tht fing Tt a the seh they each produced © ho act of fe banks of gh toning the ous of te Baas and crnlgged theres "nth sry, in may scene of wore here ae om on ‘ich sarounded bys group of caightening beings a sumer 3 Suhecnog Seige cach produced clouds of sternge of varius SMeennents ae numcrous dr atomic pares im a9 ecm of wots Which al id spoce wath dipersing. And having prs hee ‘oud, they bowed vo the Bud id presented hems oes Shen in te acon rm whch they od some sh mags Pr

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