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Worksheet 1


Name: _____________________

Date: ______________

An antonym is a word or phrase that has the opposite meaning to another word or
For example: poor and rich.
Arrange the letters below to retrieve the correct antonym for each word:

1. terrified

_______________________________ un d i a r f a

2. in love

_______________________________ h e t a

3. depress

_______________________________ re e c i o j

4. nervous

_______________________________ c m l a

5. ecstatic

_______________________________ de s s e r p

6. disappointed _______________________________ sa y f s i t
7. skeptical

_______________________________ t f u l r u s t

8. sad

_______________________________ j f u l y o

9. excited

_______________________________ un c e r n c o n

10. angry

_______________________________ de t e d l i g h

11. confused

_______________________________ c r a e l

12. furious

_______________________________ r x a l e

13. crying

_______________________________ l h g u a i n g

14. happy

_______________________________ un y p p a h

15. bored

_______________________________ in t e d r e s t e

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