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Came out with his idea about the nature of the childs mind at birth in Tabula Rasa.

Recognized for developing the first picture book known as Orbis Pictus 9The world in
- he was considered as the pioneer in instructional technology development.
-Used multi-sensory materials to teaching.
-Aim of education was the preservation of natural goodness of the individual and the
formation of society based upon recognition of natural individual rights.
-Came out with five (5) formal steps to teaching now known as herbartian Method of

-Teaching is more effective if it proceeds from concrete to abstract.

-Father of kindergarten, emphasized the use of actual objects, which could be
manipulated by the learners. Recommended the use of play and songs.
-Formulated the scientific theory of learning.
- Advanced the tree primary laws of learning, This era paved the way to the development
of effective educational technology, including the production of books, the use of
blackboards, pen and ink.

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