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Fernando Moreno
UTEP ID: 80532597
Consuelo Salas
RWS 3355
March 21,2016
Professional Profile Package Reflective Essay

During the first part of the semester, I was asked to work on my resume and my cover letter in
RWS class as part of a major assignment called the Professional Profile Package. By that time, I
thought that the material that was included in the documents that I usually presented to my interviews was
well organized, but by the time I read the sample resumes that we were asked to bring to class I realized
that is was much to be done. Both of my sample resumes had a different structure in the content which
presented the information in an easier way for an employer to go through without getting lost. What I also
found out about the samples was that they were created aiming for the specific job they were applying to.
From there, I learned there that the discourse community of my field would not be interested in skills that
have nothing to do with the job so I drafted my resume to fit the needs of the job descriptions and also
structuring it to make the information presentable to the reader.
So, my analysis of the samples was helpful, I did not only learn that my discourse community is
the one I am aiming to, but also, that I should talk about what I can do to appeal to their wants. The peer
reviews helped me to correct any mistake I had not realized that I had, all those little details in between
lines were finally corrected and I was ready to go. After all the drafting process and making changes in
the structure or the materials that I included, my resume was well structured to match the description of
the company that I am aiming to. I think that the change in structure was a vital step of the assignment
because my information looks better presented and gives an aspect of credibility to the resume since I not
only include my work experience and the skills that I had gained, but also the many skills that I learned
while doing it.

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The cover letter was a different challenge, my writing process did help me in this step because I
was able to translate the information that I had on my resume and write it in a fluid way for my employer
to read. I think the cover letter presents more credibility together with a resume because you are giving a
statement affirming that the information you give is true. At the end of the project, I do feel accomplished
with the purpose of this assignment. By making the right corrections in the right places, I was not only
able to learn how to make a proper and well-structured resume, but also, the end result of my documents
helped me to get a job. Now I know what was the information that sunk me in my past interviews and I
am glad that I conducted this assignment because I dont get any questions regarding why does my
resume says this or that.

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