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GRADUATION PROJECT MENTOR/PARENT CONSENT FORM TC ROBERSON HIGH SCHOOL My > iA Senior:_ pla _@, Mh, English Teacher: Mite ° lernpnoss Proposed Topic: Due Date: 1 3/ TO BE INCLUDED IN THE GRADUATION PROJECT PORTFOLIO. Mentor Consent (must be obtained prior to proposal letter submission) For information regarding the four components of the NC Graduation Project and the responsibilities of mentoring please vist wwe buncombe K12.neus/erke or contact the student's English teacher Thave read the mentor letter and am aware of the requirements and responsibilities of a North | Carolina Graduation Project mentor. J agree to serve as mentor to the above named TCR senior | while he/she completes the NC Graduation Project. I understand that the Project is a large portion of the senior's English IV grade, which is a North Carolina graduation requirement, Proposed Mentor: Che's Saw elle a Home Phone:_§78- 243-0965" ‘WordCell Phone:_Q72- 234-15 3B E-mail Addres Dovina ftliog ove, Relaonship with Sdensl oS busines’: Occupation: _Batan x Place of Business: Amgy cui b Tp ry Description of Expertise in Proposed Topic (continue one back if necessary) woke svat! athe , Nuwettiuent Pee niches Vier 8 Fpl ghey Cs = Mentor Signature:( Yous arb; Date 2 f///€ Parental Consent (must be obtained prior to proposal letter submission) Thave read the parent letter sent home by my child’s English teacher and understand the ‘components and requirements of the Graduation Project. I am aware that the Project’s overall average will count as the English IV exam (25% of the English [V grade) and that English IV is 2 graduation requirement. I am aware of and approve of my student’s Graduation Project fopic choice, plans for research and practical experience, as well as proposed mentor. Parent(s) Jha MANLY Home Phone: ¥2.% — Qu¢- Sy 4fJ___Work/Cell Phone:_@ 9% - ASS F Sac E-mail Address. oes salad gh L0 Gre.) ae Parent Sime SE — Date_J-2— AO) CONSENT FORM MUST ACCOMPANY PROPOSAL LETTER UPON EACH SUBMISSION TO THE AVISORY BOARD FOR PROJECT APPROVAL,

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