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ii exon HTH ko SESSTON REGNANGY SESSION PROBLEMS IN PREOMANCY SESSION DELIVERTES IN PREGNANCY SESSION DEVELOPMENT AND GARE OF 4 FETUS, NEWBORN, INFANTS. AND CHILD SESSION VE. PROBLENE IN A FETUS, NEUEORN, IMFANT, AND CHILD SESSION VET. EXPANDED PROGRAM OF INRUNTZATR SESSION YETI. FAMILY PLANNING SESSION TX. MATERNAL AND CHILD WEALTH PROGRAM SESSION "x. PRACTLEAN onsecrives A the sod of the swsadon, tne student mist be able tot BS SISSEGE he ines ef'aatornst and Chih paasthe 2. Bincunn “the wignificanes GF a ontersel and eritd health program in a family and in a otaunl ye mh 5. Identity the competencies required of a physician as cogarde maternal and ehild health, site a: Explain the piymialedglet oresnanby : 3: bltgnona pregnancy. 8: Inakeage parselinica. diaqnioetic procmduren newied in the evaluation of pregnancy. 7. Dingune the aanegsnar® or erally 2: Ristuss the peceeepeiolsay ane ba toate the eee oe abi Gnaicety ceraclinical diarccstie. Pree TEE fy Sat arpa Winage eraviann in praceaneys Dincite’ the variout methedy of detdverde in pregnancy tnd thar thekeationes gy Dectudl igs « CMlar ctieeetiery Oe el Mi perroretatUranodpetnal lta ASP discuss. the devadeporst of teem ame ar oui 6. Dinca the care ot 4 fetuey neville, GMEinie aM chia 15: Denonatrate “Gita” In the Care of” an fetus, newborns nant, and chin. 49. Discuss “the pathophystoloay ot the pratilems in a telus, finest, stones ene Chee 19) BRMgedah The: prattens‘in a etl pled, areal ame crite 20. Inaiente the pariclinical diagnostic praceslires needed in a 'fetum, neubsrns dntant, and eniid witha health problem. ft. Ranage’s Satuns”enbsris andant and cha Wen a ROMER beens iin pregnancy. res needed 40 the ‘e Explain the EXPANDED PROGRAM OF IMMUNZZATION of the. Department oF Health. 23. Perform immunization using the guidelines of the EXPANDED FROGRAN OF KMAUNTZAT ION. Formulate a plan of EXPANDED IMMUNIZATION PROGRAM in his astigned command ty « Discuss the concept of family planning. Discuss the different methods of family planning sai their advantages and problems. 27. Demonstrate kite in providing health education and counselling in family planning. 2B. Formulate a comprehensive maternal and child health program in his assigned commanaty. 29. Present and defend his proposed maternal anc child heal th program in his assigned. community. 30. SOLVE ANY PROBLEM TN MATERNAL AND CHILO HEALTH. CONTENT Maternal and child health concept Maternal and child “health program Competencies of physicians in maternal and child health Physiology of pregnancy Signs of pregnancy. Clinical diagnosia ef pregnancy Paraclinical diagnosis of pregnancy Management of pregnancy Fathaphyaielogy of problems in pregnancy: Clinical diagnosis of problows sn pregnancy Faraclinieal diagnosis of problene. in pregnancy Managesent of probleas in pregnancy Nethads of deliveries an pregnancy Indications tor cesarian section Transvaginal delivery Fetus, newborn, infant, and child Development Pathophysiology of problems in a fetus, newborns infant, and chile Clinical diagnosis of probleme in s fetus, nawtarn, dntant, and child Paraclinical diagnosis of, problems an a tetas, newborns infant, and chiid Managenent "ot a fetus, newborn, infant, and ehild with a health problem EXPANDED THMUNTZATION PROGRAM of the Departoant of Health Innunization techniques Plan for an EXPANDED INMUNIZATIGN PROGRAM in the community Family planning Concept Retpods felvantages Problems Public health aducation and counsetling Formulation, presentation, and defenae of a mixternal. and child health program in & eommuns Solutions of Patient management problens Community management problems on Maternal and Child Health LEARNING STRATEGIES aND acTIVETTES independent study Broup discussions: Casio studies base Simulations, Role playing Probloneaterng Denonstration and return demanntration Clinkest exposure EVALUATION Rehievement of obJectiven. Grading System: Excellent 1 Qutstancling achievenent of all absectives. Pass 2 Achievamint of all chiectives. Incomplete 4 Theomplete achievenent of oblectives. Fost 5 Nofiwaciievenent of any obiuetive. TO 12, YEAR LEVEL. Ty COND SEMESTER nobus IMAL AND) CHILD HEALTH x. ey SESSION. MATERNAL AND CHILD WEALTH onseerives At the end of the session, the student mint be able to: 4. Dincusy the concept ef maternal atid child heal th. BL Discuss “the signifieance of @ maternal and child health program ina family and in a eommuni sy 3. Tdentity the competencies required of a physician as regards maternal and child health, conreNT Paternal and ehétd health concept Maternal and child health pregran Competencies of physicians an maternal and child health LEARNING STRATEGIES ano ACTIVENIES 1. No preclae assignment, 22 Group discussien te bring owt Bui Maternal and ciidd health concept 2.2 Maternal and child health pragram BLS Chapatencies required of physicians in maternal and EhLLE health Synthenis of No. 2 and hand-oute. EvaLUaTaON Achievesent of abiectives. SCHEDULE DAY 1, WEEK 9, YEAR LEVEL 1, SECOND SEMESTER TINE ALLOTHENTs 4 HOURS CHAIN To SESSION 1X OF MODULE x: PREGNANCY Before Session (1, the students to Research on pregnaney Observe and participate under supervision management of pregnancies inthe clinict and in the hospi tala. robust. SESSION TT. PREGNANCY ongecrivEs ft the end of the session, the student mst be able tos L. Exptain the physiology of pregnancy, 2. Daagnose pregnancy - : 5. Indicate paraclinicad diagnostic procedures needed in the evaluation of aregnancy. 4. Discuss the management of pregnancy. conTENT Physiology of pregnancy Signs of pregnancy Clinical diagasese of pregnancy Faraclinical diagnosis of pregnancy Nanagenent of pregnancy LEARMING STRATEGIES AND actrUITIES L. Preclass amesgnaents. 21 Students’ presentations and discussions on Physiology of pregnancy Signn of pregnancy Clinical diagaosie of pregnancy Paraclinical diagnosis of pregnancy Managemen’ of pregnaricy 3. Synthesis of Na. 2 and hand-outs 4. Cage studies and case simulations to bring out Clinical diagnosis of pregnancy Paraclinical diagnosis of pregnancy Management of pregnancy 5. Synthesis of Nae 4 and hand-oute. EvaLUATION Achievement of obsectiven. SCHEDULE: DAY 5, WEEK 9, YEAR LEVEL 1, GECOND SEMESTER TIME ALLOTMENTS HAIN To SESSION TIT OF MODULE X: PROBLEMS TH PREGNANCY Before Sounion Tit, the students to Research on problems 1a pregnancy. Observe and participate Under supervision management oF pregnancies in the clinies and in the hosps tals MODULE X. MATERNAL AND CHILD HEALTH SESSION cr. PRORLENE IN PREGHANEY onsecrives AL the ond of the session, the student must be able tox L. Discuss the pathophysiolegy of the problems in pregnancy. 21 Diagnose the problems in pregnandys Si Indicate paraclinical diaghestic procedures needed in the evaluation of problems sn pregnancy. 4. Manage problems in pregnancy. CONTENT Pathophysiology of problems in pregnancy Elinisal diagnosis of problems in praynaney Parachinical. diagnosis of problene, in’ pregnancy Managesent of pravlem: in pregnancy LEARNING STRATEGIES AND ACTIVETTES 1, Preclass assignments. 3. Students’ presentations and discussiens on Pathophysiology of prablems in pregnancy, Clinical diagnosis of probleme in pregnancy Paraclinical. diagnosis of problems in pregnancy Nanagenen® of problem in pregnancy 5: Syntheaia of Na. 2 and handouts. A Can ntucion and case simulations to bring out Fathophywiniagy of problems in pregnancy Clinkeal diagnosis ef problema in pregnancy Faraclinseal diaghoxi of problems. an pregnancy Managemen’ of problems in pregnancy. 3. Synthesis of Nos 4s EVALUATION T hchiavenent of objectives. SCHEDULE: DAY S, WEE TIME ALLOTMENT 9, YEAR LEVEL I, SECOND senesTeE 4 HOURS Hain To SESSION IV OF MODULE Xe DELSVERTES IM PREGNANCY Before Session TU, the students to Resdarch on Gariour kinds of deliveries in pregnancy. Dbserve and participate under supervision in the deliveries of pregnancies in the hospitals. MODULE x. Mai SESSION {V, DELIVERIES IN PREGNANCY onsecraves At the end of the session, the stutent must be able tor L. Discuss. the various methods of deliveries in pregnancy and ‘their indications. 2. Decide when a cesarian section is indicated. Bi Perform a transvaginal delivery. conten Methods of deliveriva in pregnancy Indications for ceaarian pection Transvaginal delivery EARNING STROTEGIES AND ACTIVITIES A. Prectass assignments. 2! Students’ presentations and discusetans on Nethods of feliveries in pregnancy Indications for cesarien section Transvaginal delivery Synthesis of Now 2 and hand=curts, 4. Cate studies and cai simiations te Bring out Rethods of deliveries in pregnane Indications for cesarian section Transvaginal delivery 5. Synthenie of No. 4. 41 pemonstration and return demonstration of # transvaginal delivery. Synthenis OF Nos 8 and hand-oxite. EVALUATION Ackievenent of obseatime. SCHEDULES DAY 1, WEEK 10, YEAR LEVEL 1, SECOND SEMESTER TENE. ALLOWWENTs "a HOURS chATN Yo SESSION V OF MODULE X: DEVELOPHENT AND CARE GF @ FETUS, NEWBORN, INEONT, AND CHILD Before Session Vy the students to Research of development and care of a fetue, “newborns infant, and child. Observe and participate under supervision in the care of a fetus, imuborn, infant, and child in the Family, community, and cliniess MODULE X. MATERNAL AND CHELD HEALTH SESSION V. DEVELOPMENT AND CARE OF A FI cHnLn TUS, NEWBORN, INFANT, AND the end of the session, the student must be able tos 4. Discuss the development of a fetus, neuborny infant; and child. Discuss the care of a fotus, newborn, snfant, and child. Demonstrate kills in tho car@ af’ a. fete, meubora, infant, and child. CONTENT Fetus, newborns infants and child Bevelonmant, LEARNING STRATEGIES AND ACTIVITIES 1. Preclass assignments. 2. Stuuentn’ presentations and discussions on Development of fetus, nawborn, infant, and child Care of fetus, newborn, infant, and child 3. Synthesis of Nas 2 and handouts, 4. Case studies and case simulations to bring out Development af fetus, meuborn, infant, and child Care of fetus, newborn, Antant, and child 5. Synthesis of Nar 4s VALUATION Achievement of objectives SCHEDULE: DAY 3, WEEK 10, YEAR LEVEL 1,” SECOND SEMESTER TIME ALLOTMENTS 4 HOURS chars 10 SESSION VE OF MODULE PROBLEMS TN 9 FETUS, — AEWRORN, INFANT, AND CHILD Before Session VIy the students” to Reuwarch on’ the problem: of a fetus, nmuborn, infant, and child Observe and participate under “superviaien in — the Hanagenent of a fetus, newborn, infant, and” child with a health problem sn the clinics aad hospi tals MODULE X. MATERNAL AND CHILD HEALTH SESSION UI, PROBLEMS TN @ FETUS, HEMEORN, GMFANT, AND CHILD oxsecrives ft the end of tho uoanion, the etudent mst be able tot 1. Dincuns the pathophysiology of thw problems ina fetus, newborn, infant, and chidds 2. Diagnaso the problems in 4 fet eh. 3. Indicsti thw peraclinical diagnostic pracedures needed in a fetus, newborn, infant, and child with « health problem 4, Panaye 2 Telus, heuborn, infant, and child with a health problem. S, newborn, infant, and / content Fathophysiology of problems in a fetus, newborn, infant, wnd had Clinical diagnosis of problems in a fetus, newborn, infant, and child Farachinical diagnosis of problems in a fetus, newborn, infant, and child anagenent ‘of a fetus, newborn, infant, and ehild with a health problem 3 LEARNING STRATEGIES aN activities Ls Preclans ausgnmente. i 2. Students” presentations and discussions on Pathophysiology of problems in a fetun, newborn, anfanty and. child é CLinical” diagnosis of problems in a fetus, infant, and child Paraclinical diagnosis of problems in a tetus, k newborns infant, and child Management of a’ fetus, newborn, infant, and child with a health problem &. Synthesis of Ne. 2 and hand-oute, 4) Cate studios and case simulations te bring out Pathophysiology of “problems in = fetus, newborn, infants and chitd CLinteas” diagnosis of probiame in a fete," newhorn, Infant, and ebild : raclinical. diagnosis Gt probinms in a fetes, Reuborns infant, and child e Manageaent Gf a fetus, newborn, infant, and child with a nealth peabler Ba Synthesia of Now 4. newborns P EVALUATION 7 Achievement of objectives. SCHEDULE: DAY 5, WEEK 10, YEAR LEVEL I, SECOND SEMESTER FINE ALLOTMENTS "4 HOURS Hart 70 SESSION VIE OF MODULE Xt EXPANDED PROGRAM OF IMMUNIZATION Bevore Gaeeion Vil, the students to Research on ihe EXPONDED PROGRAM OF IMMUNIZATION. Formate a plan ef expanded prayran of inmunization in his" ausigned community and prepare for 4 pronentation in classe Observe and participate under supervision én the management of a Fetus, newborn, snfant, and. child in the clinies and hospitals MODULE X. MATERNAL AND CHILD HEALTH SESSION UIT. EXPANDED PROGRAM OF

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