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Gmail Julla algo Jule palgogceptaprepharbr ora> wptongle Exciting Science Update! Juli Paigo Wed, Feb 24, 2016 at 1:57 PM ‘Good Aftemoon, ‘The Dartmouth (6th period) cohort is embarking upon a very exciting leaming joumey that | am eager to inform you about! For the duration of the marking period, we will be engaging in Level 2 Formative Assessment. Usually, we only use Level 1 Formative Assessment in the classroom. Level 1 if where a teacher teaches, then assesses student leaming (in the form of a quiz, test, project, etc). If the assessment shows that students did not learn the Matenal, the information is re-taught using a different tactic/method, In Level 2 Formative Assessment, the matenal is taught. Then the students choose their own leaming tactics to practice the material. After practicing, they complete an optional assessment. Thay score the assessment using ‘an answer key and if they have a low score/mastery level, they choose different leaming tactics to practice and then complete another optional assessment. They perform this process until they are consistently demonstrating mastery on the optional assessments Role of the Illuminator My role will vary in the classroom during this time. At the start of each class, | will teach ‘a miniesson on the topic of focus. When students are working on their leaming tactics | do things such as; lead discussion groups, work 1-1 with students, teach a small group, answer questions, ask questions, conference wi ‘students, etc. {Lam going to try to create some sort of informational resource (video or pat) to send along with more detailed information over the weekend. | introduced Level 2 Assessing to my Scientists today. Their homework tonight is to wnte a 1 page initial thoughts response paper on Laval 2 Assessment Thanks! Miss Paigo

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