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Kelsey Ross

Module 1
Cause and Effect Foldable

1) Think about the foldable that you made. How would you assess students who had completed this
foldable? I would assess for correct information, correct foldable technique, and at least three bullets
for each cause and effect.
2) How does a foldable compare to a test or more traditional way of demonstrating knowledge? The
foldable allows for a less stressful way to display information. It is visually, an easier way to
understand a certain topic and students can keep it for future reference.

3) How successful do you think students would be at making foldables? What would you need to do
in order to help them to be successful? I believe that older students (3 rd+) would be better at making
foldables since they are more likely to understand what is expected of them. Also in order for
students to be successful at making foldables you must model how to use them before you let the
students make them on their own.

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