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Learning Activity Plan for PreK-Grade 2

Teacher Candidate
Date/Time of Scheduled
Name/Address of School
Age/Grade level
Cooperating Teacher

Dian Chen

Name of Lesson
domain(s) addressed

Vegetable Soup and Fruit Salad Party!

Science: Children learn/review what are plants and which ones are edible.
Fine Motor Skills: Children will hone their fine motor skills by cutting fruits and vegetables with
plastic knives.
Social/Emotional: Children will learn now to make vegetable soup and fruit salad.
To have children differentiate which plants are edible and which are not, cut those that are and make
a soup or salad.

Brief description of the

This lesson is:
Objective(s) of the
Connections to

3-4 Year olds

Classroom Number

A conclusion of a concept
Children will learn one of the importance of plants (as a food source) in in our everyday lives
hopefully make a connection to previously learned topics like community helpers (farmers), and food
and nutrition (healthy foods vs. unhealthy foods)

30-45 minutes
To have children differentiate which plants are edible and which are not
Domain #2: Physical Development and Health
- Physical Development
o (2) Uses of sensory information to plan and carry out movements
o (5) Demonstrates eye-hand coordination and dexterity needed to manipulate objects
- Health and Well Being
(7) Demonstrates personal care and hygiene skills.

Learning Activity Plan for PreK-Grade 2

Language Objectives

(Include any worksheets or
sources of evidence for
childrens learning you will
use during the activity)
Technology inclusion (if
Procedures (step by

(8) Demonstrates awareness and understanding of healthy habits.
- Health and Safety
(9) Demonstrates awareness and understanding of safety and rules.
Domain #3: Social and Emotional Development
- Self-Regulation
o (2) Regulates his/her own needs, feelings, and events.
- Accountability
(6) understands and follows routines and rules
Domain #4: Communication, Language, and Literacy
- Background Knowledge
o (2) Demonstrates he/she is building background knowledge
- Vocabulary
o Demonstrates growing receptive vocabulary
o Demonstrates growing expressive vocabulary
I would like the children to develop their receptive as well as their expressive language. This includes
developing their vocabulary words, increasing the length of their sentences, recalling events and the
ability to do so with the proper tense, and be able to reflect and express their thoughts about an
Vocabulary: fruits, vegetables, soup, salad, cut, boil, hot, scoop, chop, carefully, ladle, bowls

Large rice cooker, varying types of fruits, vegetables, and plants, plastic knives, plates, large
bowls, small bowls, ladle, spoons, markers, directions written with pictures

Get children interested by relating the activity to previously learned subjects.
Today you would be using all the hard work that you spent learning about plants that you can
eat to make vegetable soup and a fruit salad as a class!

Learning Activity Plan for PreK-Grade 2

Instruction/Whole Group:
Display the varying fruits, vegetables, and non-edible plants at random and have children pick
out the edible plants
Go over the instructions and rules and model it to the class as children tell me the steps in
order after I have given it to them.
Have them show me what needs to be with gestures (washing, cutting, putting things into the
pot slowly) pretending that a marker is a knife (for the cutting part).
After children have cut their food item, have them place it in the appropriate bowl (ingredients
for soup (veggies) and ingredients for salad (fruits).
Small group

Have children break up into small groups (depending on the amount of

help is needed) and have them cut the fruit or vegetable that they had
brought in from home (already washed and cut into a manageable size by
a teacher). Vegetable or fruit assigned to child varies depending on how
developed their fine motor skills are.
Closure (sharing/reflection, next steps)
Have the children repeat the instructions back to me in the proper order and have children review
and reflect on the activity after having the soup and salad for lunch.

Method of assessing
understanding of
(Be sure to include any
tools, rubrics/checklists
and/or worksheets you will
use for assessment(s)

This activity is a review of
childrens lessons on the un
plants. Since this activity
requires moderately developed
fine motor skills as well as a
childs ability to self-regulate
and follow directions running
assessments of those areas
from other activities are used
to determine how children will
be grouped (which table they
are placed.

Assessment of Student
Rotate from one individual to other
to observe and evaluate how each
child is well the child is carrying
out the assigned task. As ask the
child to narrate what they are

Assessment of
Childrens Language
Have the children tell me the
instructions and narrate what
they are doing. Later in the
day, have children review
and reflect on the activity
later in the day or the next
day. Assess their use of
language. For shy children,
do so one on one or in small

Learning Activity Plan for PreK-Grade 2

Plans for differentiated


Supporting children
with identified delays
or disabilities
For students that have special
needs, they would be place in a
group with a teacher for
additional instruction and help.
They will also be given a
fruit/vegetable that is easier to

Follow up/Extension
Any additional
information that would
be helpful for the
observer to know

Supporting English Language Learners

For English Language learners, have them place in a group with a
teacher or peer(s) that speak their language. If unavailable, model
activity for them one on one.

For advance students, more

autonomy would be given to
them as well as more
challenging fruit/vegetable to
Reread the book Growing Vegetable Soup by Lois Ehlert and have children reflect on the book with
their new experience.

No room modification is needed.

Observer feedback on the lesson plan, including commendations and recommendations for improving aspects
of the learning activity

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