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Crisp Red Apple ESSICA * Every autumn, our family used to go ple picking. We'd weave through the orchards in crisp fall air, trying on apple from each tree to ke sure each one had truly worthy fruits. Mom, de futile attempts to be the uoice of moderation hile Dad alwoys insisted on “just one more box.” fer we lugged our apples to the car, we would ink fresh cider ond plot how many pies we'd be le to make from our haul. We both still loue to Sick apples every foll—l'm a Fuji fiend: Susan's tial to Granny Smith, This recipe is all obout basic sculpture tech fiques. We also cover two kinds of color mixing: ough and marbling. The headpin serves o dual pose: it turns the apple into a charm, and also inforces the delicate stem so it wont break off hile you're out apple picking in your new ear- INGREDIENTS appte: @ veier stro & 14" (64mm) ball alizarin crimson clay STEM: @ Ya" (32. mm) ball ecru clay . ‘Yas (1.6 mm) ball burnt sienna clay LEAF: e Yo" (3.2mm) ball green clay . "fs" (1.6 mm) ball aizarin crimson clay Headpin Large double-ball stylus Safety pin Crisp Red Apple % 53

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