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Nicole Duque

Title of Lesson: Social Studies Voki

Lesson Submitted By: Nicole Duque
SS4H2 a. Describe the reasons for, obstacles to, and accomplishments of
the Spanish, French, and English explorations of John Cabot, Vasco Nez
de Balboa, Juan Ponce de Len, Christopher Columbus, Henry Hudson, and
Jacques Cartier.
Subject (LA, MA, SS, SC, etc): SS
Grade Level: 4th
Suggested Search Terms: John Cabot, Vasco Nez de Balboa, Juan
Ponce de Len, Christopher Columbus, Henry Hudson, and Jacques Cartier.
Materials Needed: computers
Students will use computers to do research on an explorer. Each
student will be assigned an explorer. They will use the database
Britannica Online School Edition to find information on their
explorer. Students will then go to Voki website to create a Voki to
present the information they researched. Students will then share
them with the rest of the class. The Voki will be submitted on the
students D2L homeroom course page.
List Links or Attachments: : (student cheat sheet below)

Nicole Duque

I decided to choose Voki because it is a fun and creative way to present information and
integrate technology into the lesson. Students used Voki to create a customized Avatar to present their
research on their explorer. All fourth grade teachers participated in this lesson. The students each
focused on an explorer and conducted research using the online encyclopedia Britannica Online
School Edition. This assignment was done all at school and students had access to the student laptops
in the media center.
Voki offers free accounts so there is no financial burden on using this tool. This would be a
great reason to get administration on board. Another way to get administration on board is that the
lesson integrates technology in learning and the kids love it! There is also a push to use the online
D2L course pages more with students and by having the students submit their Voki it allows for more
hits on their course pages.
Parents should not have a problem with using Voki as a Web 2.0 tool because they do not have
to give their own personal information. It is something fun to create and easy for them to use. It
motivates students, because a Voki is fun to create increasing their interest and eagerness to learn the

Nicole Duque

Making Your Avatar Come to Life

Go to the Voki website..then follow the steps below
1. Click on Create
2. Choose and
Customize your
3. Click on the
Green Done
Button at the
bottom of the
character menu
4. Click on the
keyboard t
piece to add your
5. Choose an accent

(do not change

the language)
6. Click on the
Green Done
Button at the
bottom of the
menu box.
7. Choose a
background and
click on done
8. Choose a player
and click on
9. Publish
10.Use your first
name for the title
and click on
11.Close out of the
sign up box- Do
NOT sign up !
12.Copy the embed

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