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Worksheet -1

Class 10th computer

1. Fill in the blanks:
a) HTML stands for_____________.
b) The most basic element of any HTML page is ______________text.
c) An Html document has two distinct parts:___________and _______________.
d) In HTML, the tags that have both an ON tag and an OFF tag are called
e) ____________is an empty element.
f) _____________tag identifies the documents as an HTML document .
g) The _____________element is the only element that is required in the head of
a document.
h)___________attribute of the BODY tag is used to set the color of the
i) There are ___________widely known colour names defined in HTML4.
j) ___________defines the colour of the unvisited link.
k) The default colouring of ALINK attribute is________________.
l) <font>tag requires the following attributes ___________,______________and ____________.
m) Line breaks are given through _______________tag.
n) The ____________element draws a horizontal line across the page.
o) The ______________tag is used to display text as superscript.
p) SGML is the abbreviated name of _____________.
q) XML is the abbreviated name of _____________.
r) CSS is the abbreviated name of _____________.

s) PHP is the abbreviated name of _____________.

t) DHTML is the abbreviated name of _____________.

1. A domain name ending with .edu belongs to
a) An educational institution b) An organization
c) A site that is highly oraganised d) A commercial website
2. Opera is a
a) Web browser b) News Website c) Graphics package d) Word processor
3. Which of these is not part of URL
a) IP address b) Port number c) Domain name d) None of the above
4. What data type should you choose for a zip code field in a table
a) Text b) Number c) memo d) All of the above
5. Which is not true for a database file
a) Each record may contain several fields.
b) Fields are oragnised in columns.
c) Data types have to be declared in advance
d) Each field may contain several records.
B. True or false:
1. Internet is governed by IETF.
2. The first network that planted the seed of Internet was ARPANET.
3. Digital information is converted into analog information by the modem at
destination computer.
4. Http protocol is used for WWW.
5. Primary key is a field that uniquely identifies records in the table.
C. Brief Answers:
1. What is wrong with following coding? <OL type = "a" start ="d">
2. How do you give a comment in HTML?
3. What is the significance of NULL values?
D. Definition:
1. Tag
2. Attribute

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