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ghe glighland fling VoL RUN ‘WGHLAND PARK HIGH SCHOOL, HIGHLAND PARK, WJ. FRIDAY, NOVENBER 1, + Shoplifting: Teens Rip Off Billions in by Alan T. Levine 1 teal all he time eamedD. een year lf sophomore at HPHS, "Whenever Pa iy 1 take candy, cae, and auehy saf—becaise the pecs ar otragents" ’D' is eng te naan's largest group of shop tere—tenager. Five hn dollars of mercha- flee are len every yearby the teen to trey ‘ear ot age group. “rere so Gout that most abating In the aot is dane by Juvaie.” sld. Detective Jack ‘Rulon of the Highland Park Potce Department. ‘Rimanager fr 711 Food Stores saad, log {ov cas per week do to shoplifting. ha’ aoa dome of 13.00 ellre per year. It's tine damn ae" “iiowgh mest stadents know, chat “you can be ‘sot gp the river for shop”, many ke D, ite ak aware of the exact poate Loled. The Sentoces can be as igh as 10 dollar tne plas ‘emt inal. ‘Rapates Arrested for Trespasing A that of 20 olay or less 5 clase’ as artery person ade eed in mails court. In rome casey, "7epecters” may be arrested for CANDID CAM: ERA. Secor fy cameras Wy ond doles oan shop imp Other secur fy mentrer clude teowey ‘nrc, al ‘actors, an (tors red radar Soacte are oon sroploed by te (Sophs Recycle Feology Club The Roolgy Cb isthe newest mer. ‘Tho team's tat meet il ‘ebald on Noverbe Creative writers wl en have «plein ef thir ewe ler fey emogsine All stents with restive wring aspirations may ‘bit contbuions tthe mage ‘nus Mr Robert Slovo” door {am eles wl sgn te ay! for fi pubstion, Mrs Aes Moug ‘an wil be responsible forthe dition to the High School's ro {er of organizations. "We want fo Improve te enrnmenal conse fess of the community,” sad enna Haber wh, along wth area Griminger founded the ci. ‘ecpling ave the bayeoting ot ascii and 9 alto he preservation of endangered specs Ue some of tho evens the 190 Spbomoree pln fo bald About ‘BPetens ae cure involved intieeub. rams director Robert Stevens healt the eat for is eat production “The Glass Manage’ Pott Mackioney wil handle the (ea rl of Amend Wing er (hilren Tem and Laur, il be ‘played by Jerry Levine and Jeane Ehecler. Ben Betenbonder com Demers te fur charactor east a8 ard Fie Goilaman Caller. The conten perry classic by Tomes Wi sme wl be pretend on Deca: bers ana Janie Abert Cole and soph more Ba Wika! have been seleeted (ts years vary dobatrs. Hoe ‘Tard pte, a freshman at Rt fers, Universi and ne. of ast Sea's ear, wl coach the debat- ‘Test (PSAT). Ing tam “fle year’s tple Is “Resove ‘me federal government shoul ‘panty change the metho In which Presdenta std Vice Pres. ential candidates are select Calle and Wont have ben re Searching the tp since Last su eters of Commendation have et aared tos sors for thee hgh performance on th 07 Preliminary Snastc and ‘lane. Grumbger, Sato Mou lan avid Codon, Andrea, Poe, tnd Gndy Wels sre amiog Bin) national repens of the reposting if they eater a sare where they have ‘ence “The lon taken against sn eprebanded shop titer varies greaty tom sore to sore. Rich Sevel, femplyed by STOP Food Store an South Sactod Ave ‘esd tht many jovees comp and tell im ce they ave salen somalng. "We both reat I rity gly. be sal ‘Employee Recalls Icent ‘Ove time," he read, watehed ad stu ‘neal ends under hs Jacket, When he started trae out Tealled to Rim A be turned fo Took at The, all the car fll ol nthe oor and he ran foray, tron rater funny" Sowell estimates the ‘Sores lwo tom shopliting ‘20 dllars per ‘month T ileh and prosesteaboliters In Tare our. ters: "aald Dave Jobin, manager of Rado shack ladles Mat Mest of steve are mes Tetreen the ager of lg and thirty Although the Sore i small secur devices at Rado Shace Ir ‘Sole total detectors, Snrered rar, abd. tee lon cameret monfred by a detective agen. ‘Many sores chowever, do tos. prosecute bcoure cf te fame conduing proces of eoart proceedings ‘Ballers Brperum os Plan Avene sone such ‘We Tet the suspect lave the store, catch hand, bing in ‘eck tobe seared,” sald Andy Brat saitat manager Secu Ky personel give tbe emught stop ter warn, But no egal et ton taken. Siopected sopliters sre Walched very cody Elaborate Defense Buller Emporium has an ela by Jot Sehainae Sens over the age of egheen say sien be able to ganble lee ally Th four daye New Jersey voters wl go tothe pls to decide wht er Gaines sald be lgaized In Ilan Ciy. THe. releresum, ‘ough itenied to ad Alani {ioe not probit easios frm ‘opening ner paris o the sae "fe atest Home News pl nd cats tha sniper cat of the ‘Sestorte favor tb legalization ‘gambling. Mat pollers fel eueve that the referendum wil as. “Sepporters of the eferendum fea hat aan wil ring allans doles of revnoe to tbe sate . Sha wil help Yo reialne Atanle Gi. Tey aso contend that gamb- ling wil bei to creat be and therefor rece the rate af eine "asinoe—No Die? ppoent, ted by tbe slogan, ‘GaiaaeNo Die", argue that organized crime. wil Take ofer ang epee, Can Ui" commented ooo Mighsnd Apt Sephemere Joe Blak, mamber of the Bowling Cab es ‘ul dv the ane, Tha Bowing Cub ments every Toney afer schoo. Voters To Decide on Casinos Goods Annually FIVE-FINGERED DISCOUNT . .. A sudan rip off andy bar trom eel fon sore. "Most shopifting in th area Is done by (oven {ald Deteive nck Tonison ofthe Highland Pare Pllce Department orate defense against the “ve day, but they recently mised on Fingered dlscoune* Ie paneled se MPH senior wo tle 23 dla ‘euny room lines at cameras, leas racket There “If Town ‘heerlen mirrors, windows, sad out that security sup, 1 never WWtoclare Four sccusly fers Would have ted i he sl ‘enstanlypatrl the foot. ‘A torm of shopiing “push eany Te Beat | able ander New Jersey la vale “tne cope” are ety to beat the sicing of pie tgs. tough else a etemnJear ld | "Vy shoal Tay sateen do fore clerk. "Theyre the foun in lars or a basketball when T ea {he business ste ooking at tbe switch tags and get for ball th Tei rg fice?” aed a hslor_student ‘Cameras are_concentratod in Many large department sores no seas displaying stall easly com ure rice tage wih paste wir Seale lisa Bulders Bpociam's that ean not be refasened. ats fined cach four tose people & they bve been removed Next Tuesday ‘4 hysicl and ematinal break ‘down of the naval and to de nour tc" "The stun boy showed mix reaction 10 the proposed rele (hm, reshnan Clay Baer Iso reed to the exabshment of cs bon, "if people can afford ambl, then tay can affrd fake plane to Las Vegas” ab tenchadel Sophomore Bd Elche fears hat “gambling will lea fur erme in New ere.” "Fox Bordon on the otter hand, nei St Payson commented, the rl from gambling wil take a ture tay fom te taxpayer" On nymaussopomore sald I Teal ope the telerendum pase [Eventhough Fm ely ten, ‘ea hat could gamble n't ate sounds "ery appealing "en asked why bo or any person would gamble, stir To ‘uke replied, "it's realy fort fan of Ie Somo Kis play fu forthe change, Gambling Is Sime ibd of ealenge. Mathletes Triumph in Debut fm. really excited about the Mattes team ths year!™ er ‘aed acy advan Ms. Kay ‘Adem We may” go all the he Mattes go olf to 8 gond star, taking fis pace cut of 27 « ‘ool inthe drt mee. The inal test wat eld in Peeth Am ‘yan Otaber 8 ‘Bach month sadents throughout the sate take mah tests a 6 nated ast len, AL the ond of the schoo yar, reulls are talod Ss ar are gen frida Park polce effcer. “T have a Feady hearth many former Csimlaly a interested ih rang "The moray of gambling i @ quenion whlch concerns tay of {i oppomnta. Robi David leks Man of the Biz. Ahalm Temple ‘Cd tae gambling ean lead o HIGH ROLLERS . 1 New Jo fy vters approve th gambling Fe dom this coming Tessa, st Aetna fle that er team cance for Success Is very 60 Sere a small-schoa, but fuve excellent raw material draw 00," she commented Moris Zimmerberg ot ely chleved the highest score fr Hghand ‘Part squad, but for the highest score af the ms Other Mathes ince. Marsh Glaser Mich Cae, Joel Gre Sein, Mike Tana, def Geb ‘nd ban Sved ‘The team's next meet vill sf lmmacslata on Noverbe 1. PAGE TWO. HIGHLAND Fi ING editors: dash How the ‘Wise’ Owls Sank ‘Once upon & time, a flock of owls set ‘out to sen: They esiled’a chartered course ‘hat would last four years. ‘There were many different types of owis aboard. Some Were aeeking discovery nd adventure, Others Just went along for the ride There were hoot owls who hemmed and awed, morning, noon, and night. There tvere barn owls who settled their disagree tents with thelr claws. There were wise Owls who sat on their perehes and” di sothing. One day an icecold breeze whooshed out of nowhere. A band of owls perched in ‘tremote comer shivered. “Tm cold,” said one ow “'m fering,” said another. “What should we do?” they erie. “Dienow, anid another, "let's build nae aut what can we use for wood?” So they tipped up the deck of the boat, started a fire, and got very astm, “ust then, the other owls sav the fre ‘The hoot owls exied, “Hoot Hoot!” But their hoot ‘could not put out the fire, ‘The barn owls swooped down with their Inighty claws but their elaws could not put fut the fire, And the ‘wise owla eat and blinked, ‘The fire spfead and spread until there wars big BOOM! The entire boat and all the owls flew into the air in a thousand Bleeas, and floated down into the water, "Phe flames had boen quenched, but the boat had sunk, All that Waa left was one fone feather flosting’ on the see Morals.2 People - to - People Reborn People to People has boon rejuvinated, thank to Bra. Schurak, BMrs. Schiffman, find a handful of students, What does this organization do? ‘The group was born in 1970, and stu dents attended ‘rap sessions to) talk ‘out problems, hopes, and fears. Kids who Trouldn' tall to each other in a classroom situation found themselves communteating ‘Then, ts an immediate need to commun cate fled out, the group Taded. ‘Now People to People ia reinsiated. In terested students will talk things out again, iinong themselves, Let's keep iealive HIGHLAND FLING Published 18 times daring the school year by ude of ghia Park High Seool, Nort sth ‘Avenue Highland Park, New Jere 901 aor inchiet David Fisher ews Bator —______ David Cardon Feature Bltr Barbara Prodeome Sports Ete ‘Buse Berman Photography Bator —_ Joaah Glaealne sat BI Hoyt, Albert Coli, ane Schoetater, Sue Lidwin, Sturt Teiteou, Photography. Steve Rosen, Richard Sandler, {ell Merete xchange Etre Alan Levine, Howard Rubin ‘Busnes Staff Carla Pagebresen, Aja Gals Ad Manager Patt Bloom ori Advisor Robert Stevens snes Advisor barbara Howarth BODY BUILDER . .. Dr. Franken stant, Oo, prepares to ‘seamin th caret ta ths tevle Andy Wael experimonts ith 2D Warhol's 3-D Frankenstein: Smut, Blood, and Guts Flow by Mark Voerhnes Deceit ead, gs of ha rman gs, suiting, coung lod, fd feeding on Sones projet ST th see in Pronensen d- fected in 3D by Paul Morey ‘led ss comedy bara fin, Franken eet bean tbe ‘octing 9 lus of lol, e {fale i fl coor close, The Ettoees fascination wih bod fre, and essen nhs wrasual fling tesitgoe i the main re ‘for fhe fms rece suc. Sjecial pared. glaes, enable the auience to ov thre dren shoal ele at hae more ff ging (go) a adverse ees ch a ection double Tas. ‘One Track Mind ‘The movi revolves raund the laduratary work of De Pranken. sn and sista, Ot rani ‘Sten has erated bind. fe fale omen hopes of mating fer wth a male for that eats 2 heal whose overeting ances iplsex” The mad sin hopes to create a master race of tumans "he plan chess Pane sien decapates the wrangead nd creates his mae zombie wil ths wrong hea, Te alerts and failures of mating these te cea tae provide the auinee wil titer odes auger or toa Inquiring Photograph Birth Control: Cvesin: Who, de_you thine steuld be resparaiefr bth com: fel the boy othe ge? Risa Meriman, fee Because there are rare ret fr the froma tan for {he man, she ould door to Son Peter Coat, 75: ‘The man because fit the leader sto apd be Should contol the Jahn chapman, olny teacher ‘They shold share the responsi. Both are equally eopunsble fo fheirh of the i ie a teem sane cas we ‘Franken "gts Ie with Bs female ereatan, exclaiming to HE ‘onhokingastant "to Kaw Death, ‘tt, you have to fife bv the (ral ladder” wich be proceeds (eve. he dna death sone i Tete to Morrieey's abit 1 fenpire Blend, gore, dangling i fenies and’ severed ibe, ‘ivi teciniolor ar no tess tut Five mulated corpses appear on No Seca Value Frankantin a aie cree thn, mou be wed os fomathing. ess thn specter. ‘Toe pat snd characertzatons a6 ‘reat and thease af sls Is ‘Tin nal But what iro be ex ected from the im? Morssey [Esinowiedes bis work 38 wh ‘ta ingle moment of redeeming ‘Stell vale" Thee ts no supense fe buldap as th moat boror lorie seemed hat Mores pred the fim in order 1 periment with the 3: elect and Forget sat anything ele "Tats ot to aay Tha the movie sa not woth a ewig. IF fu ean omach cern scenes ou may ‘ery mall come out of Theater laughing ot the groemes as ell His or Hers ? Wi cs Re jefe = Michaet Merl, 75. th, bose theyre coupe ltd shld hare the responsi Eleine Sting fam 7: The fan sal It fer ful abe’ the ne ho weat with they. Donald Lakin, ‘ne tak both se ‘respaie, reas af iy dea For some of us the time bas passed bat for many of jou the time to obtain your motor vehicle Neen seer never t come, Everyone starts to cout the aye alter tht sesh birthday. Bat counting the ‘aye is worthless Ifthe time come to ebain your permit, and eventually your Lens, you don iow frhat odo, So bere are couple of tip. The major fe Is Uf fou ave the chance to take Behind-The- ‘Whoa, gett Ie good chance to ive Beare you et your perm legally, by & profesional instruc: for, one of ur Drivers Ba teacher. ls, if you (ota € hours Behind The Wheel, and 20 bours In ‘les, you ean reduce your ingrance eat 10 20% Drivers Eds Dott Mase With 1 “The next tipi ot to foal aroun in Healh/Dee rt Ed. clas ao you can pss the state test he fst {ine and na take It oer ad over aga. Now you {pfor-yoar permit and while You ae there Joust 4dte when fy return for your oodheroad fel. You ‘rates al the fundarmeaals a aeing ring tis [eros tat when you seu you ba them Se at "You rou nervous as a cat in 8 dog heel, ‘od ou bese trough ths ta ‘ow you have your Meee and you ae lokig fae car. The calc I ently up Yo you ab to what ‘ar ls best for you, The tsurane shoal be talked ‘ver eth an agent Now your er Ison the road snd Slctunsely you get into an sient. Play I cool ‘Gmntact pour Tosrence agent st sah a8 pose, Sn fave he Toa pice come tote scene a the ‘ose and fle epee. Withet tis rept or SS ejrinen a dein f Who Was at ful can Be pall o reversed, even In aout of la ‘So safe driving, and watch out fr the oer guy's ‘banger Tull Cuts ‘War Child’ Forms Quite a Show by Art Sot Jethro Tull as fly pt togtber 2 creation of purfect in concep atams, fan Anderson, te (roms leader, bar been working, oefeatng ‘an {bum of this srt or the pas wo years, Tick rick nd Paslen Play were bh aires forthe troup becstse too fnich material was competed fo sng eat. War Chilo the ober hand, is a stop backward tolearler sles suchas Aqualing wich proved beac mae cece, Jet Cane the same people a aivays, except for the new Summer Baframere Barlow, who’ made is ae Shion Thick e's Brie ter in the group St le Martin Bare, who plays all electric guars; ‘ihm ven, keyboards, Jeli Hammond © Han- ‘and, bas ap Tan Andersen, the sng writing geo {is bald the group. Anderson also does all the ‘vocals on the aur besides plying te and 3 ‘use guar dein My Expasion ecard in London, War Child has that toch of ealztion which Aqualing ‘Tek ws a Brick sd Parson Play all lok. The baste story lie shows Enltysinnevemen n'a cota war both pl ‘Seal and meatal “il take you daw Uo that baht ‘Sty mile, Thee to powder jour sweet face at pat ‘n'a sileThat il bow al of te pleasures and nee of he Pan/ Wien ye Jol my explson and lay wit my gsm” War Child is completa with solders, whores, priests, astrologits, angels, and God, all pl toget- ert form gute a thw. ‘The albam Brings up any” canfroersil topies such aging” for ‘e's country vs, "ing for one's ie” va gh ing at al” Al of ths hat no! blanee, of course a exprese Inthe sung "Salon. "Lenk Daw Satane the wari! ao the tip of ou nseeUike sea tne wih ball tthe cara Ponible Best Stor Life with war i compared to ving in «jungle, bance the sng Bone inthe dongle War Chil oul be the big oe for 1894 and shld be quite a sucess commercial, Already Its a fing mach FN arpay, epecily eh songs. as ‘War Child, gle te bs Jungle, thd Twe Fingers. . FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 1, 174 HIGHLAND FLING PAGE THREE River Road Castle Opens Drawbridge To Past panes ee eres sage Cag, Sg sn ee a ont a ‘Castle's His tree-covered ‘in 1988, et ete ay colt aay RET ed pe {proudly “sands. alop is Till johnson af Johnson and Jolnson's. iously been located in New Bruns. Yeung mero and owns ied thre ih his Wile will Wick, moved tothe tower of ito secret of le and death their divorce, at which time the case three and a balf years ago. eaten ea eer eee aera Ey cy ee i oe ott inh alate eccrine pears dae Siniper hetatinem tome ie Ge eae Pe eas esa ioe Sete inci Se Ee Ae eae Scere Pep races Gore ove tgee Sea he ee a Met hs tererneniennear carrion meron) EE Selatan! Mt arecept est Ta, Me rs ce ce ae Sr a vt aa oat aem once moe ate See Seca ieee rte : oP ace, See cae ee alert ee oe Pinball Machines Light Up 22 icant SSG REESS Sener Sak eee Teen SE ET eee Soa ome Kie "¢ Re a Ce ‘wagon clopping up the path and jawunns Wepair Classes ites i dace ee See Sen orn pantvene SEMEN ied Nenfng machi uc ax t+ "Zan ig tbe aches 2 was Dall In 1M tthe ora Sree mis eh wot RL ety pS CE crag ea fais Me Kinmana. take the ee’tR now a pert of indrator Pitas Me. Klnwnn, “I tke be ty car wasn't the oly modern Sha Mts mci hp aN eta nce, eh aden a caioners range eas a.mean 0 small Oy gor src. ashe eet ar unas ate 1,e0"e” Tokng apart oe aly Se Cae” wine im weld ‘the interesting menagerie of ma s he ‘saw its first home alr condition- So ag ot were mache ciabepe sine Ioyracat ate ores ce fencing Ree Si et ee laces wi examine Ww see fe hoarse but cor tas ei trten on et svining oa wih foe itis the" sid hp teacher, ind: "ood deck, Aquat lag cabin Se eae pba pa mrt a ie els pape, ai, “a ig lve fo a> The towering cae man se soe seuscrion ar san |e! Bm” setae Bae fae ome ne ange SELECTION AT 329° Senta New eee arate AT THE GATES... Thy olf Gues alley Im River Read as any te ei ne Mart ut rca Fret. treed farts lace It rection iP Vise he, mein ee eon mera atic stent tt. Teoh Seis te _tomaed ohe by o hear e bre Suiits Sy eal va ee er] ‘compar Tae’ someting new. ‘ind they're more fan to. wok TED’S APPLIANCE he explained, "is good to work with, your tae anething Te hs" Frank Mea, anoter member uf 1 | PARITAN AVENUE learn mire dong th than T Wowk ova veep Sse ae a D1scouNT STORE FOR ®) 2... RESEEE (i 4 Sr ene coe ots, Sei hy staid 1 pay $50 for a SY, ron be abet tall he A wane enano raswons | nara Svmoutsa | sane Sit wi'phy teint ame ep a crectnetegea tg | ‘Skthelte”t at sng st ral Rich sand st cunts Qrpctimterget wig | Acre, Set tat 1 wy tyne ep tn Se taal Pe ake tee ag. | NEW BRUNSWICK tegertvttcn Condy | [lat sia tebe ci mi UE aNby’s HOUSE wn 4 Aone” | ar Sc ee ee “Tum, Torn, Torn eo soa eee es 2460619 First, weave to unerstand Foordweat, youll be able toe owt ‘urtable works, Turfables oy The fl, ich sound recorded | Ml Cit of a plete, tonearm, and on your record longer than if you ‘Searnige The ype of carrdge had scram carte. ict" is'th important factor inde: Tm pot trying to et yuo spend lermuning quit. Lesa expensive farearnod ‘money on something turntable ‘have seramie cart Jou dont ood, bt i youre rally ‘dpe, beter esa mage art Ine music and owe a chee ti ‘dge, "The ceramic cargo us table, you oe it to youre (0g Tally has two il hae ane user: dow tone of the many sere Selectable: ese for LP's and’ one shops in te aes, and aval! jou OF STYLING 7 ea en he | oon | (253 RARITAN AVE, nm for sms Giote: NEVER tae the self of te egupoent; Jou Wont git on an LP: youl ran toh be srry. ‘he yan andthe recor.) 1 South 2nd Ave SEESSIS | + PEGASUS - wove cyonnes were wea Lee Jeans STRAIGHTS & BELLS SIZES 2638 CARPENTERS & PAINTERS PANTS ~~ OVERALLS Blizabeth, rks Dunhill = coon NW sROSIICK HH A a = ine Furniture 1974-1915 |) Sebey || Pre at x sseeme om ammcoencmamte, | | twcivedutn | | sanatSShaforSHhienon ABR Rete 287-0001 Wise 1225, RARVAN AVENUE HIGHLAND PARK, NEW JERSEY 08904 (201) 246-0878, ‘a1 Rartian Ave. ID ry Bou ION SALE Nov. HIGHLAND FLING ‘Schoo! Design A-Mazes Students, Creates Chaos by Harry Polos ‘ighiand Park High Seba is Ingrid at archtecural hace” sated ME ober Kal, ‘Bape Yencher Highland Park "Te design of the high school is poor ove. The main balding, hate Cll deat, wes knows fs Prana Junor igh’ Sciol {fem ih antl 108 when st wa rer ino Highland Park High ‘thot Ses then to Wings have ‘ee edt sclene wing and the Eraieh ity. One fac ‘ember ho dd tt. wish to be ‘aed aed, "The bling as Well designed for i's use as 8 slr High Seo!” He. added ita the sppierentary addons 1 the main bung rele in 8 Pearly designed school "The fitee ofthe two ings 10 the ‘aa bulang ‘saved the space problem bat now the design of the Batangas been tisorn of” ‘The Engh and Sclence wings sre ofa moder desig. ‘The prob tam ofthe tro wings at Ure ‘sno et hal Joning them, Stu Gents inthe Seno. ng” who wish to go tothe Engh ving fst frat pase through he main Salting, where mabe of safes fre encomtered, Each sear the urge amber of safes pooes 3 fester prose, To nd8\t0 the bl ofthe slewing dr tng the summer the temperatres Se unterable. Teacher and st sae agree tat the Selene ‘ome ar te Bes in the sehool Let The Sohne In ‘here single explanation. ‘he wg tasted s tat during food part of the day the sun Robards fe windows in te cab roms, foe ibs te shades To op the sin the sumiuer bret ‘rot come in Eber way there Ie ubearale eat. "The pox case of large fans was’ made {a ratove some of the Beat, bal they have aly Inereasd the ma ber of unatentive students be enue ofthe noe they rete, ing Sean ‘Te Engh "wing, the newest adn the igh schol, was ‘in 18 to poses the pr. Jom of geting frum. an- English lass tough tho. main tl {othe Science rng The adlan tthe naw nga increased the ‘umber of saleases Many ot. ent nd teachers ingie about ‘he numberof staresee. In ging ‘om the health rom fo the fait ‘ce one hab to climb. thee Sarees, each wane more than 1 eps Avtbar faculty member ‘ho di not wih tobe named tat (ch A number of the traces ‘re a rel of the. add wings ‘eeu he terrain cased thom fo ‘eon lferent leva He added that space. aga Ia Gecnnng 8 problem. "They ede’ an the fo ILLAR OF STRENGTH . . This ‘example of architecture shows ene the verid ayant the design oF HPS. Senior Helps Children to Speak by BarkaraPredrme ote at eis ar eectng colages, Betty Aon Karage has etme to grammar stool "he daraied senor lps i dren wih epeeh defects Tera fo femmunicate. She spends three fay oto hr scl wes teach. tng at Lafaete Sool. Her pops ange nage rom five tone Sears oi ve working with the Kis" says Beli Amn “Teaching then 13 learang experience for me ac tel ae for tem,” Sb oos that Tho tas watched thir progress it the thee week period that she has ‘vted wth them, “A pr of her Independent Sty rogram, Befiy" Asm spends at tout aod a alt nth the Speech ‘Therapy class each day. Se works it the ren on Mondays, Tues (ays and. Wednesdays. Not only (lcs she arm cre and a grade {ar er werk, uy are ipartant, she finds that she Ie geting Bret fn experience in the el "Werng ab 2 speech therapist, tows preparing me for the P= feesn abe expla. "Te work of & specch therapist, Inno easy Tee are dw Wella progress, dtractons a8 well ‘i rewards But Betty Ann Kar gl has delded to give of er sel o hat children may gain, CHICK’s Comer of Raritan & Pith Wings tecase ofthe ac of space Inthe One” High “Schoo. [Now the facies are inadequate ‘A recent tour ofthe High Schon stow tht space is @gromng prab> sm The autos fie the etre hoo aly if Band rember ati the pit infront of the stage, Soe ating ca be dave aot the set- Ing eapatty the schol asim ‘proved what is thre. The fash ‘tof pant and the instalation of ew drapes have brightened up ‘he small eto, ich Is de focal pat ofthe schol ‘Any future plans must be made in ight of groving student body and sould be carefully planed so ‘thal all parts of the seool are easly sees, Maria Thraeyvetoe. ree FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 1, 1976 har experencs in lest summer's Cyprian. Mari’ famly fed thir Satie coutry td sow ves wit altives tn Highland Par Cyprus Conflict: One Girl's Story by Ruth Bardon Un a fo, ut a, Mara rasyvoulng ved naire oe the island of Cypras. tn July, the ‘Tank nvded and) Malay’ Me turned tide down, ‘When the Turlsh miorty ao ‘he Motereanen sland fist ed to overt the Greek goer: ten, the Turks goverment de fide to invade, Overezowded and Underfed, Greek Cypriots ke Mar- tas tay fe, “When the trouble fet started, ray ater) the Prime Mise eyed fle the country. ly to stra ay moter and T moe (ef oat of te capital Nea) nd Ino the mowniin.” ‘Aller ten days of emsous wat. Ing the arty tured to the WVHP—FM Broadcasting From 12:00- 4:00 Daily Daily Rock Festival Music Tp Monday Latin Muse widen Sved 2:20:50 swiJonah Giacslone 1:60-2:90 Music Foe the Happy Hood Tuesday Clasiealnterie wien Sehware 220.3:50 wel Marry Polos 12519.2:00 Music Wednesdoy Polka Ponty wi telone Morel 2:90:50 wl Macry Reynolds 1219-100 Daye Thursday Jazz Spectrum wlbett Weinberger 2:90-3:50 won ain imme Some Truth Feidey Conic Comedy ike Sbrili 2:30-3:50 Full Coverage of All H.P.H.S. Athletic Events PRINCETONIAN DINER RESTAURANT ome in. Nica. Bat the boise ‘hat Maria ha grown ap in was fansecked, and broken ito, The mes fray trudged tas {o. Maria's grandparent’ howe Aer ay plans they ele to Ab eos. From Athens, th fou” mo ‘hen reid ith be ater and brother and few to Ameria, Mara and one ister now lve Volar Street with ther aut. This, However 6 not bar Tarly's frst brash with America, Mri's (dest aster syed in America fs an APS Ambassador For Fat ci. ‘Sofa, Mara es Aerie, and ‘he American she ha met iH HS, Alinaph she hae ste tou wih English she says that every (oe. ha bape her slong. she Summed up her opinion ef ths 90.3 SPORTS This Ad Paid For By The Route 1, Princeton, NJ country in one exclamation: “It is site big ‘Though Maria doesnot tnd er American experience unpleasant Atlan tht she wc to Te turn tothe county that she called ‘a wondetl place to gro up I.” welewell CLARK WALLAREES & TREKS 498 GEORGE sr. Musical Potpourri wiMoe Zimmerberg FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 1, 1978 HIGHLAND FLING PAGE FIVE Fall Sports “74 PHOTOS by Richard Sandler Soccer: Alive and Kicking, But... \rreseneserners ur Varay must race oats wc namo igen Park | 4% Fh Ave ‘ot Opinion: by Brace oncbes I a'Bonrd of Biuca- sane field under the same cond High Sehol, Sear Ba ta Ame Se ly i hte ol cng mew ors Peet lira aeuce. However, team must pays home games at condtons mus meet your neds, ‘EMGopectds the main topic of the Donaldson Park, Gls gym clases These areas, pus number of Senta nes the ition of Inler- ate lz mbjectol lots ed dar~ others, need Improvement, and James Dimi ‘Stasi soccer to Highland Parking he fal and spring. Improvements cist money i ‘Troughoat the seo! year, Mey recqnanend. that belo the ‘any paris and students at he wrestling mats are Kept i brio pyar auction decies on the meeting argued cosets in the cafeteria be addon of any apr, hey tke use muse the team is forced 10 PER serous lank at Se prose ve ei ineessng ppl, Situ eater te, cs Se ow ighind Par whe Peet tocolaic spr er place to store wrestling TS? Srgram ech an adilion ope our caferia apace where" Wiereunstances sarong hy Westers suid race afer iene Moat Be ev tok at a tow of the Thee ie nother group of people | TITLES UNLIMITED condos eourinerschlaie ale hs schol win bo partys fn nterchante ICAN NOTTELL ALIE... (09 Raritan Ave bet dr aaa Sap Foret preset en Day THEY'RE ONLY Sie treo ine bears yew eee rss | Oa HOME OF d S50 JS have no place to keep their eq Tam fot gaint th adn of | FLAIR JEWELERS | fave Jewsury — dlaMonos BOUTIQUES — SILVERWARE COSMETICS, WIGS & GIFTS hag the basal ee, the | SHIRLEY K SHIRLEY KRIEGER 246.0601 of 25 LIVINGSTON AVE IN THE EDISON MALL aahion Watches BEAUTY SALON BouTIQUE NEW BRUNSWICK, N. J. Rt. 1 & Old Post Rd. as Rarten Aves 6 411 RARITAN AVE, PAGE Six HIGHLAND FLING FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 1, 1974 Jennings Looking Forward to Upcoming State Meets; Hopes for Instant Replay of H.P. Championship by ay spfor aback obackrace, I'shard There have been a number of ‘A team champlnap is always oh the body” problema with he tam throught pleasing, especialy the frst ne, "Senior Howard Rubin one of the the season which Jenngs Tels Coach Joe dennings found tis cut top tree rune on iw team re due toa Tack of const ello en all ferred to the bors ppc cond. In warhol” He ade, "The bore ‘comly ton ty adting, "Tbe omer of Tun wiloat gis.” Maybe s cgi SG, ey at Rt ab ch @ ere hampers 1 E E # i frosecounzy runing Fequres @ {fam effort” Headed thal the ‘eam, even though small In te, ‘f cloay it Al the raners {he team ae od frends, Boh LEADERS OF THE TRACK... Barbara Fischer, Eleanor Raubal, and "Te Evans (in bask) ot otf lp win anther meet forte gir’ roe. ‘Eeniey team, Aude from the cmpaition the sport proses, many of ‘he ire ram for the cn personal pear Harriettes Run for Pleasure 1 enjoy watching the girls los Taare Head Coach Jon Chpman, who us oooched bays as wel sls, fomments, "The fang between fhe ire is Ike © fem. very ‘oes Pe everson hs with a7 ‘er team. Boy want more id Wduaiam wile Ge gite rould aller ran fogeher ead" To qual forthe ‘pen with the quis ond they're enaingy’ team wil have F aE ‘ther admiration members far the State Group ad. State Opt ‘haching girl eam, but not any. approaches. Speaking of these op tore, Now its feeling of fepett coming recs, Jenlngs comment. thatthe gis have eared." ed, "A rumer camo! ge Rimselé Turescte acc: Qwiettes’ Slump Proves Insurmountable; | Classified Ads ™ Attempt at Victorious Season Fails Again —\7z,2", = =: ved cia on cata Ereran Angelica — bby Alice A. Devoe ‘Bea Williams, a freshman who total team on the field.” She also [B® FLING editorial staff. Thank see fr cha sty ot tom Yar ki tte very on, Sllad nt Sho Roped in ge [7 tape or gymnastics To vane A, th fal became, Niner ef tat ie tea was toning sos elec the reaning gam. Tokay‘ tines to oer spurt 1,8 come ee hte deena tod eat ya evs wore mie teen tg whee be Os nmont comes {ooo oat dr and Ifo uke ge AMA Managing s sls Se Sey nih setinen "wes Sol The gs toa oy woud ANY stent tending Mae aie re ts fod rh Bw ted” TAPS" pen frases [Oiege Sx. ving xs wee} SP Svs 25 oOo no 5 etn eting i tr art ton Bs neh tee ea Tale acer serie Mac, ‘people came out for the team, If nd South River, Positions chang- ‘more people went oat, the team 4 and practices grew longer, but poe, Gee sonal” eilsiaie Saori hs ena rw, Geng, schoo Abra let's i Sah Bra sonra eT taf a oe ta “trncenmty etter as bog ‘healthy, clean, fun, and I have n0 record to 24-2. cal [Shen lege gos or Sg ye ding Rass, E&h Game Dir ‘Th cats gee ade as papbe ech gare a f'n Se Eat oer eked hat RESLIEVHOWARD | ory scam would bo diferent trom 1 ports yar ad nl Il jar ges ci con | 2 fd sare shoulder were. abun- sare an apt, leave name &| tank. Low spits were found afer H.R. in the main fice at the los, ‘bat the. irs were ick art ts, bat te ick acretary's desk Thank 308 Here's your discount ticket "Today's Army offers Ghancial assistance and an opportunity fr the hghty motivated to compete two Years of colge while serving tree yearn the Army. And one fou ge ot ou can complete the remaining two years by using tbe Gt Bi Under the Arm's new Open Adres program, you can automa: scaly qual) for inmedite amisdon to any of he moe than 35 partipating cole, ‘ret ie earned for courses taken during base and advanced sae Sy Sta is Ye al sia ens he Eg a a oso Sooedsret LEIS OS a ad ty tg nh a sated Pe ale eb i rewwvsnestaunant | [Safe as Wt a Key iy we'd sian aes waanac ave | | Tae omy ety tt Hare ads aan UGE aa a wen erased the bd ty Aavie THUG FAIR Sarees Stace oe Se EES cin, my rman Ae ue ee ort ny Fourth & Raritan Today's Army was we A BRUNSWICK SPORTING GOODS poate Tas exeesre pcre PLES | rast ne nuveny conor WoO. 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