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dhe dlighland Fling Vel XLK— No. HIGHLAND PARK HIGH SCHOOL, HIGHLAND PARK, W. J ‘WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER « 17s Adult Ed. Courses Refurning to HPHS Stents nay be surpraed to find ‘dats taking our of thelr ‘ese a HPS thf Bepiming co September 30 the camanigh “Eason Program Sil aw ada ing i te er ooo foc dain courses ‘Re propa nde the deed, ch Mr Wills, Donahue, aio ‘esha thirty evening lasses ue gh School and Male Sao Adis a wei en eens ey ign up for thee vss, 0 eal n Moy and Thr ce ‘The sope ofthe evening educa Chine Coking ‘Trarsendental Meat, Bridge, Ceramics, Portuguese fr Trove fread The Art of Orology. Each ‘lass wll met for ten tvotour seasons, andthe registration foe le twenty dolar, Redwood Pair yy David orden Cares ngun aed Joanne Wie and this Joar's Redwood ex ange sides, begin ter sem ster og say tbe High Seed ‘ota. "Te sladent exchange program ‘tien the Califoraia high sel fe ighand Part has bee inex istence for a years. HPHS jn- lars Laae Hinge! and Janice Jap wl spend the fist hall of tb School year a Read. Park Parent th Calmiane vive in late Augast and ave spat some te thelr Boe tame J me, unl, is Feidng with the Pacers ot 36 Harris Ave, tron dough, Lar, i eo The Late of 10 Maguata St, fre toning ‘Cares Tie st, kg, ie 8 sophomore Calton Gir Juan's main babes are horse back ang and bieeling. "also Spend much of my fe tie baby fing” teenae ays fo 2p thes Sh nth ele ned,” Se said ‘Her evoe sorta are ‘olla pg pong, gymnastics, fae tenis" The Callan also xpress. an erst. in singing ‘to plas to Jon the schol a REDWOOD TRANSPLANTS . St t whe - Mahland Park wil became the fr ‘erry home for exchange stan Jone Wiegand Chaos Engen "The dun trom the comminity af Larter, Calflora fe ssios fr the EXECUTIVE SESSION ... Student Congroe President Je Ann Difede {ind Vice Proudent David Corden revi thelr progam fr the coming Changes Mark Opening of 74-75 School Year by Set Seine ust as people change over the ‘summer te peal snd carrcu ior aspets of the High School ur ue wale and red stares in the. ole” part ot the bling. The red, while and bie olrs in the cevies hall makes the Shoal ergo otis, Seem mare patil” joked Vice ‘One of the most cio physical Principal Male. Slckman. The seein he nely piel storm’ wil als be painted Begins Stay Carle has been an avid an radio operator for tbe pas several Sears favorite byes are iene and maih'tnd he deter Interested in all hinds of nu Charis has “composed several plete forthe plano, Like Joanne be enjoys singing snd waa in hie schoo! choi nd {he San Francso Cilren's Ci, Im adn the. Retwood ie as ‘been valved 8 number of rai, ineloding leading role inHow To. Succead tn Business hoo Really eying Intern the oath ‘o mate room far a ew pati tae bushes ner the maa door have ‘een cat” dom. Inada, the ays shower room fas beet re ted. ‘Students employed by the ‘schol spsem_orer ie summer [conunted for mucho the moron the stot ling “an mportant curricular change ts the adnate new poley feacering bamereams. Sarting Ins year, pups wil be assigned to tbe aime homeroom throughout thar nigh soa cares. To new Prey means tt tet wl find {he sume tescers and classmate In ther homeroom as lst_ear “Sis change was implemented to ig dts beter send lh omeroom teach,” cammetted Few New Faces ‘The nly new full time teacher this year fe Mise Dina Rabin, the er vocal mse distor An HD | HS'slrnas se wil replace ais hin Gums, ad Vice Principal | Youn une, who Langs years Maude Stckmen. leave af aboenee a stay muse Shalit Congress President Jo| Mv Leonard Gain wl replace Jaen ted wil le sddrese the | ME George Towne as a math i ttrctr forthe rt semester. Re fuming to the Science Departineat fer a one year sabbatical sr Reber nara ‘The few faclly changes hls “The annval Orientation Anan sy wl belo Friday Sap ember inthe suai. The school year's fist seam wil | Jno at remarks ‘y Sopri-| indent Rey Looe Prins Aas. sede body. “We hope tat by sting Mh ne forthe shea year, it wil hap Yop hth emdons and facy ated Jnch thor,” said rast Difede Outlines Plans for Congress; Hopes To Offer Unusual Classes Presdet Jo Ann Difde tas «program has ben tried in several umber of plans which stew elghbrng” acho Dropce betas the fst meting’ A majar‘Dlede goal Isto open Stoent Congress the chanel of eomminlation be ‘Die wl ry arrange fr the tween Congress andthe student holding of soverl aye of body serves Dede exlaned, Sademlc. courses. During these “One reason why people do care days guar classes would bes about ti schol gover a Spendod. Tnsad, a" vriety af that they know very ile sboat eurase sac as weaving Eaale, eatin, We Dope that by tl featherworking, and pring would ings mimber of group seminars teotieed hore sents wil become ae ‘The pupae of these unuual and intrested tn school isue," class" noted Diede, "isto uy "She aloo hopes to Bese ‘over alent in stadets whic ote Iooback by atbatng que ‘ee might go unotced” The = mau tionnaire snmtie in the fal Se less wo be ssked. what thy ‘xpect ram Shir goverment. A liken tetween’ the Board of Ed ‘tat and Congress ill be ap und i improve eeminiaton Sewer thes fo bed, ‘The new President woul Uke t preset seteral stich ave ean hel the. past, sh the marathon sata gem Sua dances and ent or ames, Osher Sea inde the ‘tabishment of an Asembly Commie to improve te quay su diverly of semble Diede is alo contented with a problem ceused by the exnrover a stoking ares. ‘Tho eldbr lange were zoned unde. the Povisne that Chegress would Pep To oduaie stents of the dangers tt smaling’ Forth past te ear ‘Congress as done nahing acer Ing tis splat. “Ile doa foride sume form of ‘edveatn {is yer, the sdnsratin cul evoke amaking privileges” si Died, ‘oar represent the lowest tarover nce. Last yar, even to ‘hers debuted at Ye hgh Stoo. ‘When asked abou he causes of the ‘minimal. tumor, Selman te ped, “Possibly mast members of fn faculty are said wih kt Jobs. Alp fewer new tachra cat Se nod teense the High Soo irl Is tot Increasing.” ‘tants wll have 8 hy la gr vary of coarea 10 choose {fom the year, The Englah de bartnent has added hee Be mi (uate Horror slay, Commu ‘eating, abd Rado Aatnopalogy 1 and inrodton to Seca Sa ie wil be offer in the History Department. Other new cores fre Scenes Carsumer Editon, (Compute i, sie! Teste, and {he mplyineat Sis a, SUMMER WORKERS... Foc Le and Vincet Gils ast [oni inthe construction ft visting fatal sande. "The two were among umbor of dens employed by tht ace! syst ever the some Drama drector Robert Stevens a pospaned the profuction a Raisin inthe Sun, ongnally coe fag tho year's st theatrical promtaton, "Tho plays produ Hom igs are rected teense Of te Broadvey production ofthe ‘nuscalRals”" explained Ste ‘ens. Teepans interested tn the tie of th year’s fie precton ould check the bulein in the fposch ror toy her plays tobe presented dr lng the Year are The Glass Mar- sei by Tennesee Willams, Oo Porter's’ musta! Anything “Oot, tnd te "Shakespearean clase Shlis Cassar News Briefs ‘Dor, whose homeland i norte fe Ireland, arived Ameren In {ate Ropu The eighteen year old. senior wll sty wth the tomy of Me ‘Umoticed” and. “Progrestlos’ Both elections ete nana pi trimmers in the Carige Coleg Powty Cote two years ago. Gl ‘wells 2 sophomore at the’ Un ‘ers of Wicensin wile Goel Ie"entering is Junor” yoo al Fordham University WVHP-EM, the school radio sta tn, begin ts tied oar of Broad ‘tng th fl" hop te 9 the ae by the st fata some ‘Sid Sona Cissane, new Seer manager ofthe tation. Oter bw ‘tan leaders cade program Feclor Art Shi, mews rect ‘eal on 4 Harssen Avene, One {his Rmercon robe, Sab 5 foi at the High Seal The ‘ars the tied eonsaetve Your {he horogh has ‘hesed an APS Devid Cleve an Jue Goon, former HPHS student, preseted three evenings of rigid! poetry odin atthe brary thle sumer. ‘he peagram, eliled "These Barbora Prodrme," chet engin Posts ‘Slut wat held oa uly gr Howard Landa, sports rece 18, and, cb Horiman, and mos ret ‘lew’ poems inclndod Not Oana Sade PAGE TWO aditors: dash Clubs Offer Extra Bonus Extracurricular activities mean extra time and extra caring, Yet ninth period lus and setivities offer something more ‘which eight: periods of regular classes do "Bitty after-school activities present a wide scope of learning experiences. Rang. Ing from wrestling to reporting, these clube piesent something for everyone in the School. FLING reporters, athletes on the field, ‘cheerleaders, and members of the band: ‘ail learn something new for them selves and contribute to thelr school. Clubs expand new Ideas and- Interests Finding where talent lies through muse or theatre, or unleashing creativity in fine, and industrial are clubs, those” ctu denis active in clubs got a new outlook, Look into the multimedia activities in the school: the eraft of fitting & FLING. toget- her, the careful colleston of ideas for the ALBADOME, or the instant reward of hear ing your own voice. on WVHP-M. Even ‘in'or chess bufts find a niche to fit into With special-interest clubs, Tn each activity, «different. group of people ail wark together toward a common foal. Clubs ave not cliques: the members ‘Welcome new people with freah ideas. And It'training Is Needed to join an activity, such as writing Zor the FLING, the mem. bers of each elub will cheerfully help in training. Working together brings people together. You might find someone Intarast fedin the same things a8 ¥ou—a new friend, Extracurricular activities mean extra scope, extra learning and show extra car ing: You can get more out of it than You put into i Homerooms: Fall Re-runs Ready for new ideas and faces changed from summer's experience, each student fnters homeroom. ‘The same arrangement of students sta in unchanging rows. The fame chatter, the same voices, the same faees:\ the only difference between last Tune and this September is that the room ie leaned and waxed, Freshmen ‘and sophomores will have to endure four monotonous years in the same Romeroom. ‘This standard will supposedly bring’ about “closeness” wo twenty faces And a teacher after 720 days together: It the “closeness” becomes "a feeling of *dlosed-in," what happens? ‘No one is ever given the same achedale for four years; why « homeroom for that long? Herding people together for two, thise of four years will only underline the Ada? familiarity breeds contempt. New Courses Commended Is eduestion dead? Eauestion dies when teachers and stu- dents become bored in a class; when that ‘lass ie taught from unchanging notes, and ‘when the notes yellow with overuse Yet edueation comes slive when new in- terest arises because of recently-developed Classes: when teachers care enouieh to de Selop such innovations, and when students Show interest in the classes by enrolling ‘with enthusiasm and antieipetion ‘Ten new classes have been added to this years curriculum. These clasts Tange from Anthropology to Computers By their very hewnest, the courses enliven the schedule fnd invigorate the sehool. Members of the faculty ean teach subjects which are new fo them and refreshing to the studenta, ‘The FLING applauds the concept behind these classes, and hopes that the carrying out of this concept will inerease post bilt: ties for education. Added classes will in clude more students, who have enrolled In'clasies in the Businest and English De- ertments, Education, thanks to innovative classes, has risen like the legendary phoeni newt find strong, from the ashes of vellowed notebooks HIGHLAND FLING Play Tickles Park Audience BROTHER'S KEEPER Jerry Levine, as one of the twins in "The Boys. From Syracuse” sais’ op on his "botber/” Tem Chala, an [HPHS"groduste"The masial comedy was preeaid in sary duly 3 by Batonbendar Anater priate cody ot atta te pay ‘i's ore sitar han me Cnt tu. Sys em Sy ‘amet die cody, wth (iin fa seh ln Sry Lene, ave uence ‘ern o te deh Std perl paced to set Parsee pay th tage he Pere! ei ter Une ee fia wh ppl on ewe lacs tpecing a fey fe siete i is {othe Boye rom Soca Tcanferd ore pe wich ie ee comed's lt teed on suena Gamay «Era eine tienes fons wch ited sudeace ling” Mae eign wich fee fan Sanh try aa cme) al oly 9h tool's Stteey bay tackle ea fd 5 SD ot bumer he ooe o Shree Tepe tte ee “aparated at birth. The bays have the same name! cae doo of AN ‘ita, ono of Dros. The wy nw he pe of twins tnd each ote Slate fr llcng mone! AE fer an inertanging of wives, mow fs, frends and save, the una lag of entice boomes 86 light Pater than. 2 rele "The muse f The Boys from Sy. reo sopped the sho and Se Seeved every bust af applause Feeated, The pley's castes or, bout the. perc balance fHrek could easy nave eco & Iistanded steam spl. Yet the comedy me aves thas fo Scars who filed oat ther roles te thvecamenstna human beings fu eee to enjoy themeeves they dd 0, ling the bot o pects of vadevllan Somedy, The Boys from Syrecoe reached ott tolls sudlence snd eed it Tae Play emphasized te musical com. ‘iy father thm the "amateur es” of th from amateur po- ‘octn Geam’s Clapton Goes Sour, Concert Disappoints Crowd by Stuart Teese on a sweaty summer night ‘tots people fram all ver Sew Sesey packed Ino Roosevelt Sa ‘dum’ seo the publ. "con fer of the year" Th musiclan tras Brie Clapton, and the concert ‘ras oe of many otis tng sited American "The people gathered to s0e Clap- ton tong through the nigh, The ura bogs igh rat fbrough the eoacert and off sage ‘90 mites. Not only did Clapton Fins at barely 10:30, but he id ‘ot play much Iead. guar. Be ‘lye ule af what be i know foe ‘The farmer Cream masean oper up the st with Ivo. 26 ‘se, gutar numbers, "Smal," Sind “Uat It Grows" “After to ‘tore ‘ngs, Captn began to ‘Sambi. His next group of soaps "Key, the Highway.” Wie” dant 'ard lve” ere et In Cp {a cbs he Bad fre “An oll fart from his Cream “ays, "Badge." was outshone by hie "Mave You Ever Loved « Wo- man." Freddie King. tet ma. Scan, jammed ith the perform. and jus abot lew im ll Stage King ley ar Clapton di fai tor, dll “Crores” “regulars walked ofa, sn acs ap ode feat grid, "Enaore bromo ot the fur, Jon Scher, faked onstage and anaes, "Erie fs ef the balding. He Ss very tired, Thi le hed ight {na row Thank you” The dpe Died audience thowered otis Ed cana ato the slag, song, Rial!” erler, Clapton had explsned the drastic change‘artheworse of his guar syle Ina roca Rang Stone interview. He sated that he thes not wan fo be lead tar Bayers by mel bat « meer ff bi band. Ths concert wa the {Exe Clapton of today. Somethings Inpeove th ag Erie laos srs snot oe of em WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 4, 17 @ FRRRREICA kana ‘ut ofa new generation of female vocals has spring’ ‘woman win ts destin to make great Gena he me we erro Marin lau, and she han already ined some Tee tion ie AN set fr her i, "Miah a te (Osis Bu his soy ono sea avery git per. forme, and hopefully more people wil son be sare ter fast sore of et, Flip Side For several years Mara hasbeen an inconsplew cas meniber a fer shen sm Resin ag Band whlch wae geting te towbere fs But su eng the has eonerged ay a new woman wih & {scaling veal se all het own ad's promising ‘row abd of er. "er fr alo albu, ted sinay Maria older, ica samy colton excl veal and ma {lens The backap group is comprised of 8 le of known an nknown tat ai lading Mac Remnebeck ter oa othe famous bree) on pla — -Abough thr man xing and we ara icici fn th ral sar ofthe alas ll Sbarro oper, nd puss Sencul,salng qu. erly ping rm ne toot, she rater 3 special ar al he 1 Is now evident that the emergence of Mara Muldsur ‘ag in performer was ‘well worth the val for seis trys lalonted woman. Sat back Sal eae. Goud mae ite bare Fae pst Frosh Anticipate Future by Barbara Prodrome ‘Today, freshmen enter high schol forthe fret tie, armed wn new notte, sharp peel, ad ‘wip ayed oem, "The notebooks fall apart, the pencil break, bat a een’ oto o ah ase, nat cacy dt ly doth inhgrder ante? ‘Tie FUNG imervional rao sanping anew ste to al eer hat ne HERS ot ‘rater "Sur, g pated andthe fit ew day swe. purplish pied tho tres" Hopes 8 Ghee. nate Sere Wel'be shred rod Got alee ‘CS ones abut tng ben wp" - “Trough the Grapevine Sores and rumors ceulatetvouphoat the class of 7H. One wideyed grt asked fet lps were ‘oped fo th report care, She sighed’ ft rei, Finding out that such shot theca. ‘The freedom at HPHS—in choosing clases, in open carps and smoking lunge priieger stems {ho most popular of al the achoul's olerngs, "1 "ie ‘eing’ hle to hotse my own clases, bit fometmes thnk Tl never ave time for at and nee," std aoe Messing Around “The opn campus met mth interest an reli, Lack of imc pases (excep for ree and late pas) ‘ras also welcomed. "A lea,” oe freshen e- ‘eid, “ro wa need paises tgp ft oe Dace io dante” Another incerer tied the pos: Silty of "Messing around the hohe eve ‘ist my late period” "Wil the cleteria fond be the same” sek one ewer, “ll iy at hast we Cal go 0 fo iach es HIGHLAND FLING Publshd 10 times daring. the school yearby ‘dents of Highland Park bngh Setoa, North Sth ‘Avenue, Highlend Park, New Jersey. Editor Chet Devid Peter News Eaton David Condeo Feature Etor Barbers Proms Sports Balor ‘Brace Berman eter Jee Gaesone Randy Robingo, Laura Ps, “elf Seine, Ere Lata, Sve Lad ‘lay Love, Self Zant Brtsranhy “en, Swart ies Managers Judy rit, Cindy Wels ‘Ad Manager Patt Bom Btril Advior bert sevens osness Advise Barbora Howarth WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 4, 174 HIGHLAND FLING ‘Raquel’ Recalls Italian Summer by Rach Wyse “Ragul, sono le sete mee!” My Get reaction fo tase words Is {o'roll oer and go back fo slp, ‘n't romember where Tam, ad ‘tho I am (man resp to se tne “Raquel” for the summer) nd try to gather mye about ‘ne and sy someting Iti alin at 0 inte moran "The place where Tsay isa sum ‘mer apartment Just ctside the Sy of Teste, on the coat of lily. The Adit se aot scrose the tree, ready and wang for Ienover tbe spt aves me To Fun down the stops and ump I. Slee of Lite every esple of days my alter anil, iy other, and T get tp at 0 fo catch th us ito reste to go sorping! stoping fn aly te certainly 9 retreting thange fom shaping In America Insteed of are beg ane hage slre for -everyiing, there Is fret ogi” foreach em! ‘pen, sande for tat and. vege tabies the “sahumera for pork di, the "macelera” for Bet ‘a chen, the "pvcharia” for fi When we ater one of these stops, wore mal wilh a chary “Bon porno" aod the stare keep eg proceeds f0 take fromthe ‘Sets the open meat, ul ar hater tt we wan ra tn the wite paper, and papi i. to th bag we've brought for jut ‘cha paraot. Mangia "raza" th main mia teal radially my fam leeat)a tine when everyone gat hers ogee ‘Thae are often fgandmefters or inends presn. Besides the usual pata or sp, ‘vegeales, meat, and fra, tere far alays mage quant of bread Sra "evanda” (wine mixed th ‘rier wate) to fl pa "After lanl ie period of rest sd quce My Tater take ad ‘nage ofthis and ges to ale, inch goes to more at 3.00 In the morning. The rest of usm 1 year od brother Feb my 8 {ear old saer Dane, my moth {and Tsay ear the boa and ead or tally or go sming Saath, at jst hang around ‘Webave “cna,” very ght eal at 8:0 an go to bed dell a. ‘ewan “The Rest Thing 0 ends a prety much “ord ary” day, Bit somehow 1 cart lp thinking that simply ating the day's aetivies dows realy zoe ate eng ous’ begin to expres ving in {he mid fal hissy ed oot Hvng to hit the hgh apts and "iy a ori but beng able to ‘Scply avo and. appreciate i from one dat he nent; testi {ton ef being able to wal ilo tore. an make myset ander. Stone ad then leving wih excl {yw came for, and (wonder of wonders) tho corres change ‘what its ke ving In at ‘maculata Kalan bows, ad ving {ovrememer never to walk bate foo, always bang my’ clothes fac Ing ibe same way nth cst, and Alscoverng (ater wock of 3) that the newspapers are, hidden ett away ner the eorene of “Conmamicsion Oop 1 doom express what Is Hee to be among a people who take things a they tome ad ive rushed es, et, nally, what Ws Tike being sensitive 2° and open vith members of family dct ‘ven ow existed to month go, nd becoming a part of tat fry ‘Mhwe are things that can't be ‘elated by one person to annber fd completely darted. An ex Prence ke the ane hod {his commer” mast, Tek, be {ott and ved by each idvidal Himsa The ony way that you can fly comprebend what Te tying to express Is to come here and Feel ant se or yoursl Landrum Brings Human Element to Physics by Ruth Bardon sp, mind entre and hyp sash for percucs or acess Mo piste teacher Robert Lan. frum, find thee mbjects ast ‘tng’ More than ha Lara fel "he theory of ‘BSP. is as tablished fay a6 that of grav. fg" Tug e may Sem tat he 12 jus dablng in areas of 8c face eude his range, the opps Steve tre, Landrum is 2 ele Taped, welinfrmed expert Tendrum's experiments were part of ls dokton fo take a sab teal lst year. He planed cn Sutpng the question of cama [cation wi and among plans, and confucting may’ experimen In the ea, But who Landrum Be any of his ideas had alrendy been teste, send, Landrum used is Year olf io edly, ead, take Course, nd teach ‘Wide Worl f Sion ‘he physis teacher acquired @ sabetaial cary of bes. deal Ing wi mary aspects of parapey ogy. Tanaram, lied anor ‘ean for th stil: need {age back itouch. wilh ae Word" expecially, sees with the wri of seieice anda New Alscoverses and thor, Parapaycholgy, fe! cing BSP, Dlslendck and. hypoosi Interests Landrum imenatly He {started by experreting ith the leounderstood energy fel, He ball much of hs ab uly ‘ent, oth for sebel and pile te Landrum ba fumed his go fun research, he deere tht [BANJO ON HIS KNEE ... Physesisractor Robert Landrum elas fora minut of ruse i bis gorge: Landrom, whe converted the area Ine» werk, sts how eiferent kindy ‘of mone fect Pople, Raspa Jewelers PENNY'S RESTAURANT, ura Png Diamonds 127 RARITAN AVE, agp into » mechanical workshop Foe bling machines aed fools for ‘permantain He appeared at ease in this gu ragetured-rershop. Ctered ‘nth broke and mains, the ga age was confortable. Landrum ‘nl down a hls deo with 2 Banjo on i ep. is vated interests and bs Eng lidkmajor backgroud ‘make his pysice programs at HPHS ign {foe teather invented our Libel Art and. Advanced Pocement Physis program. Th classes fl low hs theory Ut “be aman ele ‘ents essential o ples" Wat does physics mean to Lane drum? "it ie man’ application Sf imagination snd mid to Sve ‘problems inthe plyscal ‘wel {irs pyle clases, the sudnis exami not only the ws of ‘nee, but how they allect buna Beings For example bn tying ‘nun, Landrun' siden go be ound staying wave Tenge and feplore way llerent pees of Itself poope in" diferent trays. Physies Becomes mae tha say of abtact formulas and fumbers i 8 part of everyday Landrum returns to the sb fm and antepatn: bth on hs prt and on te port af the stu Senta paree+1> orA4 G00} 242 RARITAN AVE H.?. PAGE THREE ‘TWO WORLDS... An ere pllaman and an Arb Boduin (or wan: deve) ampare tir means of anapetsan. The came le widely wand Inthe Nope, the soubor desert of rol Group Bids ‘Shalom’ to Israel 1 Kan Heldowsy, 1 aon experienced the most ser ‘Who would want to spn a sum- lots ies of lara, lorong ebut rer in a country ‘where saders the many problems of a wen leas common aright es civilians? sx year olf aon ling in m0 ‘hie nummer six HPHS stents sant danger” Although Tarel is pentax and’ half weeks ia foqdaty 0 the rink of wat, Tel Parma to appeciate iste apresatng one percent of the cal and sen vacement salir tour, Nancy" Cohen, Paul lncadng soe ofthe must advan: Dobowsti,evidPisber, Ken Hol. ef basal in the orld After owstg, Seven Kemeny, and living with the people of Tare! ‘Amy Levine ft am Kenney Al for six tnd a half wees, and afer Darton June. %h snd reisned relring the tense et warm. fo Adgast I The tour covered moqplere of a oamsywhase the ene cozy. We went from strcets Yuu can waldo at ny the Lebanese border andthe Golan time of igh, I can appreciate the Heigts (he Syrian torr) tothe ala's deste fr pece, halo, outers gl of Filet Throughout! my sty, in Irae 1 thaered the eouney’s forts Middlesex Travel problem the prodeamont of ha Bureau Ine. Ing alural enemies surrounding 1 Consequey, all srl, sole ‘AL Frami, Pr them, event they baw milary leave: The country is alway fn 2 Se of tly pepe many areas ofthe Teall sok. The poplar muse in Terai '0 $rar ed Americen rock vant Ie fel rock groups ply, ‘with 8 flighty Middle Easter favor. In the large eos of are sch at a Avie and "serum, one ould fest on very” popular and Inexpensive ale ‘Eastern de sree B14 Ratan Ave, sHOWBOAT| cecf, plaza. There are more Pit 2 Pitas in Teas than in nes A Sune, end the paza le beter In i [wishes You A Good School Yo 199 RARTAN AVE 2469025 WALK-WELL SHOES HOME oF ‘CLARK WAUABEES & TREKS OPEN EVENINGS TIL 10! Andarth Book Shop Hundreds of dusty hard covers & out of prt ap. frbacks arewaitingtor you! 724 Raritan Avenue {opposite Dunkin’ Donuts) 39 GEORGE st. NEW BRUNSWICK Lest fe\nowari RN 249-1500 8 Se. Sed, Highland Park, MJ PAGE FOUR HIGHLAND FLING WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 4, 17 Dakelman Prepares Inexperienced Owls; Stresses Hustle and Top Physical Condition ty Brace Barman rman refered to last years squad tack cores wil probably be han were fang te have to make saying, “Last year ‘we. couds't lly ll” Hammond, Jerome up for a lak of experience by be: col the mustard We co! never Whe and Flic La, while Jet fig tungry, delrmined, and, in quite make the big ply. We a> Ziment wil qurerback {0p phil condition” Acrording aye mage the mstaee at the Last year the Owls were picked to” Head Cosch Jay Daksinan, wrong time. We werent mentally to be the top tam in Middeser those three ingredients wl be ti ough. lier.” Last year's team Coty before the Seaton go ue tea needed tus fear i the igh- had pny of experanee.Dael- erway. Dakelman feels tt too land Par foal am has hopes mun daig Some wish thinking, much confidence inthe players {ora winning seeon, Ths year's simply sald, "Somcimes you may reeled in their por sion, a- ‘quod has oly ai retraces Wha be eter off whet a lat of Wel ng, "Wo wont 45 last Year be ve enough experence fo call crans"He sided, "very pasion causo ‘everyody thought they Uiemaciven veterans, and ts lar fe wide open.” However lat year were beter than ey wee.” How. ‘8 Dakelman is conernd, That's was ny ination of who "wil ever the biggest protem was that Sot eeu He natn tt thre play wr, I aks ke theo he ayers rere ot I lp a 1a "oo inexperience” Datel ence wil be very potet. Rinning seal eon. This year, Dake 7 man wil make eure at everyone {ead to ply. “Many of the fo Tows ousted Tost Jeur, never {tt tp plyscal codon. This fellow doesn't get in top ‘Stesing the pnt, Daketman ‘aided, "The ones wo survive he ‘rst tree weaks of prac Wil be ‘fo play ad tho ones tet de, ‘rl oot play.” Continag. 09 ths Dnt Datelman gle oat to Feturaes senars Jef Lark, and Bl Caleego. He commented, “Le ark and. Caleago. have expe fence, but they're eng to have fo Dateinan wo ‘ake any" pre leit ae fo how is team "i be Me cincaded by saying, "7 [NOT BAD, EH? ... ead Coach Jay Dakalman reviews is plan or the Sid what we woul! dost feat {pcoming‘sesen. Although Dakalman hee iese ae te who will lay an es rang. 50 wl hg ‘thre bent that every pelion is "wide open ying ts yer Howarth’s Owlettes Begin New Campaign When sports ols areand this all, ever the team has seven veterans Howarth is hoping for a wining the hgh scl boys Wont be the returning tls season. as ly Ana souon this yr so the Onis ty tly ans competing. The gs of Karaje, France Scoring, Ill be clyible for the Sate Towns: PACS ao palate in ae of Garke, Bison Duly, Marah met, ‘many icing girs sports—feld Sa Aco Devoe, and Maria "Last year’s squad bad record Icey. No tha to gradation, Mt (last gears only fresh of 351 snd was nt eligible. Two fhe gris fockey team, under te man onthe sqiad) wil try fo put ofthe ler came tthe bande leadership of Barbara Howarth, tigeher a wining season alg ol Erdgewater Wet and. Sayre Tost a6 many a eght sears, ser. wth some of the upeoming is vile by te cao 1 Had those fetot wow were sare. How rom lat year's JV" equ Coach games bess tes or vn, might fave beans aiferet sesso, Tit ] sesicn coud be aiferent aaa few comPuMents OF | See ees ‘MR. & MRS. JOSEPH MAEGER fee pea ent tania | wishin EVERYONE A GOOD scHOOL YEAR! Park bt aso of the members fh tam tte, "I doen't rea iy mater whew aya has Bo elet onthe osoome of the RUDY'S fame" The gs open their ach Cone of he Lora dust MAYBE ob Aorng 2 peace tytn alt the players a ein top ph seal cote fe the fst game Harriers’ Future Looks Very Bright; Finstein, Rubin, Meseroll To Return by Howard Rabin ntner” Pall” "teana™eptber roc Country seasan and hope Iya auceetul one forthe igh “od Park Grose Country Teen Dest the les of selors ay Meyers aod sim. Reman, ie Sears eam shout be" Bete all Bond than last_yea's oad ike Moser, Nate Fins end Howard Rubin sald be oe of the Strongest and mat consent set oi ors trae runners hat High land Parc has adn the ps ow seas. Al tne af thea boys have Ins of experience ln bg end small ets, there sud be no prab- ‘en gelig ready for meets. With these three bays the frre looks rig. Jet Zapka wl mot Hkly be the fourth member of he vaaty ‘snd, Japka showed lots of pro Inte in sping track last Seven, fo be is beg looked a 9 be Big tet ote tam, “Alter Japa it Io a tase wp for so we he th ih ose ‘th "man onthe vary gad Pte Oat wil probably Be ene of ‘he member of he rare sad COSMETICS, WIGS & GIFTS By SHIRLEY K | sunieywmeoer 2440601 | 28 uwostow ave | ew anunswck, ne ans yoo ace | Ss ae ite wean Synoteia Hot Dey Cloning atimoeeret "~ |__| Seckieseee's man, * PEGASUS - sal Dresses tower teva inn Condy | | suede Steer Cleaned & WORK CLOTHES & WESTERN wean ‘Seergs & albany 3 ee ee JEANS STRAIGHTS 2 BHLS SHES 268 Side Bron 141 Roiton Ave, 249.963 425 GEOR uns acini {oh Dicounr wih ad For GEORGE ST. NAW neuncswncK Dry Cleaning 10.520, MON-SAT. Highland Park School of Music DRUG FAIR Privat intvorsnal srectn “gon & Pane Sie * sana ve tao FOURTH & RARITAN | HIGHLAND PARK. 545.5269 ACCURATE DENTAL LABORATORIES | att, 545.9779 FAST FREE DELIVERY 6 PATERSON sr. —— Ed J NeW BRUNSWicK BRUNSWICK SPORTING GOODS (OFFICIAL HIGHLAND PARK GYM SUITS FOR BOYS & GIRLS (CONVERSE — SWEATSHIRTS —OYM BAGS TACKETS — ADIDAS, 3 Livingston Ave.— Corner Gearge St, New Brunswick Ken Fredman, Joe! Grestin {rey Sebrager, abd Mike Tanai ‘wl agit i ot or the seventh Ponta ot A Se Figs mst take Into consideration tho boys ho did not run ols fas aq, especialy the Incm Ing rates ‘Aotber factor tothe teams su ‘is willbe how sco year Coach Sie Jomings il run the teat, ‘ast year, his irs year ab Crose Couniry' Coat, Jeans esl fexpetzented ith what type feunng’ the team ‘respond. t the bast. This year Jeaings wil hve the experience be ido five lat year, which shal gre Ty ep th ea Gal ENT CENTER courier {440 RARITAN AVENUE HIGHLAND PARKS LARGEST DISCOUNT STORE FOR WOMEN'S NAME BRAND FASHIONS FLAIR JEWELERS FINE JEWELRY — DIAMONDS ‘Souniaues — sitverwane Fabulous Selection of Fouhion Watehes 411 RARITAN AVE, [puna er Weise & Jerry Baum

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