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Etika Moral

Moral Ethics
Murdani Abdullah

Jenazah siswi SMP ditemukan di sawah dekat perumahan

mewah di Bandung (dono)
BANDUNG (Pos Kota) Siswi SMP Negeri di Bandung,
Pricil,15, tewas dibantai siswa SMPN juga di Bandung
berinisial SF,13, Senin (31/8). Korban menghembuskan
nafasnya di sawah setelah tersangka menghantam
kepalanya dua kali menggunakan palu alias martil.
Aksi sadis yang dilakukan dekat perumahan elite Grand
Sharon, Bandung sempat, membuat warga geger dan
berdatangan ke lokasi kejadian. Saat ditemukan mayat
korban tergeletak di sawah dan kepalanya luka serta
bersimbah darah.

Morals---our interpretation of right and wrong.
Help us distinguish good conduct from bad in
ourselves and others.

Merriam-Webster: "moral," the relevant one being

"conforming to a standard of right behavior."

Who Decides?
Where do morals come from and who gets to
decide what's right and wrong?

The answer to that question largely depends on the society and

the region.

Some areas are steeped in religious beliefs deriving their morals

from their religion

Once morals are accepted by society, they

become an unwritten code of ethics.

Morals deemed normal for one society can seem

outrageous to another.

Types of Ethics

Why the term moral ethics?

What other kinds of ethics exist?
Different way of looking at ethics.
Some study ethics from a normative view.
This approach looks at moral standards based on

consequences, establishing right from wrong by the


Other ethical theories are Metaethics, which studies

the origin of ethical principles, and Applied Ethics,

which studies specific societal issues like abortion and
the environment.

Use in Daily Life

Without giving it a thought, morals touch every
part of our lives

From a very young age, humans rely on morals.

Humans don't always adhere to established ethics.
Crimes are a good example of morals gone bad--

when desire overrides good decisions.

Ethics are not

Ethics is not the same as feelings
Ethics is not religion
Ethics is not following the law
Ethics is not following culturally accepted

Ethics is not science

Ethics are
Moral Principles
What is good and bad
What is right and wrong
Based on value system
Ethical norms are not universal depends
on the sub culture of the society

ethics refers to standards of behavior that

tell us how human beings ought to act in
the many situations in which they find

as friends, parents, children, citizens,

businesspeople, teachers, professionals, and

so on.

Where Does Ethics

Come From?
Tradition: Thats the way its always been.
Authority: Thats the way I was taught to
do it.

Reason: Thats the way reality determines

we ought to behave.

The Future of Moral

The state of moral ethics greatly depends on whom
you ask.

Some researchers will declare morals to be in a

state of crisis while others will say they're making a

come back.

One thing is obvious, as society changes, ethics


Future generations will develop their own ethical

changes as the world changes around them.

Sa'di from Shiraz

(the famous poet)
What makes a human body honorable is his soul;
beautiful garment does not make a man;

If eyes, tongues, ears and noses made a man; Then

what would the difference be between a man and a

painting on the wall;

Be truly a man, or else you would be a bird talking

human language;

If you could eliminate your fierce nature you would

live a human life all life-long

What Is Ethics?
According to the Islamic scholars,
Ethics includes all human traits which are
brought about either by


which make up ones personality influencing

ones deeds, conducts thoughts and speech.

"Khalq" (creation) refers to superficial

configurations which are observable with

naked eyes

"Khulq" (human traits) refers to the

internal powers and innate goodness

which are only observable with the hearts.

Imam Ali (as) has said:

"Khulq refers to the soul,
khalq refers to the body

As the bodies are different among people; some are

beautiful, and some are ugly, the souls are different
as well; some are nice, others are inhuman.

In the final analysis, the structure of human body

relies on the rules of creation, which are beyond

humans to tamper with; whereas our behaviors and
traits are for the most part learned and are formed
through hardships.

Ibn Miskawayh
in Taharat al-A'raq

Khulq is one of the traits of human self which

entices man to carry out his daily affairs without


Two types:

Some part of it is natural and rests on the human nature. An example is

when a man becomes furious over minor things or fears insignificant
events or becomes happy or depressed.

The other part of it relies on our customs and practices. This part at first
rested, no doubt, on thought but later, due to practice and repetition
takes on a habitual status; then it works with no thought at all

The Need For Ethics In Life

In order for a man to enjoy all his instincts and wishes

to a logical degree, to live at peace with others and to

attain prosperity both here and in the hereafter, he has
to observe ethical standards.

The advancements and degenerations of human

societies do not depend solely on sciences and material

progress. Rather, it is the observation of these ethical
standards which bring about either prosperity or fall of
such societies. The poet says:

Ethics keeps the human race alive; a tribe of humanity

which lacks ethics is doomed to die.

He will indeed be successful who purifies

it (the soul) and he will indeed fail who

corrupts it

Quran 91:9.

And most surely you conform (yourself)

to sublime morality

Quran 68:4.

Ethics is a set of moral principles and a code
for behavior that govern an individuals actions
with other individuals and within society.
Morality is what people believe to be right and
good, while ethics is a critical reflection about

Contemporary Ethical Issues

Informing patients of errors
Profiting from company ownership
Lying to insurance companies
Crossing interpersonal boundaries
Accepting gifts from industry
Telling the truth to terminally ill patients
Gaming transplant list to gain priority
Responsibilities to medically indigent
Advertising of favorable outcome statistics
Making decisions at the end of life

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