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Christian Grundemann

Algebra 2
Solving Systems of Linear Equations
November 19, 2015
566 words

There are many different methods to solve linear equations. Some are simple but time
consuming, and others are hard and short. You can pick any of these varying ways to solve the
equation. These methods include: Graphing, Substitution, Elimination, Elimination w/
Multiplication, Cramers rule, Matrix, Calculator, and in your head.

Graphing is the first method I will cover. Positives of graphing include it being simple and fast.
In my opinion, the negatives outweigh the positives. Usually, the (X,Y) intercepts have to be
estimated, making the method inaccurate in certain problems. Though in most problems this way
of solving is fast, it can become messy with fractions and decimals, leading to even more

The second method is Substitution. Substitution usually is used when one variable in one of the
two equations has a 1 in front of it. A positive of this method is its ease and speed. There are not
a lot of negatives to substitution, except you cant use it in all problems.

Next, I will cover two methods at once, due to their similarity. Elimination and Elimination w/
Multiplication both cross out an equation to isolate a variable, and eliminate the other variable.
Just simple Elimination requires two variables in different equations having the same
coefficients, but different signs. This method is extremely simple and easy, but only can be used
with the conditions above. Elimination w/ Multiplication is done by multiplying a certain
equation, or both equations, to get two variables have the same signs and coefficients. This is the
best way to solve linear equations in my opinion. It is quick and easy, but sometimes it can take


Our next method is not very popular, but it is the oldest. This methods name is Cramers Rule.
Teachers normally do not teach this method, due to how long and complicated it is. The
advantage of the method is how you get a perfect answer every time you use it. Cramers rule is
mostly used by scientists and engineers, due to its accuracy.

The Matrix method is the easiest way of solving linear equations. Putting the numbers in a
matrix is fast, and easy. Sometimes, you may do algebra wrong in one step of the process.
Another disadvantage is learning the keystrokes on your calculator.

Using a calculator to solve linear equations is not worth the time and effort it requires. For
example, you may need to confront the equation to y=mx+b, or slope intercept form, to graph the
equation in your calculator. This is time consuming, and inaccurate even in a graphing calculator.

The next method can only be used on simple equations. Doing a problem in your head can result
in a wrong answer easily. This is why you should only use the method on equations that will
come out to be no solution or all real numbers.

Some methods make solving linear equations tiring, and the others are easy and painless. You
should know all of these methods, as a few equations may be different than the others, and you
have to use a different method to solve. Also, using different methods can be used to check your
answers. My favorite method is solving via matrices in a calculator. It is simply the most easy
and accurate method. Make sure to know every method!

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