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Health/Immunization Record Policy

All children must, in accordance with state regulations, be up to date in terms of their
immunization records prior to beginning school.
o Without proper immunization, children will not be allowed to attend the program.

A copy of every childs health and immunization records must be kept in the nurses
office, as well as in each classroom for the children in that class. Health records are
confidential and must not be shared without explicitly written authorization from the

Teachers and caregivers should be familiar with each child in his/her care and take note
of anything that may be amiss.
o Weekly health checks and assessment are regularly conducted and recorded by
teachers, while screenings are provided by the nurse and other health
professionals in the beginning, middle, and end of the school year.

Proper referrals are made should teachers, nurses or health professionals notice
something atypical.
Sample Daily Schedule:

8:00am-8:45am: Drop-off and hot breakfast served

8:45am-8:55am: Morning greetings/reflection & meditation prior to going up to class
Class begins at 9:00am
12:00-1:00pm: School-wide lunch served, followed by at least 30 minutes of recess*
3:30pm: Younger children picked up by caregivers from classrooms
4:00-4:30pm: Older children picked up by caregivers from classrooms; buses begin pick up

*Children are always served a mid-morning and sometimes afternoon snack by their teachers.
Mid-morning snack must be no less than 1.5 hours after breakfast but not immediately before
lunch. Afternoon snack must be no less than 1.5 hours after lunch and should not be too close
to dismissal in the afternoon.
Food and Nutrition Policy
At Astoria Bilingue, childrens nutrition is extremely important for their holistic wellbeing and growth. According to Marotz childrens nutritional status has a significant effect on
behavior and cognitive development. (Marotz, 2012, p. 11). As such, each meal and snack
served is packed with nutrients to ensure that children are full, healthy, and ready to learn.

Everything is prepared using all fresh, artisanal ingredients to not only ensure optimal
healthfulness but also so that staff and families are aware of every single ingredient that the
children consume in the case of allergies.

Astoria Bilingue adheres to the Harvard University School of Public Healths Healthy
Eating Plate when preparing food for the children.
o Fresh vegetables and fruits, as well as lean protein, are served with each meal and
snack. Sample snacks may include a hard-boiled egg with baby carrots or Greek
yogurt with a fruit. The school does not serve any processed, artificial foods or

Breakfast is not mandatory but is served every morning prior to the morning greeting and
meditation that the entire school engages in before classes begin.
o If the children prefer to eat breakfast at home, they may do so but must be present at

If children are bringing their own meals or snacks, teachers must be notified ahead of time
and everything must be properly labeled in case there are any allergens that may endanger
the other children.
o The meal and/or snacks must be stored separately, away from the rest of the students
o Caregivers are encouraged to adhere to the Healthy Eating Plate both at home and
if/when sending food to school with their child.

Birthday treats and special occasions are allowed but must adhere to the Food Allergy Policy.
Emergency/ First Aid Policy

Unfortunately health accidents and emergencies often happen and sometimes cannot be
prevented. We aim to address that through our first aid policy so that we are adequately prepared
when these accidents arise.

Three school nurses are available prior to when the school opens its doors for students
and after the last student is picked up

Each teacher, principal, administrator and staff is trained in CPR, first aid, and
emergency care

A fully equipped first aid kit is located in each room in the building and is easily
accessible. According to Marotz (Table 9-1), the school first aid kits contain:

Teacher/personnel should administer first aid when necessary and record the incident as
soon as possible. The report should be kept in the childs file and sent home as well.

In the case of a serious injury or emergency, teacher or other personnel must stay with the
child at all times and, if possible via another adult, relocate the rest of the children
especially in the case of an epileptic seizure
o If the child is taken to the hospital, teacher/personnel must accompany the child
until the parent/caregiver arrives
o While someone calls 911 or goes to locate the proper emergency care,
teacher/personnel with the child must attempt to administer the proper urgent
care/treatment ASAP

In the case of allergies, teacher/personnel who are explicitly authorized to

and trained in how administer the epi-pen are able to do so

If the teacher/personnel isnt authorized to administer the epi-pen

but the child is clearly in danger, needs it, and is unable to do it
him/herself, they will be protected under the Good Samaritan law
if they quickly decide to administer it

o Parents/caregivers must be notified of the emergency as soon as possible

o Teacher/personnel must stay with the child until the parent/caregiver arrives
o Teacher/personnel must file the proper paperwork and write a complete report of
the incident, keeping a copy on file and giving one to the family
Medication Distribution Policy

Teachers/personnel cannot distribute medication to a child without specific, written

instruction from a doctor

In the case of a child who follows a medication regimen, the childs medication
records as well as explicit authorization and instructions must be provided to the
teacher and personnel who interact with the child

Medication must be kept out of reach from children and should be properly labeled
with the medication, amount to be distributed, at what time and whose they are.

Teacher/personnel must follow specific medication administration procedure and

always explicitly record the medication that was administered, the time, and dose
Communicable Illness/Exclusion Policy

According to Marotz, primary responsibility for a childs health care always belongs to the
family (Marotz, 2012, p. 48).

If a child shows sign of communicable illness, which is defined as an infection that

can be transmitted or spread from one person or animal to another, (Marotz, p. 115)
parents are responsible for making the proper arrangements for the child
o Parents must also adhere to the schools exclusion policy

Astoria Bilingues exclusion policy was adopted from Marotz:

Food Allergy Policy- Food Allergy Management & Prevention Plan (FAMPP)

Astoria Bilingue uses the Center for Disease Controls recommendations for Reducing
the Risk of Exposure to Food Allergens. Each classroom is allergen-free.

As suggested by the CDC, a list of children with specific food allergies as well as their
pictures is kept in each classroom at the teachers desk for reference.
o A master list is kept in the cafeteria where the servers and chefs are able to see it
but other children are not.

Chefs must pay careful attention to ensure that food allergens do not mix with the meals
or snacks they are preparing and must promptly and swiftly get rid of all food should they
have doubts. Families should be made aware immediately if cross contamination may
have occurred.

School breakfast, lunch, and snack menus are sent home ahead of time so that caregivers
are aware of what is being served and can make proper arrangements with their child and

At least two weeks prior to bringing food to class or school for a birthday party or any
celebratory events, caregivers must provide teachers with a comprehensive list of all
ingredients in the food items that they want to bring. If there are any foods that may cause
allergic reactions in any children in the classroom, the teachers will prohibit them and
suggest treats that wouldnt endanger anyone in the classroom.

All food school widewhether coming from home or in the cafeteria should be
properly separated, stored and labeled and handled and served only by a teacher or
cafeteria staff memberwho must wear gloves at all times.

The cafeteria and any rooms/surfaces where food is prepared, served, or eaten must be
properly cleaned before and after service, including where the children sit to eat.
Physical Activity Policy
We believe that children learn best when they are happy and active, rather than by sitting

at their desks all day. Play and physical activity are important not only for their physical health
and development but also their cognitive, social-emotional, and even language/literacy

Each morning is started with some light meditation and stretching after the children have
eaten breakfast.

They must play during recess for at least 30 minutes under adult supervision.

o On days where the weather does not permit them to go outside, movement
activities such as Zumba dance or games such as Red Light, Green Light, 1, 2,3
are planned for inside the cafeteria.

Teachers must also include movement during their day-to-day lessons and activities to
keep them focused and healthy as often as time permitsespecially in the younger
o Older children should also get movement breaks to reboot throughout the day.

Gym, dance and swimming are offered three days a week for all grades on an alternating
Pro-social Behavior Policy
Astoria Bilingue is trained in the RULER method which promotes emotional intelligence

and growth. The RULER method stands for:

From the Yale Center for Emotional Intelligence:

Emotions Matter
Emotions drive learning, decision-making, creativity, relationships, and health.
The Yale Center for Emotional Intelligence uses the power of emotions to create a more
effective and compassionate society. The Center conducts research and teaches people of all ages
how to develop their emotional intelligence.

Astoria Bilingue completed all three RULER phases

In each classroom, teachers incorporate emotion-based instruction and promote

compassion and empathywhich has been shown to strengthen academic performance as
Abuse & Anti-bullying Policy
We take abuse, bullying, harassment and discrimination seriously at the institute. In

compliance with the Dignity for All Students Act, our policy is the following:

All personnel has an obligation to report any acts of bullying, harassment, and
discrimination to DASA coordinator and school principal

Staff or parents must make an oral report no later than 24 hours after an incident occurs.
o A written report must follow no later than 24 hours after that.

Teachers, principals, and staff can, in good faith, make a call, oral or written report of
abuse, bullying, harassment or discrimination if they suspect any wrongdoing. They will
not be liable or punished if after an investigation, their report was false since they had the
childs best interest at heart

All reports must be immediately investigated

A laminated guide with signs of abuse and bullying must be provided to each teacher and
easily accessible at their desks

Building and Site Location

Astoria Bilingue meets local zoning requirements and is located on a quiet residential
street because location is always important to consider when selecting an appropriate site
(Marotz, 2012, p. 183). The three-story building is completely accessible and equipped with
elevators so that students of all abilities are able to get to and from wherever they need to go.
Children must not use the elevators unless accompanied by an adult. Each room is equipped with
a regular entrance and an emergency exit. Each floor is equipped with several exits/entrances
specifically designated for proper foot traffic flow as well as for emergencies. A floor plan is
visibly located in each classroom which notes the designated room exit and building exit in the
case of any emergencies. Officials meet with teachers and staff on a weekly basis to make sure
the blueprints and building design are up to par, and to ensure that there are no fire code
Risk Management Policy
Because unintentional injuries are the leading cause of death and permanent disability
among children under the age of 14, (Marotz, 2012, p. 207) teachers and staff must take
preventative measures to keep children safe on school property as well as on field trips and

All windows have proper fencing and each room is appropriate for the age group

Furniture, including toilets and sinks in the bathroom, are child-sized and kid-friendly.

Medication and other materials that may be dangerous for children are kept at out of

Anything small objects that can be considered hazardous are kept out of reach
particularly for the younger children and those with special needs

Playground and schoolyard are child-friendly, using pea gravel and sand while avoiding
products that are non-impact absorbing
Arrival and Dismissal Policy
It is imperative that the school takes detailed measure to make sure that there are no

issues when a child is brought to and picked up from school. As such:

Only people whose names are on the childs emergency contact card are able to drop off
and pick up a child. If someone else is dropping off or picking up a child, the school must
be notified ahead of time both through explicitly written consent as well as an oral
confirmation (phone call, for example).

If they cannot notify the school ahead of time due to an emergency, the emergency
contact should be the contact sent to pick up the child. In the event that this isnt possible
either, they or the caregiver must call the school and notify the staff as soon as possible.

As much as possible in the case of an emergency, the emergency contact(s) on the card
should be picking up the child.

Anyone picking up or dropping off a child must have proper identification with them for
going through security when entering through either entrance.

They must check in and check out so that the school keeps a record of who is going in
and out of the building.

Children should be dropped off in the cafeteria for breakfast and/or meditation and
picked up outside unless the weather does not permit
o In this case, they will be picked up in the cafeteria

Visitor Policy
Parents and caregivers are encouraged to visit classrooms whenever they would like in
order to maintain an open line of communication and develop trust with the teachers and school,

They must notify the teachers ahead of time. Teachers should then make sure that the onduty security guards are made aware that they are expecting visitors in their classroom.

Security guards must also be notified when teachers and/or administrators are expecting
visitors that will be working with children or the school such as firefighters stopping by
to discuss fire safety or professionals on Career Day.

All visitors, regardless of whether they are announced or unannounced, must show proper
identification, check in and out, and have their pictures taken for their visitors pass.
o This pass must be worn and visible at all times while the visitor is in the building.
o They must inform the security guards of why they are visiting, where they are
going, and whose guest they are so that the guard can use their discretion if they
need to contact someone to double check that the visitor is indeed expected.
Fire Safety Policy

Astoria Bilingue works closely with our local fire department to ensure that our fire prevention
and safety policy is up to par.

The fire department visits regularly to make sure that there are no fire code violations and
have most up to date, recent access to the building floor plans/blueprints.

A fire, smoke and carbon monoxide detector are available in every room at the school.

Fire drills are conducted on a monthly basis with the fire department so that children are
prepared in the case of an emergency. Each drill is conducted at a different time and
always documented. The fire department also maintains a record of fire drills.

Teacher and personnel conduct fire evacuation drills on their own time at least once a
month as well so that they are aware of the various alternate evacuation points in the case
of a fire and blockage of an exit

Extension cords are not allowed in the classroom and conventional outlets have been
replaced with child-friendly receptacles by an electrician (Moratz, 2012, p. 185)

The fire department visits and meets with the children twice during the year to teach them
about the importance of fire safety at the Fire Safety and Prevention Fair

Playground/Outdoors Safety Policy

Playground is large enough to be arranged so that younger children do not have access to
dangerous equipment that the older children do (for example, climbing structures like the
monkey bars) since younger children and older children do not play in the same capacity

Located close to bathrooms should children need to be accompanied while they are

Teachers, security guards and other personnel must always be present in various areas of
the playground so that someone is always keeping watch
o Children should be seen from all angles/locations of the large, open-spaced

The playground is fenced in so that the only people who have access to it are those
entering from inside the school (i.e. teachers, children, personnel)

o Equipped with two exits

Space dimensions are at least 75100 square feet of space/child (using the area at the
same time so that active play is encouraged and unintentional injury potential decreases
(Moratz, 2012, p. 191)

Playground is ADA friendly and inclusive

Trees, flowers, garden are maintained by the schools Garden Administration who
routinely check to make sure none of the plants are harmful to the children or poisonous
o Garden is fenced in and latchedan adult needs to open the garden for the
children to explore in
o Destruction of the garden is not allowedgardening staff often visits children for
a unit on how to properly take care of plants
Fieldtrip & Transportation Policy

Field trips must be planned in advance

Teachers are obliged to visit the space beforehand and ensure that it meets school safety

Without explicit, expressed consent from caregivers, child cannot accompany peers on
field trip

All chaperones must file proper paperwork (provide identification, contact information,
sign agreement and recognition of responsibilities)

School must use approved private transportation company with liability insurance and
documented, licensed drivers

Teachers and chaperones must make sure that children are properly buckled into their
seats and accounted for

Roll call must be taken on the bus prior to leaving for the field trip and prior to returning
from the field trip

Children should be assigned a chaperone in pairs or very small groups to accompany

them to the bathroom and keep an eye on them closely throughout the trip

Like with any other incidents or occurrences, a report should be filed if an incident or
injury occurs on the field trip

Teacher must take the following on a field trip:

o Field trip first aid kit
o Permission slips from parents
o Chaperone paperwork
o Cell phone
o Emergency plan which may include:

Where to go if an incident occurs

Blueprint of the area being visited

What happens if a child goes missing

o Emergency phone numbers and various people to contact during certain situations
(besides just parents, it would be a good idea to have the phone numbers of people
from the site being visited for the excursion)
o Sticker/badge on each child which has Astoria Bilingue, its address, and phone
number in case a child wanders off
Shelter-in/Lockdown/Evacuation Policy

Our school personnel and students are all trained in General Response Protocols where
shelter-in, lockdown, or evacuation are necessary

Teachers/personnel must conduct shelter-in, lockdown, and evacuation drills at least once
a month

In the case of a natural disaster, children are to move away from hazardous materials that
can fall and injure them and make their ways under their desk with their hands over their

In the case of an intruder, teachers and staff are told the signal Mr. Brown is in the
building through their walkie-talkie system.
o The school is then under lockdown until the intruder can be removed from the
grounds. Authorities are immediately notified

Evacuation plan was created with the help of local police and fire administration and
everyone in the building is made aware of what exit they would need to take under
different circumstances which call for evacuation. Authorities would immediately be
notified and make way to the school in order to assist so that the process is as smooth and
flawless as possible

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