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Student Teaching Evaluation

Student Teacher: Kelley Burcroff

School District: Grand Rapids Public Schools
City: Grand Rapids

Semester/Year: Winter 2016

School Building: Shawmut Hills Elementary
State: Michigan

Provide a summary description of the student teachers performance related to the INTASC Standards: Learners & Learning (Learner
Development, Learning Differences, Learning Environments); Content (Knowledge & Application); Instructional Practice (Assessment,
Planning, Instructional Strategies); and Professional Responsibility (Professional Learning, Ethical Practice, Leadership & Collaboration).

Ms. Kelley Burcroff taught in a 2
grade classroom at Shawmut Hills Elementary School in Grand Rapids Public Schools during her
fourteenweek student teaching experience in the Winter 2016 term. During her experience, Ms. Burcroff demonstratedthe ability to
carry out the planning tasks for all subject areas. She also planned and taught a unit of study on
. Through this unit, her
students were given many opportunities to learn through inquiry and handson experiences that allowed theirlearning tocometolife.
Her lessons were developmentally appropriate and allowed for theuniquenessofeachofher studentstoshineforth. Shemakessure
that she incorporates the districts curriculum standards intoherdailyplanningandattemptstoincorporatesubjectintegrationasmuch

Developing positive relationships with thestudentsinherclassroombecame one of Ms.Burcroffs greatestgoals thissemester. Sheis
sensitiveto the needs of ALL students. She was able to accommodate many learning and social needsofherstudentsintoherdaily
lessons, as well as working with an ESL student, in particular, who made great growth under Ms. Burcroffs intentional planningand
instruction. She is committed to creating a learning environment that is safe, structured and positive. Ms. Burcroff was a positive
teacher presence in her classroom throughout her experience. She used a variety of strategies that allowed her to interact
individually, in small groups and with the total class. Her management strategies developed throughout the semester, allowing her to
maintain control and to provide a functioning learning environment for her students. Classroom managementcontinues to be one of
Ms. Burcroffs areas of improvement. She learned a lot of different strategiesandtechniquesthis semesterthatwill only enhanceher

During herfourteenweekstudentteachingexperience, Ms.Burcroffplanned for and taughtallsubjectsinhersecondgradeclassroom.

She worked to involve all students in each lesson. She used avariety of strategies that encouragedstudentparticipationthatincluded
cooperative learning, various questioning, writing, and discussion strategies. DifferentiationwasusedthroughouthertimeatShawmut
Hills, allowing her students to be challenged and instructed at a level of learning best suited for them. Ms. Burcroffis aware of her
strengths and also those areas she wants to improve. She is open to suggestions for the best strategies, bestprocedures,andbest

Ms. Burcroff takes her responsibility as a teacher seriously and believes children and adults thriveinstructured environments. During
her experience, in addition to her classroom responsibilities, Ms. Burcroff participated in building level staff meetings, as wellas the
districts professional development opportunities. She participated fully in Parent/Teacher Conferences as well. One of her greatest
accomplishments this semester was the codevelopment of Brain Builders with three other student teachers, a lunchtimeliteracyclub
for 1st5thgraders whoarethemostimpactedlearnersinliteracydevelopment. Sheisalways looking for waystoimprove herself both
personally and professionally. Ms. Burcroff seeks for and is open to feedback of her planning and instruction, openly receives

Ms. Kelley Burcroff has demonstrated a capacity for planning forandrelatingtoyoungstudents. Sheis veryawareoftheneedsofher
students and works to find resources to help meet needs. Ms. Burcroff will be a positive, contributing professional to any building


University Coordinator: Megan J. Freudigmann

Affiliate Professor/Field Coordinator


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