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15 September 2005

Mr. Michael Bitondo

Permits Section, Water Bureau
Michigan Department of Environmental Quality
P.O. Box 30273
Lansing, Michigan 48909

Dear Mr. Bitondo

The principles of Catholic Social Teaching, specifically Concern for the Common Good and
Care for Creation, are the rationale for the Michigan Catholic Conference to comment upon the
proposed National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Permit concerning
Confined Animal Feeding Operations.

The MCC strongly supports agriculture in Michigan; the critical role it plays in this states
economy, the preservation of rural landscape, and the provision of food for the people of
Michigan. Agriculture has odors, noise, and waste. These are inherent side effects of this type
of land use, and must be, for the most part, accepted.

The MCC is very concerned, however, when certain agricultural practices begin to threaten the
public health, and pose serious ecological threats. Certain large farms, CAFOs in particular,
should abide by regulations maintained by the State of Michigan. The large amount of animal
waste generated in a relatively small area necessitates certain protections.

I recall working with you during the detailed, lengthy process involved in order to obtain an
NPDES Permit for the City of Onaway during my service as City Manager. That project was
pursued in order to protect the local environment, and the health of Onaways residents. That
community of 1000 people was required to obtain discharge permits, and is nearing completion
of a $10 million wastewater collection and treatment system.

It appears to the Michigan Catholic Conference that the same attention should be paid to the
potential risks posed by large agricultural facilities. In the spirit of good stewardship, proper
public safeguards should be implemented and maintained by the Michigan Department of
Environmental Quality.

Sincerely Yours,

Paul Stankewitz
Associate for Public Policy

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