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1. She ____ ____ big sister. 2. I ____ _____ daughter. 3. They ____ _____ family.

4. It ____ ____ big house. 5. It ____ ____ food. 6. We _____ students.

7. We ____ in ____ vacation. 8. It ____ ____ birthday party. 9. He ____ in ____ motorcycle


cold rich poor strong beautiful angry tired sad sick ugly hot

1. She____ _______________. 5. ______ is _________________.

2. ____ is _______________. 6. We ______ ________________ .

3. I ____ _________________. 7. ______ is __________________.

4. It ____ _______________. 8. ______ is __________________.



3 Is she __________?
Yes, she is. / No, she isnt.

Question 2 ____________________________________________ ___________ _?

Answer _____________________

Question 3 ____________________________ ________________ _____________?

Answer ______________________

Question 4 _____________________________________________ ____________ _?

Answer ______________________

Question 5 ___________________________________________ ____________ ___?

Answer ______________________

Question 6 _________________________________________ _________________?

Answer ______________________

Question 7 _________________________________________ ____________ _____?

Answer __________________ ____

Question 8 __________________________________________ _____________ ____?

Answer _______________________
|   ` c  !" 

1. _______________ is the bank? Its in front to the Carls Jr.

2. _______________ is the poem 21? Its of Pablo Neruda.

3. _______________ is Mary angry? Because she didnt pass the exam.

4. _______________ old is Michael? Hes 33 years old.

5. _______________ is the Carolines party? Its on February 1st.

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