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At the time of industrialization, two new groups

The contractor / factory owner
Industrialization changed the lives of the people. The population increased, bec
ause they could fight through the research of medical diseases and epidemics. Th
ere were now two new sections of society: entrepreneurs and workers. The entrepr
eneurs came from modest circumstances, such as crafts and some were getting rich
er through trade. They secured important positions in politics and business. Exa
mples were the famous family Krupp, Thyssen, Siemens and Borsig. The entrepreneu
rs increased their profits. With these earnings enlarged and modernized them the
ir businesses. As the entrepreneurs were now richer than the nobility, the nobil
ity had to start working, to say something in the policy.
The workers
The importance and the number of workers took to the course of the industrializa
tion process. They had nothing but their labor. Who found no work, could not sur
vive mostly. Dochmal with the low wages it was difficult. There were no laws tha
t govern how a worker had to work long and how much reward he got for it. The wo
rkers had to work every day eleven and more hours, woke up about an entrepreneur
. Noise, dirt and danger were part of everyday life. In Berlin, the average life
expectancy about 43 years. Men, women and children risked their lives daily and
their health. Anyone having a job, was happy about it. If they lost their occup
ation, they were mostly homeless and had to beg to survive.

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