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Abstract Organization: Sinergia, Inc. Address: 2082 Lexington Avenue, New York, NY 10035 Contact: Myrta Cuadra-Lash, Executive Director Telephone; 212-643-2840; email address: Project Title: East Harlem Promise Neighborhood Project The Project will serve East Harlem, a largely Latino urban community in Upper Manhattan with a population of approximately 131,000; it does not include an Indian tribe. East Harlem is characterized by high poverty rates, poor health care, and high rates of school failure. The poverty rate is nearly twice that of New York City as a whole, more than 20% of residents use emergency rooms for routine health care, the community has the second-highest HIV-related death rate in the city, and almost two-thirds of adults are overweight or obese. Children in East Harlem are three times more likely to have asthma than children living in the nearby Upper West Side. Only 60% of East Harlem's Black students and 63% of Latino students graduated in 4 years in 2009, Partner effective schools are Global Neighborhood Secondary School (GNSS) and Esperanza Preparatory Academy (EPA). Located at the Tito Puente Educational Complex, GNSS and EPA are the designated replacement schools for the phased-out Tito Puente JHS 117, which will close this month (June 2010). JHS 117 was a School Under Registration Review as 2 low-performing school, and was, until 2008, designated as a Persistently-Dangerous Schoo]. GNSS and Esperanza opened in September 2008 as NYC Department of Education schools with 6" grades, strong leaders and committed teachers. With one year of confirmed results, they each meet the RFP’s definition of effective schools but they are still fragile and urgently need family and student support services to assure all students’ academic success, Since 1977, Sinergia has worked with families of children with disabilities and families in crisis to help them understand their children’s needs, and to advocate for their children within health and education systems. It has extensive experience administering State and federally-funded programs, including serving as a Parent Information and Training Center since 1995, Partner organizations include Mt. Sinai Hospital and Medical Center, Boriken: Neighborhood Health Center, Association to Benefit Children, Caribbean Cultural Center African Diaspora Institute, Union Settlement Association, Committee for Hispanic Children and Families, Hostos Community College and Hunter College. The project will not use locally-defined community support project indicators.

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