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Ecosystem components, roles, and


Present By:
Nunung Rahayu Anas
071 404 151
School : Junior High School
Subject : Biology
Classs / Semester : VII (seven) /Semester II

• Competence standard : 7. Understanding the interdependence of the ecosystem.Kompetensi

Dasar :
• 7.1 Ecosystems and mutually determine the relationship between components of
• Indicator : 1. Identify the units in the state of ecosystems and the sun is the main energy
• 2. In the form of diagrams illustrates the food chain and food webs based on the
observations of an ecosystem
• Learning aim : Student can :
• Explaining the ecosystem.
• Describes the units of living things in the ecosystem
• Mention the variety of ecosystems.
• Describes the components of the ecosystem.
• Distinguish organisms and organisms heterotof autrotof.
• Explaining the relationship of interdependence between the components of biotic and abiotic
• Explaining the food chain, Netsfood.
What is Ecosystem?
• Ecosystem is the combination of each unit
biosistem involving reciprocal interactions
between organisms and their physical
environment .
so that the flow of energy leads to a certain
biotic structures and there is a cycle of matter
between organisms and an organisme. The
sun as the source of all the energy there.
The units Live in Ecosystem
The variety of ecosystem
• 1. Freshwater Ecosystems.
• 2. Ecosystem seawater(maritime)
• 3. Natureland ecosystem
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• 4. Artificial Ecosystem
Component of ecosystem
• 1. Biotic Component
a. Producen
b. Consument
c. Decomposer
d. Detrivor
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• 2. Abiotic Component
1. Temperature.
2. Water.
3. Salt.
4. Sunlight.
5. Soil and rock.
6. Climate.
* Component autotrof

Consists of organisms that can make their own

food from inorganic materials with the help of
energy such as sunlight (fotoautotrof) and
chemicals (kemoautotrof)
* Component heterotrophic

Consists of organisms that use organic

ingredients supplied by other organisms as
food. Component heterotrophic consumers
also called macro (fagotrof) because the food
you eat smaller size.
The relationship of interdependence
between the components of biotic and
abiotic components.

1. The dependence between individu in the

same species
Ex: To get the food, make a bird nest, and
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• 2. The dependence between individu in the
different species
• Ex: Food Chain and Netsfood
Food Chain
The displacement
of matter and
energy through
the process of
eating and
eaten with a
Nets Food
The food chains
are interconnected
with each other in
such a way that
forms are like nets.
Food webs occurs
because each
species of living
creatures not only
eat one kind of
other living
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