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Introduction to Hospitality Industry We 1 The hospitality industry: its links with tourism, travel and leisure turism and Hospitality a. Th nition of tourism The boundaries between tourism, travel, leisure and accommodation are not easy to define since they blend into or overlap with each other, © Tourism involves the mo emnent of people from one location to another outside their own © Tourism destinations provide of activities, experienc, facilities. © The different needs and motive satisfying and these in turn © The tourism industry includes a number of subsets which asa-whole ete neome within the eeencty b, Hospitality Industr What is Hos; Hit Kindness in welcoming guests or strangers What is the Hospitality Industry? Service Industry c. Link between Touri and the Hospitality Industry d. What does the Hospitality Industry produce? ©. Difference between products and services © Services cannot be inventorised layed or communi ind complex depends on employee action ulties arise in synchronizing supply and demand of srvices £ Relation between Service providers and guests g. Four characteristics which guide any discussion of the hospitality industry © Hospitality cannot be delivered without the presence of the customer, who also provides the source of revenue for the continued financial success of the operation. © Achieving a satisfactory balance between demand pattems, resource scheduling and opera ost difficult tasks tional ca ity is one of th facing hospitality m © All hospita operations require a combination of manufacturing expertise and service skill in a business which operates around the clock, ar, and is busiest wher ast other businesses are not © Well planned and designed the hospitality operation is the suecess of any ustomer experience will be determined at the interaction between the customer and the service pr Jation supply and demand a y of accommodation 1) Hotels 2) Camping and caravanning je who visit friends and relatives 4) Self-catering in rented accommodation Demand for accommodation 1) an expending economy stimulating both domestic travel and ) a growing tourism industry attracting international leisure visitors a. Political factors b. Economie factors ¢. Social/cultural factors 4. Technological factors Tourism suppl a. Travel agents and tour operators ». Airtransport c. UK ferries 4. Channel Tunnel

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