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1 ~r' coJtVO flArd"O)iI/,\O (A reo~ YVI~e& rc:clo,,)12- j~v- \ he ell 1'~12 is "if'-' de d fhrot. 'It, lie. Je" \0" oJ, ~ I WftU;-cj G# (" co- t Get w;)10

locoa CtA(j{ lArq_ (J'Y' peop tQ . 'l \'-~f<d e.t.AW~rt-I\. i rk

CCA/C, ell', h-c-.,~~ \ CCC 0''''''''--, 1/J. ... cJ' fA}w ~-

E-<.A~f-h'''l i~ o.,rro.oAci-d .

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F4-'so.."ctf cA.,onc,Q. (so ~IU -IV'\, UOj)JQ..U~ \ \\.Q tow jr s-h (). oreo()l.V);s-ecU:~l Jisv

~O~~ Iv'\d.vs't(~.

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r-e.t. aU- JrOM~fOrt; a..x. r ~ (re d.

® TL,Q. tr"f OtUe~rh ~ ~e) ~ ~ ~l'N\ {,.,~ o,,,,d r.?Wli~Oin*o

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Ie @ v£,I\('c.( . ~ {or Ie lcU(v"-1 ()l. h'"\.itc-~ {e Iep

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€.\. t~ \.t>\ "'-\I' oJ k k.- kiN> - ~ rwc--~ v, l/\Cv--- I~ r.t~CQ.-0 (') ~QVV;\} O'l')~ch.


Il~\('vc..h", t) 10(1 hl ~<.t ,to

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~ ~~o.,,7'.

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~rviJ.r ~r~vo~ °frcvA..v\:fv, ~ rk toc~

f r~v;~ ~ o-Jy..._cA-'~ {'OJ c~ lcccG-,. <Ie "-~~,k.IZ ~ (oCCAC.~

I r\tt(C~C.{1~ ~\rQ_;

. >f' ~CC)~~o..~ ~ fro ~ o,~ ~oi-OOS(A{\O"1.'\

)< &.,JJor~ till C\vlcnkOVl IV\dM(rt&\

.. . I '~rv "I 11..t,.", CC'v~ • .__, ~ .

.J'. rCA (_b,~ Ie \AI'" 'I~ ~~ pCf>\..A.ecvr ( !.Jcw'en, r"'C"'3~ ft<,_ r (.A'\~~·lAl~

I( y&cJ. tCOV\OVV'VU ;::. ~tA\./~ ~~CA G-~ .

. ' rfiC9... \-S coe:Arl~~ Cr~\)t/Jolst-!

(£j; ~ CV1 - r~' 11.~t~·= FV'Vl ~~ fore_; rv' .J.o-tN·~·..h,

ii'. ....f\N'lcJ I).. \. ..... c d -;. hA rv ~""V' I/>IL ""q_~ L'l . ..e.d ;",'"\ 0,'-'" c~·

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JV(revTf-Mot ~Qd 0~ l!~lkY~.

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Resorts phases

Transport phases

Tourists phases







B Territory

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0 \(J
Pioneer resort

2 2
r:; \$
Multiplication Increasc:oftransport
of resorts links between resorts o

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hierarchy and specialization of



Excursion circuits

Fully developed hi~yand soecializarion Sanrrarion

Maximum connectivity

Figure 3.1 Tourist space dynamics. Source: Miossec 1976.

~V<.~ 1Q -&Jt- ~

Global perception


Progress in perception of places and itineraries

Sparial competition and segregation


Departure of certain types of tourists Sawr.uion. crises and substitution




Infrasaucmre policy Servicing of resorts

tourism Development plan Ecological safeguards

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118-120 Great Titchfield Street, London, WIW 6SS


CTHCM Diploma in Hotel Management


Tourism (DHM 171)


September 2005

Time Allowed:

2.5 hours


You are allowed TEN MINUTES to read through this examination paper before the commencement of the examination. Please read the questions carefully, paying particular attention to the marks allocated to each question or part of a question, and taking account of any special instructions or requirements laid down in any of the questions.

This Examination Paper contains TWO SECTIONS. Answer ALL questions in Section A.

Answer any THREE questions in Section B.

On (ompletiolt of your examination:

Make sure that your name, CTHCM membership number, and centre number are clearly marked at the top of each answer sheet and on any other material you hand in.

J.\1.arks .Allocation

Section A = 40% of the module grade Section B = 60% of the module grade

©Copyright CTHCM 2005

©Copynght CTHCM, 2005


OHM 171; Tourism - September 2005

Cl):-.JI F.lll.RATI0N ('I'




.Ansner all questions in ibis section. Tbis section carries a total ~f 40 marks.


What do the letters ABTA stand for?

(2 mares}


\\ihy do governments often require visitors to have a visa?

(2 marks)

A3. Explain why transit passengers and diplomats are not counted in tourism statistics

by the World Tourism Organisation (\-VIO). (2 mares}

A4. \X/hat is meant by the term sustainable tourism?

(2 "'larks)

AS. Why is the superstructure in a resort usually privately owned?

(2 markJ)

A6. What is a passenger manifest?

(2 mares)

A 7. Explain how political unrest can make tourism dangerous.

(2 marks)

AS. Give four reasons for the growth in travel by the over 50s market.

A9. Explain the link between a high load factor and a low price.

(2 marks)

A10. Explain why infrastructure is essential to the success of a destination.

All. Why is tourism important to the growth of a country's economy?

A12 What has caused the rapid growth of the tourism industry?

(.J- marks)

A13. Explain the difference between a national resident abroad and a non- resident.

Give an example of each,

(-I- marks)

A14. Explain why it is possible for passengers on a plane to have paid different prices for their

economy class seats, (4 mares}

AIS. Using examples, explain why four of the top ten tourist destination countries have

such large numbers of tourists each year, (4 marks)

©Copynght CTHCM. 2005


DHM 171; Tourism - September 2005

r'",...,rEl"'fR"TIO"': or




Am-wer al!)' J questions in tbis section. Eacb question carries a total if 20 mares.


U sing a destination you know, describe how tourism has affected its culture, and whether this has been a benefit or a drawback to the destination.

(20 marks)


a) Explain the differences between the tourism product and tourism support services.

(15 marks)

b) Explain how the chain of distribution works in the tourism industry.


There are a number of different motivators and requirements for holiday travel. Explain the differences between the requirements of an allocentric traveller and a psychocentric traveller in relation to travel, accommodation requirements and activities undertaken during the stay. Use examples to explain your answer.

(20 marks)


Transportation is an essential component of the tourism industry.

a) Select a town, city or region of your choice and describe the main transportation

systems that serve it. These could include land, water and air. (6 marks)

b) Explain clearly how the three main uses of transport can help tourism in the destination you have chosen.

(8 mares}

c) Describe the significant differences in transportation requirements between business travellers, holiday travellers and the local population.

(6 marks)

©Copynght CTHCM. 2005


CC!.'lI'FlJU{,\Tl0N or


DHM 171; Tourism - September 2005



Describe the role of each of the following bodies and how they benefit tourism.

a) Association of British Travel Agents. (? mares}
b) International Air Transport Association. (5 marks)
c) Civil Aviation Authority. (5 mares}
d) National Tourism Council. (5 markJ) CO~FED£RAT[ON OF


MAN AC F 1',,1 ENT

118-120 Great Titchfield Street, London, WI W 6SS


CTHCM Diploma in Hotel Management


Tourism (DHM 171)


June 2005

Time Allowed:

2.5 hours


You are allowed TEN MINUTES to read through this examination paper before the commencement of the examination. Please read the questions carefully, paying particular attention to the marks allocated to each question or part of a question, and taking account of any special instructions or requirements laid down in any of the questions.

Tills Examination Paper contains TWO SECTIONS. Answer ALL questions in Section A.

Answer any THREE questions in Section B.

On completion o/your examination:

Make sure that your name, CTHCM membership number, and centre number are clearly marked at the top of each answer sheet and on any other material you hand in.

~i\;Iar/eJ A/location

Section A = 40% of the module grade Section B = 60% of the module grade

©Copynght CTHCM 2005

IDCopynght CTHCM. 2005



DH;\·1171; Tourism - .June 2005




Am-wer all questions in this section. Tbis section carries a total oj 40 marks.

AI. Which of the following is a private sector support service?

a) Visas and passport offices

b) Regional tourist offices

c) Travel insurance

d) Tourist information offices

(2 mares)

A2 \'</hich of the following is a public sector support service?

a) Travel insurance

b) Tour guide companies

c) Visas and passport offices

d) Travel trade press

(2 marks)

A3. \X'hich one of the following is concerned with the prIce of airline tickets;

a) eM

b) lATA

c) BAA


(2 marks)


List four forms ofland transport.

(2 marks)


What is the difference between a tourist and an excursionist?

(2 marks)


Wbat is a hub airport? Give two examples of hub airports.

(2 marks)

A 7. Explain why the tourism industry needs support services and give two examples of

these. (2 marks)

AS. What does ABTA stand for?

(2 marks)

A9. What is ABT A's main objective?

(2 marks)

AI0. Approximately what percentage of package holidays are sold through ABTA members? (within 10%)

AIL Wbat could be the reasons for any shortfall from 100% of package holidays being

sold through ABT:V (.J. marks)

A12 Explain the differences between a charter flight and a scheduled flight taking tourists to a resort.

(.J. marks)

©Copyright CTHCM. 2005


1)'111 DI'_liAI"ION or

DHM 171: Tourism - June 2005


1\ 13. How can political unrest make tounsm unsafe? Your answer should include at least two examples.

(4 marks)

A 14. Identify four different types of tourist and briefly describe typical activities and interests for them.

(-I- marks)

A 15. How can vertical integration in the travel industry be of benefit to the consumer?

Use examples to illustrate your answer. (-I- marks)

©Copynght CTHCM. 2005



DHM 171: Tourism>- June 2005


,'viANAGEME:'-I r


Amwer af!) ,1 questions in this section. Each question carries a total of 20 marks.


a) What makes a resort 'fashionable'?

(5 marks)

b) Compare and contrast one currently unfashionable and one fashionable resort. \'Vhat is it that distinguishes the successful one?

(8 marks)

c) How can fashion in a tourist resort be manipulated?

(7 marks)


Cruising is becoming a popular type of holiday experience and many companies now separate adult only and family orientated cruises.

a) \x'hy is cruising more popular than five or ten years ago?

b) Describe the main differences and facilities needed for each type of client

group as above. (5 marks)

c) What are the advantages and disadvantages of having adult only cruise ships?

d) What are the advantages and disadvantages of having family orientated cruises?

(5 marks)


Is there a conflict between conservation and tourism development? Examine examples of such conflict in a country of your choice and discuss how harmony can be achieved.

(20 mares}

©Copyright CTHCM. 2005


CONr£DE.MAT10N 01'

DHM 171, Tonl"ism-June2005




Mass tourism makes a considerable impact upon the environment in a receiving country. Outline the kinds of impact such large numbers of tourists can have. In your answer state whether these effects are considered positive or negative.

(20 marks)


You work at the local tourism office in your city and have to conduct research on tourism statistics to give the office a better understanding of the tourism industry in the city. List the type of information you would need to collect and why you consider it important.

(20 171arkJ)

~ .. . '-~ II!!:~





118~ 120 Great Tllchfield Street, London, Wl \\ 6SS


CTI-IeM Diploma in Travel Agency Management


Tourism (D'rM 111)


J anual), 2006


Tirre A l1071J:'d:

2.S hours

I rstruaurs:

You are allowed TEN MINUTES to read through this examination paper before the commencement of the examination. Please read the questions carefully, paying particular attention to the marks allocated to each question or part of a question, and taking account of any special instructions or requirements laid down in any of the questions.

This Examination Paper contains TWO SECTIONS. Answer ALL questions in Section A

Answer any THREE questions in Section B.

01 completion if )Wr examnation:

Make sure that your name, CIHCM membership number, and centre number are clearly marked at the top of each answer sheet and on any other material you hand in.

A1arks Allocation

Section A = 40% of the module grade Section B = 60% of the module grade

©Copyright CTHCM 2006



DTM 111: TOil rism - January 2006



A 'I1Suer all questurs in dJis SLum This section carries a total cl40 mnks.

AI. Which of the following is a private sector support service?

a) Visas and passport offices

b) Regional tourist offices

c) Travel insurance

d) Tourist information offices

(2 mules}

A2. List four different types of tourist accommodation that are found in most

destinations. (2 muks)

AJ. List four fOlTI1S of land transport. (2 mates)

A4. What is the difference between a tourist and an excursionist? (2 mues)

AS. What is a hub airport? Give two examples of hub airports. (2 muks}

A6. Differentiate between direct and indirect employment in tourism. (2 mules}

N. What do you understand by the term Green Tourism? (2 moks)

A8. What does the phrase 'low spend' mean with regards to a destination? Illustrate

your answer with an example. (2 moks)

A9. What is ABTA's main objective? (2 rmrks)

Ala. Approximately what percentage of package holidays are sold through ABTA

members? (to within 10%) (2 males}

All. Why aren't 100% of package holidays sold through ABTA members? (4 mules}

A12. Explain the differences between a charter flight and a scheduled flight which

takes tourists to a resort. (4 maks}

A13. How can political unrest make tourism dangerous? Your answer should include

at least two examples. (4 males)

A14. Identify four different types of tourist and briefly describe typical activities and

interests for them. (4 maks)

A1S. How can vertical integration in the travel industry be of benefit to the consumer?

Use examples to illustrate your answer. (4 moles}

©Copyright CTHCM 2006


a) \V11at makes a resort fashionable?

(5 rrnrks)

CON', l.rn.KA11{)J'! OF

~t n l1l'i


• ~oJJ_


DTM Ill: Tourism - January 2006



A 115m?' tiny;! questions in this section E (lob question carnes a total ({ 20 males.


b) Compare and contrast one currently unfashionable resort and one fashionable

resort. \Xlhat is it that distinguishes the successful one? (8 rrurles}

c) How can fashion in a tourist resort be manipulated?

(7 muks}


Cruising is becoming a popular type of holiday experience and many companies now separate adult only and family orientated cruises.

a) \Xihy is cruising more popular than five or ten years ago?

(5 moles}

b) Describe the main differences and facilities needed for the client groups mentioned above.

(5 mtres}

c) \Xlhat are the advantages and disadvantages of having adult only cruise ships?

(5 nures}

d) What are the advantages and disadvantages of having family orientated cruises?

(5 rrnrks)


Is there a conflict between conservation and tourism development? Examine examples of these types of conflict in a country of your choice and discuss how

harmony could be achieved. (20 moks}

©Copytight CTHCM 2006 3

(20 mules}

DTM Ill; Tourism - .Janu;lI"Y 2006

CONFH1F.nI\T1(lN or

ts n 11'11



Mass tourism makes a considerable impact on the environment in the receiving country. Outline the kinds of impact such large numbers of tourists can have. In your answer state whether these effects are considered positive or negative.

(20 rnnles}


y ou work at the local tourism office in your cit) . You have been asked to provide statistics on the tourism in your city to give the office a better understanding of your local tourism industry. List the type of informai ion you would need to collect and why you consider it important.

©CoPYlight CTHCM 2006


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I J 8-120 Great TitchticJd Street, London, WI W GSS

----------------------------------------------------------------------- -----


CTHCM Diploma in Hotel Management


Tourism (DHl\1171)


January 2005

Time AilOJved·

2.5 hours


You are allowed TEN MINUTES to read through this examination paper before the commencement of the examination. Please read the questions carefully, paying particular attention to the marks allocated to each question or part of a question, and taking account of any special instructions or requirements laid down in any of the questions.

This Examination Paper contains TWO SECTIONS. Answer ALL questions in Section A.

Answer any THREE questions in Section B.

0,1 completion ojyottr examination:

Make sure that your name, CTHCM membership number, and centre number are clearly marked at the top of each answer sheet and on any other material you hand in.

lvlarks Aiiotatioll

Section A = Section B =

40% of the module grade 60~/o of the module grade

©Copyright CTHCM 2005

DUM 171: Tourism - .Ianuary 2005





.Ansuer Jl/j questions in this section. This section rarriesa total ~r ~, mares.


Give a clear definition of a tourist.

(2 J?tark.,)

Which organization is concerned with travel agents in the UK?


3. The seasonal pattern of visitors to a resort is affected by:


a) The value of the local currency

b) The economy of the host country @ The climate of the resort

d) The economy of generating countries (2 mares)

.. ,. __ .. -.')

4. What i~nJourism? 7 _ (2 marks)

L /(0 e\ot~-\"'4'(u 1.~;?~1".'~J,.._, 4-~ c.:;)4~-t-·o-.. ... J. F; ...... "i--~'c ......

5. Define the term spa resort, and give an example. (2 mares)

What is meant by the term sustainable tourism?

f~\..e ","~c\J:..~S

Which organisation represents airlines? _


8. Explain the difference .etween wect and indirect employment in tourism and give a clear

example of each. (2 mares)


(2 marks)



List the four stages in the chain of distribution. V,('" ,J __ --._cu

10. What does the phrase 'low spend' mean with regards to a destination? Illustrate your

answer with an example.ict ... ,,~+ prcctvd-. <:>-""'- ~ (c..CCDf"V\. ,f'.:t's) (2 marks)

..... ""\t bw co~t

Over ~'lst few yearyleisure and tourism has grown rapidly. Briefly give four reas?ns for

this growtu.-- - ~i\.". '1 rt~o~ovV"'l""'" 1\1\-<>--'- Me...."", b -r---d 0V1 k:,,,,~1

__ . , - j,u_;~. (J 1r-'Vf"~J,.;o/V' I esr' &1\IN?.(;io-+. (4 marks)

- (a'",vI1 CCVI",h-..,lf a-c\.i.~co\ ol'o.~Ov. IS ~''''~ ~O(-oJJfL

- ~ reV\. 1\- rrocW.cJ-, o._.~ !ii:"""a ~~

18 List and briefly describ~Jour private sector support services. "-- ) (4I11arks)

- ,J:...uv~ ''\$W''w-'-''..-· .-r.~",<./c.-{ .u.-.: <>- ~_, c.""""~"'J e.c.. ?

_nrV"Jc. ~ ~vl()./ - fv~,.. -jI"IO« .e...-- c> -~ dr

13. 'Differentiate between ~~ture and infrastructure, and how each of these is .

normally financed. ~ ~."\ ----- (~markJ


14. \yhat is the name given to factors that help.make travel easier and list (ouJ~--ples.

f-~c.; hl<--{c"__ \ l' ~,,~ -I~'''"-'''c:vV ('J",,,- lp "" (JIY\-"'" k> "'MrodN;- ... /d. k)

~ ,_.) \}- -.;i .Jev'o ~J. - q ,-, I<t" mar. J

l\-\~"""" ~

~ J~\~" ~", ... ""'<h QJ<-()""~(\\I\'Q. -r::v,).

15. Describe four as~cts of culture which are most likely_ to differ from country to country.

(4 mares)



©Copyright CTHCM. 2005



OHM 17); Tourism -January 2005



..... - --~ .. -------------


A nsuier aJ~JI J questions ill ibis sertion. Each question carries II total 0/20 mares.


There has been a huge growth in low cost airlines which has led to an increased number of flights into and out of major airports, and has increased activity in smaller regional destination airports in Europe.

i ..... ('0< eJ."

a) Describe the various consequences of this growth on the foreign

locations. (10 mares}

ill1 Describe the various consequences of this growth on~~

au-ports. (10 ;arkJ)


a) Describe the three main products of tourism giving two clear examples for each.

- - (1ImarkJ)

b) Explain the different methods that travellers may use to purchase these products,

and give examples for each method you describe. (1' mares}


There is a continuing growth in cruising as a holiday.

The major shipping companies in this market have been building larger and larger ships. Cunard, Carnival Cruises, Disney Cruises, Holland America and P&O have all introduced huge modern super cruise ships canying from 1500 to 2000 passengers.

.. ----._-

a) Why do you think ,this ~ansion has taken place?

b) What are the major regions where these cruise ships sail from and to?


c) What impacts do these super cruise ships have on their Ports of Call

during their 7 or 14 day cruise programmes? (5markJ)

d) Are these ships becoming a destination in their own right?

(CCopyright CTHCM. 2005


(ONHl1£~l ION OF




DHM 171: Tourism -January 2005


Describe the econon Itnpact of toux.isrn on a destination you kllow . .Q~. S"t0 .....

~/~S ~


Events and Festivals have a role in attracting international tourists to a destination.


Using examples, explain why this is so.

(10 markJ)

b) As with all things there are both positive and negative aspects to such events. Using an example you know, discuss this statement.

~OCopyright CTHCM. 2005


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