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Unit 2.

1.! D 8. A 14. C 20. B

TYS Unit 2.4 2.! D 9. D 15. B 21. A

3.! C
(Pure Biology) 10. B 16. D 22. C
4.! C
11. B 17. A 23. C
Transport in Mammals 5.! C
6.! A 12. A 18. C 24. C
7.! D 13. D 19. A 25. D
26. C

Structured Qn 1 Structured Qn 1d
(a)!M: Right atrium; N: Aortic arch/Aorta; (i)! To increase the rate of diffusion of
(b)!1. Air at P has a higher concentration gases between the air in the fibres
of oxygen compared to Q [1/2] and the blood;
2. Air at P has a lower concentration of (ii)!Small pores would only allow small
carbon dioxide compared to air at Q molecules like oxygen and carbon
[1/2] dioxide to pass, and not larger
(c)!Alveoli; molecules like glucose and

Structured Qn 1e Structured Qn 2a
(i)! White blood cells (Reject lymphocytes, (i)! M: Inferior vena cava;
which have round nuclei); N: Aorta/aortic arch;
(ii)!The levels of white blood cells may O: Pulmonary vein;
have increased to fight any infection/ (ii)!Tissue U is muscle tissue, which
foreign particles; that may have undergoes contraction and
entered into the body during the relaxation to pump blood;
surgery; (iii)!Coronary artery;
Structured Qn 2b
Structured Qn 2c
•! Right atrium contracts (1)
•! Semi lunar valves open (4)
•! Right ventricle contracts (2)
•! Tricuspid valve closes (3)
•! Deduct 1 mark for 1st mistake, 1/2
mark for 2nd-3rd mistake

Essay Qn 1 Essay Qn 1
•! Blood contains lymphocytes which •! Blood also contains platelets which
produce antibodies that help to help in clotting of blood when there
agglutinate bacteria and allows them is an injury [1/2]
to be easily ingested by phagocytes •! Damaged tissues would release
in the blood [1.5] thromboplastin, which would convert
•! Antibodies also help to neutralize prothrombin in the blood into
toxins produced by bacteria [1/2] thrombin [1/2]

Essay Qn 1
•! Thrombin would convert soluble
fibrinogen into insoluble fibrin fibres
•! The fibres would trap platelets and
blood cells forming a clot, sealing the
area, preventing entry of bacteria

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