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Aug. 13, 2010 – P. O. D.

Write the numbers from least to greatest

1) 51 41 54 29 2) 203 230 302 233

3) 121 111 212 222 4) 975 982 985 970

Last Night’s Homework:
pg. 20 #’s 1 – 31 odd

1) 0.14 3) 0.15 5) 3.915

7) 307.5 9) 4.2 miles 11) 0

13) 21.5 15) 32.9 17) 2.7

19) 21 21) 7.6 23) $4.75

25) 0.075 27) 740 29) 0.006

31) 0.08
Sec 1 – 6: Comparing and Ordering Integers

1) To find opposites and absolute values.
2) To graph and order integers.
Vocabulary -
Opposites – Two numbers that are the same
distance from zero on a number line, but in
opposite directions.

Integers – The set of positive whole numbers,

their opposites, and zero.
Ex 1) Finding an Opposite

Find the opposite of -4.

Check Understanding: Example 1

Find the opposite of each number.

a) -8

b) 13

c) -22
Ex 2) Finding Absolute Value

Find -3 and 3 .
Check Understanding: Example 2

a) Find 8 and -8 .

b) Number Sense Which two numbers have an

absolute value of 1?
Ex 3) Comparing Integers

Compare -7 and 1 using <, >, or =.

Check Understanding: Example 3

Compare using <, >, or =.

a) -8 2

b) 2 -2

c) -3 3
Ex 4) Ordering Integers
Climate Order the cities by temperature, from coldest to warmest.

Nome: -10° F

Fairbanks: -27 ° F

Anchorage: -5 ° F

Valdez: 8 ° F

Juneau: 11 ° F

Kodiak: 10 ° F
Check Understanding: Example 4

Order the numbers 3, -1, -4 and 2 from least to


Page 36

Numbers 1 – 35 odd

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